beer, graffiti, movies, video games, comic books, baby cage fights, monkey knife fights, anarchy, anarchism, anarchists, autonomous social struggles, autonomous self-organization, revolutionary solidarity, insurrection, insurrectionary anarchism, green anarchy, class struggle anarchism, anarcha-feminism, indigenous resistance, temporary autonomous zones, social revolution, cultures of resistance, direct action, smashing hetrosexism, abolishing police, abolishing prisons, smashing racism, radical mental health, earth liberation, smashing white supremacy, anti-capitalism, anti-statism, anti-leninism, a world without borders, immigrant solidarity, earth first!, zines, distros, slinging, stickers, posters, art, screenprints, sex, chocolate, vandalism, bread, eggs, juice,
Joe Hill
hip hop, Coup, Public Enemy, Gangstarr, Dialated Peoples, MDC, KRS ONE, JSBLEX,
Do The Right Thing, Taxi Driver, Big Red One, Blues Brothers, Sin City, Batman Begins,
Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, Lost
psssh... books?? I read a bunch of really boring political theory, and I find it all on the 'net and make pamphlets of the shit I like.
Batman, SPOZE, NIMBL, ZYPHER, and any other kid who wrote something on a wall, train, etc.