Has been launched! Please check it out to see where else we're sprouting up...
::: VIDEO :::::: BIO :::I am Jack came together around four years ago now and, like so many other dissatisfied groups of teens, they poured their emotions into their music. The sounds produced were by turns raging, desperate and escapist but always passionate. As time went on they found their feet live and settled into their requisite roles within the group.
Today, as their lives and their music progress apace, there is a new depth of emotion to the bands sound. They are, of course, still "space eyed and rocket fuelled" but perhaps now they are also a little wiser and a whole lot more determined. The music they make is carefully crafted, launching aural arrows aimed right at your heart. Their unique sound is informed by both the universal redemption found in the world of post-rock progressions and the intensely personal observations of an alienated, twenty-first century outsider.
As such, there is room for everyone to find a place in their diverse musical landscape. If you are ever in need of an escape from the intolerable burdens of day-to-day life then, i urge you, seek them out! You won't be disappointed... they rock pretty hard too!
'My frustrated scribbles in their various shapes and forms are meant to describe the hench sound of I am Jack but do not at first glance do them justice . . . As the ending comes we can whisper apologies and beg to stay or we can set fire to the night and scream some meaning at the cosmos in a final blaze of glory? I Am Jack most definitely answer with the latter' --- SURFACE UNSIGNED
::: NOTICE TO YOU, THE READER :::Please feel free to utilise the Add , or the Download function on our tracks, and get them playing on your MySpaces, the more people who hear [and like] our music the better! So get [legally] sharing and spread our noise across this thing like a virus...
Many thanks, I Am Jack
::: I AM JACK HOTLINE! :::We have this phone, it's like the Batphone, but it's the Jackphone, a lime green phone in a glass case, formerly on a pedestal at Crow Crag (now in a box in storage cos we have no practice space), it has a single green button with a link directly to Rob's brain. Please use it's number to reach us for whatever reason -- we can't guarantee we'll answer it, but we will be checking all messages left on it, be they voicemail or text. So if you don't get through to one of us, just leave your details and we'll hunt you down using various clever forms of wizardry. We look forward to hearing from you...
JACKPHONE: 07772 868 998