I am a dreamer. I am a woman that loves to feel; to be intoxicated by the little things that make this life so beautiful. Like getting caught in a thunderstorm in NYC on a summer afternoon and enjoying the wetness that seeps in between your sandals and toes. Or finally experiencing that first kiss from that boy who gives you butterflies with the slightest glance when passing each other in a crowded hallway. And as you keep walking, you would think to yourself, WOW – he smiled at meee… and that small gesture would have you floating on air for days.
I hold onto the little moments, like the time when you argue with your mom, but since she’s your mom and you love her you eventually end up apologizing even if it was her fault and are convinced that she was being completely irrational – but then when she hugs you, no matter how old you are, you feel safe, loved and the tighter the hug, the weaker in the knees you become– and for a few moments all of your troubles fade away.
In my eyes, this is what makes life so beautiful, rich, and breathtaking because these are the truest moments of our souls shining through and I can’t help but share the way I experience life’s beauty through my songs.
I know it may sound a little cheesy, but that’s okay – I have accepted that my sense of humor and the way I see things is very quirky but after a while it rubs off on you and soon enough we are going to be laughing out loud together like old friends.
It took me a long time to get to where I am. Where exactly is that? A happy, warm, and fuzzy place. Out of all the colorful and descriptive adjectives available in the entire English language, happy pretty much sums it all up and my music definitely reflects that part of me.
My voice, my words, and my music are the soundtrack of my soul and I want to share it with everyone. My purpose is to inspire, to touch, to grow, and to be better each day – and I am honored that you are here to share in this adventure.
I must tell you ladies and gentlemen, the truth is that didn’t spend years training at Julliard School of Music and attending performing arts high schools in NYC to let fear or lack of faith keep me from doing the things that I love. I have had the honor of working side by side with some talented up-and-coming producers like Michael Devine and Jus Benjamin during this musical journey. Now, I can only dream about what the future has in store for me.
Besides, I am in my mid-20, work fulltime and I have to say I am growing tired of working for the man. ☺
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Happy 4th Of July and Other Stuff
Singing On The Couch - Chain of Fools