The formation and sustaining of self-critical and aware cultures of resistance, unlearning the fear of talking to strangers and making mistakes, the abolition of mediation and private property.
Red Dawn, Land & Freedom, Underground, Das Netz, Enemigo Comun, La Commune (Paris, 1871)
"Whipping Girl : A Transexual Woman On Sexism And The Scapegoating Of Femeninity" by Julia Serano ,
"Our Enemies In Blue" by Kristian Williams
"Teh Great War For Civilization : The Conquest Of The Middle East" by Robert Fisk
Grand Jury Resisters
Oaxacan Resisters, Zapatistas, Macheteros of San Salvador Atenco and other regular people standing up to government and capitalist deathsquads to create a new life and new relations