Scott Gallegos profile picture

Scott Gallegos

I love lamp!

About Me

Better Views voted track of the day and track of the week twice! Always embracing life and reveling in the extremes of emotion. I consider myself just one of the many Portland area songwriter hell bent on bringing back the classic folk sound that inspired previous generation to dole out the likes of free love and harmony.I am currently recording my first solo album and am looking forward to sharing the new songs as soon as they are ready. Enjoy the tunes.

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My Interests


Member Since: 11/15/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: *Scott Gallegos- Lead Vocals, Acoustic Guitar* Jaimie Keller Bass, Back Up Vocals*Robert PeArt- Lead Guitar*Jason Schreiber- Keys, Acoustic Guitar, Back Up Vocals*Ji Tanzer-Drums*CDBABY LINK for SCOTT GALLEGOS: Est. 1976 --
Influences:My influences are vast to say the least. I could go on and on throwing out names like Paul Simon, James Taylor, and Jackson Browne, but the reality of it is that I am just to young to take credit for these influences. The first time I ever heard a song by any of these artists was out of the mouth and by the hands of my father. I have to give the credit of my musical foundation to him. He tought me, not only how to fingerpick and chord, but the basics of the instrument like tuning and stringing. Once this foundation had been established, the construction of my own style started to develope. I listened to Depeche Mode, REM, The Violent Fems, and The Cure untill my ears bled with joy, but it wasn't untill I met (again introduced by my Pops) David Wilcox that I understood that I could write beautiful melodies and sappy loves songs and not be considered a big "Sally". I am still influenced by new artists even today. Folks like John Mayer and Sarah McGlachlan continue to fuel my hope of bringing quality songwriting back to the masses.
Sounds Like: Some say I sound like David Wilcox, some say I sound like John Mayer. I have always likend myself to... well, I guess myself.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Today I am here.

There is still so much to do that it seems foolish to say where I am, but change must be noted as evolution hasn't stopped. If asked right now, I would say that I am in the middle of the journey, but...
Posted by Scott Gallegos on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 03:06:00 PST

South by SouthWest Music Fest

I'm thrilled to say that we will be playing the always amazing SXSW music festival in Austin Texas as well as touring through the mighty state of Texas.  This is huge and I'm absolutely thrilled ...
Posted by Scott Gallegos on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 08:01:00 PST

Looking forward

One week of recording left and everything is coming together well.  I couldn't say enough how much I am looking forward to saying "I just sent the disc in for reproduction".  The band is in ...
Posted by Scott Gallegos on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:48:00 PST

The new photo's

I just wanted to pass along the credit of the new photos you see.  They were shot by James Martin and I have to agree with you all that they turned out great.  He is availble for private wor...
Posted by Scott Gallegos on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:39:00 PST

As the future approches...

Without a doubt things are moving forward.  I know it's not really that profound of a statement but from the point of view of the travelor it can be the lifeline that is affermation.  The re...
Posted by Scott Gallegos on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 07:11:00 PST

Things are well.

     Isn't that just great to say?  Music is moving forward, life is steadily flowing in the direction it does and I feel I am comfortably knelt in a cosmic catchers stan...
Posted by Scott Gallegos on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 11:35:00 PST

Expecting a new arrival.

If I have ever lacked anything, soon I will be past it. I am expecting something beyond amazing.  I'm sure I am undeserving, yet my excitement is bounding.  It's my turn to have exactly...
Posted by Scott Gallegos on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 12:39:00 PST

Good times on Tuesdays

I am excited!  As I come into my 3rd week hosting the open mic/Portland Area Songwriter Series at the Bitter end, I find myself filling dates and organizing artists.  I definatly have to tha...
Posted by Scott Gallegos on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 06:13:00 PST


It's 8 o'clock on saturday morning.  I woke up today like I do most.  I pulled my covers down, got up, put them back and took my first steps.  It doesn't seem all that impressive, howev...
Posted by Scott Gallegos on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 08:27:00 PST