GO GO’S MUSIC profile picture



About Me

.. www.myspaceeditor.itGogo’s music is a record label that produces mainly Eurobeat music exclusively for the Japanese record label AVEX(http://avexnet.or.jp/eurobeat/index.html).It was founded officially on 9 May 2006 by Domino and Sandro Oliva but wecan safely say that it was formed on its own 10 years ago when Sandro Oliva and Domino were still an integral partof the record label ABeat C. An autonomous work team was established within the Rodgers studio headed by Mr Olivaand Domino who tried to directly involve all the artists and singers with whom they were working: the Gogo girls atthe forefront Lolita another example, Mega NRG Man and , they all took part in what was happening. Domino and Sandro Oliva had understood the importance of involving the artist directly in each piece that he/shewas to interpret; the artist felt he/she was heard and understood, involved in the writing of the lyrics andoffering advice on melodies or harmonies, so that each interpretation reflected what the artist wanted to say orscream to the world. The name Go Go’s Music is a tribute to one of our creations: the “Go Go Girls”. Mutualcollaboration started right from the first pieces and as this worked well the two producers continued along thispath, deeming that this was the right way in which to proceed. This led to memorable hits such as “My sweetbanana”, “One night in Arabia”, “Let’s go, c’mon” to name only a few. They are still up to date and each year wecan still hear them on many Super Eurobeat lists Domino explains: “Unfortunately Rodger’s studio policies no longercorresponded with ours and so we decided to physically leave the Dave Rodgers studio and create a new one that wasright for us and for the artists we produce; because our artists not only sing but also collaborate in theproduction of their pieces”. Domino and Sandro have chosen not to leave Contini/Rodgers as regards the Editions; in this way they have thepossibility of also producing pieces for ABeatC Artists whom they are close to. “Over the years – says Sandro – asmall Eurobeat family was established with whom we get on, we discuss things, we argue, but above all we have fun;the Eurobeat genre is really fun, and if you have not yet done so, we recommend you take a look at our in-studiovideos and you will see! The Go Go Girls are pure entertainment, but when they sing they drive me mad! Lolita looksat Domino’s shoes and they spend hours talking about fashion …sometimes I reprimand them, and they go back tosinging; but they complain straight away, they are also great fun!!!” The record label is brand new but it has already produced some exceptional results: “ Ready, steady go!” by Manuelwas included in the compilations Super EuroBeat 177,SUPER GT 2007 and Super EuroBeat 179, “Stop the time tonight”by Lolita on Super EuroBeat 175 as well as “Go Go Where you wanna go go” by Domino and “Rock me” by Mega Nrg Manfeat Kiko Loureiro (link: www.kikoloureiro.com.br) and we must not forget the new arrivals: Betty Beat with “My heart goes boom boom boom” and “My Lucky Star” by Ester found on Super EuroBeat 178. We can’t wait for all the surprises that Go Go’s Music has in store in the near future……. We will discuss thisshortly.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/3/2008
Band Website: gogosmusic.it
Band Members:
Gogo’s musicは日本のAVEX社(http://avexnet.or.jp/eurobeat/ind ex.html)と独占契約を結んでいる主にユーロビ㠃¼ãƒˆã‚’ãƒ—ãƒ­ãƒ‡ãƒ¥ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã™ã‚‹ãƒ¬ã‚³ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ä¼šç¤¾ã§ã€ï¼’ï ¼ï¼ï¼–年5月9日、DominoとSandro Oliva の意向で公式に誕生した。 実際はその10年程前にSandro Oliva とDominoがまだAbeatCレーベル で補佐的役割だった頃、自然に生まれ出てき たと言えるだろう。Rodgers スタジオの内部で独立したあるワーキングチ ームが誕生した。それは制作するアーティス トとシンガーが直接参加することを努めたOli va と Dominoが率いるチームである。まずは Gogo girls、Lolita 、もっと例を挙げるならMega NRG Man Mega Manuel 皆彼らはそうしたチームでの共有者だった。 DominoとSandro Olivaはこれから先々にプレイされる楽曲で、㠂¢ãƒ¼ãƒ†ã‚£ã‚¹ãƒˆã®ç›´æŽ¥å‚加の重要さを感じた。㠁ã‚Œã¯ã‚¢ã‚¤ãƒ‡ã‚£ã‚¢ã‚’シェアして理解を深める㠁“ã¨ã¯ã€ã‚¢ãƒ¼ãƒ†ã‚£ã‚¹ãƒˆãŒãã‚Œãžã‚Œã®ãƒ—ãƒ¬ã‚¤ã®ä ¸­ã§ä¸–界に向けて言いたかったことや叫びた㠁‹ã£ãŸã“とを歌に書くときにメロディーやハ㠃¼ãƒ¢ãƒ‹ãƒ¼ã«ãƒ’ントを与えて効果的だから。 Gogo’s musicという名は私達の作品の捧げ物でありGogo ’s Girlsã¯ã€ã‚‚ã†ã™ã§ã«åˆæœŸã®æ›²ã‹ã‚‰ç›¸äº’çš„ã«å…±å Œåˆ¶ä½œã—てきた。2人のプロデューサーは常㠁«ã“ã®æ–¹æ³•ã§è¡Œå‹•ã—ãªãŒã‚‰ã†ã¾ãã„ã£ãŸã®ã§é €²ã‚€ã¹ãé“は正しかったと感じた。 こうしてほんの幾つか挙げても “My sweet banana”, “One night in Arabia” , “Let’s go, c’mon” のような記憶に残るヒットが生まれることに なる。今も尚、現在進行中で多数のSuper Eurobeatの中でその名を簡単に見つけることが㠁§ãã‚‹ã€‚(http://avexnet.or.jp/eurobeat/index.html) Dominoが説明する・・“残念ながらRodgers Studioの考え方と私達とのがうまく一致しなか ったから、Dave Rodgersのスタジオ: から物理的に脱退することにしたの。そして 全く新しいものを私達のサイズで作り出すこ ととアーティストは自分たちで育てることに 決めた。だって私たちのアーティスト達はた だ歌うだけじゃなくて曲作りにも協力してい るわけだから。 Domino とSandroはこれらのエディションに関してはCon tini&Rodgersから離れない道を選んだ。こうだ™ã‚‹ã“とでAbeatCの愛着のあるアーティストに゠‚曲をプロデュースできるチャンスがあるか゠‰ã ã€‚この数年間・・・サンドロが口をはさ゠€- 仲が良くって、討論しあって、でも何と㠁„っても皆で楽しめるユーロビートのスモー㠃«ãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒŸãƒªãƒ¼ãŒèª•ç”Ÿã—たんだ。ユーロビート㠁£ã¦ã„うジャンルは本当に楽しい。もしまだ㠁 ã£ãŸã‚‰ã‚¹ã‚¿ã‚¸ã‚ªã§ã®åƒ•é”のビデオをちょっ㠁¨è¦‹ã‚‹ã‚ˆã†ã«ã¨å‹§ã‚ã‚‹ã‚ˆã€‚ãã—ãŸã‚‰ã‚ã‹ã‚‹ã¨æ €ã†ã‚ˆï¼Go Go Girlsã¯å˜ã«æ»‘ç¨½ã€ã ã‘ã©å½¼å¥³é”ã«æ­Œã‚ã›ã‚‹ã¨å ƒ•ã¯ã‚‚ã†ãªã‚“ã ã‹ã‚ã‘ã‚ã‹ã‚‰ãªããªã‚‹ãã‚‰ã„å ¤¢ä¸­ã«ãªã£ã¦ã—まうんだ!。LolitaはDominoの靴㠂’見て、ファッションの話で時間を潰し・・㠃»æ™‚々僕が注意して、またみんなで歌い始め㠂‹ãƒ»ãƒ»ã¨ã€ã™ãã¾ãŸæ–‡å¥è¨€ã„åˆã£ã¦ã€ã‚‚ã†å½¼å ¥³é”はただ単に滑稽!!!レーベルは今生ま㠂ŒãŸã°ã‹ã‚Šã ã‘ã©ã‚‚ã†ã™ã§ã«ãŸãã•ã‚“ã®æœ€é«˜ç ´šã®ä½œå“ã‚’生み出している。Manuelの ”Ready steady go!” は、 Super EuroBeat 177、SUPER GT 2007 、Super EuroBeat 179のコンピレーションに、Lolitaの “Stop the time tonight” はSuper EuroBeat175にDominoの“Go Go Where you wanna go go” とMega Nrg Man feat Kiko Loureiro (www.kikoloureiro.com.br) の “Rock me” と一緒に入っている。そしてSuper EuroBeat 178に入っている新しい原動力のBetty Beat “My heart goes boom boom boom”とEsterの “My Lucky Star”もどうぞお忘れなく! 後はGo Go’s Musicがもうすぐ作り出すビックサプライズを㠁Ÿã å¾…つのみ・・・歴史は語られるだろう。
Record Label: gogo’s music
Type of Label: Indie