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Only I possess the key to my world of madness.

About Me

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Hi, it's Sabrina of 'The Haunt'
If you looking for me, talk to me
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ASCAP Members since 2001
(Born to be blue)
"Creativity is a drug I cannot live without."
Cecil B. DeMille
Okay, I have decided to try and write as much as possible in this section in order to cover the long, long, long row of black nothingness below before you reach the friends/comments section.
I was born in Bruxelles, Belgium, moved to Los Angeles at age 8, lived in LA most my life until moving to NYC but I'm so moving back to LA (you don't realize how much you miss a place until you leave it). I love all that is Gothic (no not pale face poser makeup, the real thing) from the architecture to art, music to apparel. I love everything old (pre-1960) lifesyle, films, music, cloths, books, everything.Both sides of my family are in the arts. My mom was an opera singer, my dad a soloist concert violinist, his sister a concert pianist, and his brother a Tenor (Operetta). My mom's mom was a professional dancer as was my mom's sister & her brother a child actor. So, I'm kind of all over the map when it comes to my musical taste and likes. My voice is more on the classical side, but my soul is more on the Jazz side and temperment, well, I'm a funk queen (I LOVE to dance)!!!!
When it comes to being a musician, my motto is learn everything you can, then forget it! Too much technical knowledge can kill creativity. And to me the essential gift is soul and I mean gift. Just about anyone can sing or learn to play, (just look at American Idol if you can stomach it), but not everyone has the gift of soul & pure talent. I’ve heard plenty of singers with beautiful voices; guitarists with impeccable technical skills, even good dancers, but none leaving a mark -- you’re just left thinking that was good -- not OMG, or even better being left absolutely speechless because you are so moved. Musicians like that are not easy to come by but I think people are loosing the ability to see/hear that.
As a songwriter, I'm old school. I like to write music that mean something, lyrics with substance and a story to tell to the perfect melody.
I love, and I mean love to travel, especially abroad (the farther the better)... I wish I could do it all the time, but the lack of millions of dollars obviously won't permit this luxury. I have been lucky enough to have gone to quite a few countries thus far, but surely not as many as I would like to visit.
The Haunt
If you want to know more about our band, you can check out our bios at our official website: that also has live show photos/video, celebrity & fan photos, samples of music from each album, live interviews, reviews, press, and more.
Sabrina's Details
Minnie Mouse
Which DISNEY character are you most like?
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My Interests

Writing/producing music, performing & fashion design.
LOVE to dance!!! but not much time for it).
Mid-eastern & medieval/gothic architecture, clothing, art, and music.
Film Noire (I live for the 1930's and '40's (I have always felt I was born too late)
Traveling abroad (the farther the better)... but no matter where I am LA will always be home to me (I forever will be a California girl!)
Reading (not much time for that either)

I'd like to meet:

Johnny Depp, Walt Disney & Lucy Ball

But, on a serious note, all cool people are welcome!


First and foremost a little self promo won't hurt anyone - "The Haunt" I love our music!!!

And a few new & old friends: Drew Crow Star, Egrus, The Tanks, The Montgomerys, Paula Cole, Jeff Buckley, Marianne Faithful.

I'm all over the map when it comes to music but I’m into bands/musicians actually know how to play their instruments, know how to sing, and can write a great song!
Here are a few of my current and all time favs:

The Cure, Physcadelic Furs, Placebo, The Killers, Depeche Mode, Kate Bush, U2 (old stuff), Earth Wind & Fire, Counting Crows, Led Zeppelin, Early-Zapp, Morris Day "The Time", Ella Fitzgerald, B.B. King, Gershwin, Puccini, Rogers & Hammerstein, Duke Ellington, Jacque Brel, Edith Piaf, the list goes on, the beat goes on...


I am a HUGE Film Noire buff as well as pre 1978 thriller, disaster, and horror (not gore) films

Most films from the RKO days 30's and most pre '60s B&W, I love the "The Thin Man" movies, Myrna Loy and William Powell have the best chemistry on film).
Anything Erwin Allen, Tim Burton, Sleeping Beauty (Disney), Lord of the Rings (All), Jaws, Close Encounters, The Fog (original), Amityville Horror (original), The Omen (original), The Exorcist, Poltergeist, Rosemary's Baby, Planet of the Apes (1968-73), Logan's Run. Anything with Lucielle Ball.


I'm not much into TV, but here it goes:
Prison Break, Jerico, The Riches, Twilight Zone ('60's), Outer Limits ('60's), I Love Lucy/The Lucy Show/Lucy & Desi Comedy Hour. For 'real' news, BBC.


Pierre Boule, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Ira Levine, J.R.R. Tolkein, and the obvious classic authors.


John Pires :)
June Preston, Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse, YSL, Dior, Valentino, Irwin Allen, Lucy Ball, Fred Astaire, Dean Martin, Ella Fitzgerald, BB King, John Williams, George & Ira Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Mendelssohn, Puccini, Rachmaninoff, Rembrandt, Rubens, & Michelangelo.

My Blog

The Haunt's new CD -- On Sale Now

  Our new CD entitled, "It's Good If You Like It"   ON SALE NOW@     Click below to sample new album   Tha...
Posted by Sabrina on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 08:22:00 PST

VOTE for THE HAUNT, to play at Giant Stadium while helping to save the Planet!

VOTE FOR 'THE HAUNT''See us perform at 'Giant Stadium' and help raise awareness to save our planet!' By CLICKING ON THE LOGO ABOVE and VOTING for 'The Haunt' YOU just might help us get the gig of...
Posted by Sabrina on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:49:00 PST

Our new CD "It's Good If You Like It!" Coming soon!!!

The Haunt's new CD entitled "It's Good If You Like It!" is finished (Yey!!!!)Please stay tuned for the release date and our CD release party/venue information.  ...
Posted by Sabrina on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 08:07:00 PST

Where to buy 'The Haunt' CDs

Hello boys and girls, ladies and gents: For those of you who have been asking where you can buy our band CDs, below are just a few places who carry both "Euphoria" and "7 Tales From a B...
Posted by Sabrina on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 12:51:00 PST

The Haunt (Band)

Hi:For those of you who are asking about my band, 'The Haunt'... you can check us out on our MySpace page at: or go to our official band website:http://www.thehaunt...
Posted by Sabrina on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 12:09:00 PST