Esther used to be able to sleep. profile picture

Esther used to be able to sleep.

always avoid the puppies of purgatory

About Me

I'm cold. really cold.I know I know, you all told me so.

My Interests

Movies. Music. Creative people. Traveling. Bars.

I'd like to meet:

Filmmakers, Artists, locals, Geeks, Writers


Indie-rock, not-so-indie-anymore-rock, punk rock, those people that play at dirty rock bars, music made by chain smoking, drug crazed, producers on nothing but a computer, and all those songs I know the words to.


and beyond that...I love the movies that have been made by me, my film school buddies, and any other movie that's been made by anyone else that made a movie just because they wanted to take something out of their brains and show it to the world.Fine! You want a list? Here!Joe Vs. the Volcano Borat: blah blah blah blah Love Actually All about my mother (pedro rocks!) Life is Beautiful Paths of Glory and everything else by Kubrick


PR, No Reservations, Top Chef, Good Eats, South Park, Lost (I got the 1st season on DVD and I'm fucking hooked), Heroes. jeez! when did I start watching all this TV!


Almost everything by Tom Robbins or Orson Scott Card.


My mom.

My Blog

The mac is back

Apparently power supplies for powerbooks go out regularly. I just got mine in zee mail via excellent pal Crystal. (why can't canadian sites take amercian money? it's just as good I swear) I missed my...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 11:05:00 PST

Snow Snow Snow Snow!!!

In my mind I'm singing that to the tune of Todd, Todd, todd, Todd from "mom and dad save the world." You know it, you love it.Corey taught me how to drive in the snow today. So far not too bad but it...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 12:07:00 PST

News from the north

Fuck Borat, fuck him right up his tight anus! I just changed my password but I did something wrong because somehow or another a video ended up on page that I did not put there. Oh no, it was not em...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 02:22:00 PST

National talk like a pirate day has come and gone

And I'm closing out this fine day by watching "Too Legit: the MC Hammer Story." It's near and dear to my heart because MC Hammer was my first concert. The year was circa '91 and the place was the Ca...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 12:05:00 PST

the catching up

so i am out of my house in two weeks. It's all rented out and what not to some friends of freinds. I hope it all works out. Keeps those fingers crossed for me.My neighbor Ryan and I went out for dri...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 10:50:00 PST

Be jealous of me film geeks!

Corey scored us tickets to see the premiere of Pedro Almadovar's new movie at the Toronto film festival. He's like one of my favorite directors and it's a huge festival and I hope hope hope he'll be ...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:03:00 PST

Holy Shit they are remaking Conan the Barbarian

When will this craze of movies that don't need to be remade being remade end. Seriously. I thought the remake of Revenge of the Nerds was a bad idea but this is terrible.In other news:I'll be back i...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 10:42:00 PST

of Montreal

Man is the food greasy. Some of it is tasty but it is all most definately greasy. I think my belly has been aching all week. Last weekend Corey and I had tickets to the just for laughs festival, to ...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 02:10:00 PST

Did someone say American Gladiators Marathon?

My adventures to Toronto Island were cut short by some windy weather today so I'm staying at home editing a project I've been meaning to edit for about oooooohhhhh 7 months now. Corey's bro was over t...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 10:24:00 PST

Purple Rain, Purple Rain

Another sleepy day in Toronto. I continued today unashamedly watching movies I should be ashamed to watch. Here is my list of bubble gum, Rumor Has It, The Family Stone, Nanny Mcfhee, and most resen...
Posted by Esther's in a deluxe apt. in the sky-y-y-y on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 04:27:00 PST