The Semi-evolved Simians profile picture

The Semi-evolved Simians

...are ape decended, and so are you!

About Me

Who are The Semi-Evolved Simians?
Well, to answer the question as bluntly as possible, we all are semi-evolved simians! Every living human being today is a semi-evolved simian, as well as every chimp, every gorrila, every orangutang, every bonobo, every babboon, and every monkey (spider monkeys not excluded).
To the over-reactionary type, this statement might tug on a few strings that don't want tugging, and sounds like it lends to the idea that we are unevolved and stupid creatures. How far from the truth this hastey reaction is!
First off, how could anyone see our world and see our technologies and fain the idea that we haven't evolved, because we most certainly have, but there is a catch to evolution that not very many human beings want to respect, as has been demonstrated time and time again, in almost every aspect of our culture (human culture, not American culture).
What human being isn't taught that the Homo Sapien Sapien is the most evolved animal living on the planet evolved even that some schools of thought (or systems, rather) want to pronounce our species as not being an animal at all and that "we ourselves" should place ourselves outside of this realm. And we think that not beliving in a god is blasphemy!!! THIS KIND OF THINKING IS BLASPHEMY!!
None the less, we are highly evolved and specilized creatures, but here is the detrimental catch! We are highly evolved, yes, but have we finnished evolving? Certainly not! There is no cap to any species' evolutionary progression until it's species exists no longer (yes, goes extinct!). sure a certain animal might be totally specialized for its nitch in nature, but there are always external forces working and until that species goes extinct it will never stop evolving. And if it hasn't stopped evolving what does that make it? Semi-Evolved. Of course! And are we an extinct species? Certainly not! have we finnished evolving? Certainly not! are we fully evolved? Certainly not......
We are all Semi-Evolved Simians!!!
Like I said in the beginning of this stupid bio. thanks for playin'
Alternative theories of the origin of human diversity
The so-called "Candelabra Theory" of regional continuity (left) suggests that diversity among extant human populations arose originally from within Homo erectus and has continued over several million years, with some exchange of genes (arrows). The "single origin" theory suggests that all extant populations stem from a relatively recent, probably African, population. Molecular evidence strongly favors the latter theory, with a common ancestor of all living humans at ~250,000 YBP

My Interests


Member Since: 2/12/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Constable Lindy plays Guitars and makes noises that to some may sound like a dog barking, to others, the sweet bubbling of a mother's womb...your momma!......I mean your choice, yeah, thats what I mean.

Governor Piddlepants smokes the free-bass and backs up the constable's swanky croon, that is, of course, when he is not piddling his pants, which are actually more often sweaters and T-shirts than actual pants. Piddlepants doesn't know anything about the wearing of pants, he just thinks the name sounds funny. fucking Goof!

Commandante Knuckledragger beats on things whether they are part of a drumset or not, most of the time we try to stick a drum, or something of that nature, in front of him. The funny thing about knuckledragger is that he is the most evolved one of us all, being a Homo Erectus (one of the most important predecendetnts to modern homo sapien sapien), and yet he is by far the most ape-like. This of course should be the constable's domain for he is one of the farthest removed human ansestor, Australopithecus aferensis. wierd, eh?
Influences: First, above all else : the ever evolving natural world (This is the 0point)
1. Lindy Sr. Our beloved benefactor
2. Richard Leakey
3. Propagandhi
4. The Turkana Boy (knuckledragger's younger, annoying brother)
5. Talking heads
6. The Taung child
7. Robert Lewin
8. Lucy
9. Milo (he was a cat, but in his day, he was god!)
10. Crimpshrine
11. All chimps, gorrillas, orangutans, bonobos, and the rest of the members of the hominidae genus (including modern humans and all their ansestors).
if it wasn't for family, where would we be?
12. All the new and old world monkeys and prosimians
13. D4
14. The Dorian mode
15. All of the other modes
16. Modulation (not with a pedal, harmonic modulation we're talking about here)
17. The random variety of culture (past and present)
18. Anything that humbles
19. The Black Skull
20. Discontentment
21. Contentment
22. 870
23. Douglas Adams
24. Pedro
25. Oh yes, and the constant persuit for perspective and knowledge through the mediums of paleoanthropology and archaeology.
The keys to the future reside in the past!
Sounds Like:
the Great Apes.

Record Label: GangOfHominidsRecords
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

On Human Sexual Behavior (geez, a real long one)

Since this area of human behavior has been of significance in many of the people's lives around me, I feel its time to give myself and everyone else some perspective on why we act how we act when it c...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 03:27:00 PST

The meaning of the non-meaning of a human being's life

I've been thinking a lot about death lately. Not really the morbid stuff as much as the cultural perspective on death, and the meaning of human importance, and surprisingly my thoughts on these things...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 06:29:00 PST

The illusion of primitiveness

First, let's make one point staggeringly clear, and that point is that every modern species flora or fauna (including modern humans) is just as evolved as any other modern spe...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 11:15:00 PST

All hail our God, Technology! Hail!! Hail!!

Ok, so I am a part of this Green Anarchist "group" here on the myspace thingy.  Not that I would claim to be specifically a "green anarchist", I'm also in the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy grou...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 12:44:00 PST

The end of history?

It is said by some that Capitalism is the end of history.  This is a load of bullshit.  History is the kind of thing that doesn't do too much ending.  It kind of keeps going on doing it...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 02:06:00 PST

The Riggidy riggidy rundown

Ok, so I decided to take this off of the front page and make a blog out of it.  I felt that it was just taking up too much space.So, here's the latest rundown of our history:BEFORE HUMANS WERE HO...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Sat, 06 May 2006 03:26:00 PST

Hey, I'm over here!!!!

Dogs like to bark to eachother from their respective back yards a lot.  Sometimes it's rewarding to imagine what they are saying to eachother, like they might be saying, "Hey! I'm over here!" "...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:54:00 PST

CaCoPhOnY iS LiFe Is MuSiC

late morning, birds in the trees, the city droan moaning on and on off in the distance, ...always in the distance... a blustering counterpoint to the whimsically syncopated melodious spring so...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:34:00 PST

The 6th Extinction

AN ACCIDENT OF HISTORY we may be, but there is no question that Homo sapiens is the single most dominant species on Earth today. We arrived late on the evolutionary scene and at a time when the divers...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 02:11:00 PST

When a Man Contends

There once was a lonely man who lived on a very remote beach all by himself, well&tried to live at least.  Everyday, for one whole blistering month, he crafted his home out of the sand.  And...
Posted by The Semi-evolved Simians on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 08:37:00 PST