Dave Boulden profile picture

Dave Boulden


About Me

Before I tell you about me, I think I should take a second or two to point something out. If you are reading this because I sent you a friend request, I sent it for one or more of the following reasons:
    I actually know you or know one of your friends who has suggested I check out your page. You are band, artist or musician. I enjoyed your material and would like to leave you a comment to show my appreciation of your talent. You are an artist or musician who I'd love to callaborate with on a musical project. We have one or more interests in common. You simply look like a really cool person that I'd like to get to know.
I am not simply adding people at random to get the biggest friends list, that's ultimately pointless and it's really not what I'm all about. I'm not going to spam your comments page (or your "in box") with gig flyers, random rude pictures, glitter text, religious mesages, pictures of red roses/teddy bears/kittens/other assorted "cute stuff". I will most likely have found your profile either from a comment you left on someone else's page, or because you are in the "Top Friends" on the profile of someone else I either know or is a friend here on MySpace...I do tend to browse around thru friends lists and page comments, it can lead to finding some amazing artists or really cool people. OK... back to the subject at hand...
Basically, it's just me and my studio. Every now and then I also collaborate on my songs, "All Of This Time" being a good example... it features Mick Philips from East Germany who reworked some piano, strings and percussion and Luis from Portugal who did the great guitar solo. More recently I have been collaborating with the lovely talented vocalist and songwriter Andrea French .
I mostly write music for fun, but also occupy the keyboard seat with Kent based covers band, Marylebone Jelly .
I've been in bands and had music a major part of my life since I was in my early teens when my parents bought me an acoustic guitar... but I haven't written music with any degree of seriousness since my teens and a brief period in the mid-80's when I was half of a synth-pop duo (some of which you can listen to on my website if you're feeling brave). Since joining MySpace, initially having a personal profile, I have been inspired by the great artists I've found here... and I strongly recommend you check them out... they are, in no particular order:
Claire Toomey , Clea & Ben (thanks for the encouragement!!) from Mooli , Jodie May Seymour , Judie Tzuke , Anna Neale , Alexis Strum , Helen Boulding , Imogen Heap , Donovan Lyman , Billy Franks , Karen David , Todd Sharpville and probably quite a few more I've either forgotten to mention (sorry!!) or am yet to discover.
As I have now written some more material, I shall start using the MP3 player below so that you can still listen to (if you want to!) older tracks that have featured here.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/14/2005
Band Website: drstudio.demon.co.uk/
Band Members: Dave Boulden: Vocals, keyboards, percussion and a smattering of guitar, bass, drums, mandolin and digeridoo.
Influences: Peter Gabriel, David Bowie, Tears For Fears, Talking Heads, Kate Bush, Sting, KT Tunstall, Pink Floyd, Jools Holland, Penguin Cafe Orchestra, Brian Eno, U2, Duran Duran, Queen, Imogen Heap, Donovan Lyman... and shed loads more I can't be arsed to type out right now!

There's also a few MySpace artists who are influencing me now who are not only excellent musicians & songwriters, but also either deserve far more exposure than they are currently getting, or just deserve a listen anyway 'cos they are fabulous! I know most of these people are already linked in my Top 8, but I really want to make the point that they are worth having a good listen to.

First is my wonderful new chum Andy Johnstone . Please go and give his songs a listen, he is amazingly talented.

Next up is the lovely Lobelia . Such a talented singer and songwriter.... and she likes kazoos... woohoo!!!

Next on the itinery is Donovan Lyman (yes, he definitely deserves to be mentioned twice!) This guy, apart from being an amazing vocalist, is coolness personified!

Our next stop is a wonderful young lady who goes by the name of Claire Toomey . Do not be surprised if this amazingly talented artist appears in *your* CD collection soon.

Take a moment to enjoy the delights of Mooli . Aswell as being two of the lovliest people you could meet, Clea and Ben are partly responsible for inspiring me to start writing songs again.

Please, please, please go and have a listen to Jodie May Seymour . Such an expressive vocalist... expect to be wowed by her intelligent sophisticated songs.

Next up is the lovely Clare Blackman . Don't go expecting sweet pop songs... do go expecting incisive observations by someone who is not bound by *anybody's* rules.

Just had to add Todd Sharpville . He's an amazing musician and songwriter... and besides, anyone who is fed grapes by naked women on stage and leaves on the back of a motorbike driven by Leo Sayer in drag is damned cool in my books!
Sounds Like: ... although he's quit smoking, he should have quit sooner ;o)
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Meet more of my friends... again... part deux

I thought it was high time I did another "Meet my friends" blog. In the many months since I last did one I have come across thousands of great new and established artists. I have geared my self up to ...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:18:00 PST

Now theyve really gone and done it.... (WARNING: this is a rant)

Actually, I'm really pissed off about something.... parasites.... PARASITES!!! In particular it's those parasites hanging around MySpace who want to promote your music. I'm not talking about the hundr...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 04:03:00 PST

New song: "Lease of Life"

Here's the second completed track from my songwriting collaboration with the lovely Andrea. The track is entitled "Lease of Life", music by me, lyric, vocals and vocal melody by Andrea. Just for a cha...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Thu, 10 May 2007 06:16:00 PST

I'm passionate about...

... lots of things. I'm passionate about music. I may not come across as particularly passionate, probably more "odd" or maybe "obsessive". Perhaps most creative people don't come across in the way th...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 05:53:00 PST

New song.. "MAMAHEY"

Well, it's about that time again, I've completed (more or less) another song. It's called "Mamahey". Once again the gorgeous Andrea has done some of the vocals for me, she is singing the first ve...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 05:01:00 PST

The first new track from a new collaboration

Flippin 'eck! At last a new song!! I've been busily working on a collaboration with the gorgeous Andrea, and this is the first of the songs we've been working on to reach anywhere near completion... r...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 04:53:00 PST

Thro away remark : New studio!

THROW AWAY REMARK : NEW STUDIOPlease note: all the images are clickable to see larger versions.. My humble little studio as was. Not a bad little space, but a bit cramped for more than one person, p...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 02:34:00 PST

Please go have a listen to...

...Amy Tinsley I have come across some amazing artists here over the past few months and a bunch of them will most likely appear in a new "Meet my firends" blog soon. But today I listened to Amy Tinsl...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 02:34:00 PST

Marylebone Jelly gig - 22nd April - Rainham, Kent

As mentioned in my last blog, I also play keys with Kent based covers band, Marylebone Jelly. We have a gig coming up at The Plough and Chequers pub in Rainham, Kent [map] on Saturday 22nd April.Now t...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 03:31:00 PST

Video montage of my covers band: Marylebone Jelly

As some of you may know, that apart from my solo stuff I also play keys with Kent based covers band: Marylebone Jelly. This video is a montage of live, rehearsal and studio footage clips over 5 tracks...
Posted by Dave Boulden on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 06:11:00 PST