Punk isn't dead. It just smells that way.
(this image was snagged from www.asofterworld.com)
Simone is the punk-rock-girl-next-door. She does not suffer fools gladly, except when they happen to make her laugh. She has to padlock her fridge to keep Xixel from drinking all her orange juice. She deals well with zombies.
Xixel is the resident alien. Doesn't really have any job, and is something of a mooch. Fancies himself the gang's 'Intergalactic Guidance Counselor'. For an alien, Xixel is embarassingly human. He deals well with zombies.
Vani is the owner of the Cawfee Shop, and Drew's boss. She is the creative, visionary, crunchy-granola hippie half of the business. She also deals well with zombies.
Becky is Vani's sister, and the practical half of the Cawfee Shop. She is a math genious who handles the books and taxes, and a major hip-hop-head who is currently studying to be a CPA. Her zombie-dealing abilities aren't known.
Ravyn Dyrk (pronounced 'dork') is a Goth who wouldn't handle zombies as well as she might think. Witheringly superior, with no real reason to be. Insecure and fidgety, especially around Bonnie.
Bonnie Clyde is a roller-derby queen and professional model who works the tattoo conventions and hot-rod shows. Her unconventional good looks turn the men around her into quivering mush and earns her the bitter enmity of most females, save for Simone, who is confident enough in herself to be her friend. Bonnie's zombie fighting capabilities are not currently known.
The Therapist is a Dr. Phil for the superhero set. She not only over-analyzes, but SUPER-analyzes all her patients, which range from the super-heroic, to the psychotically strange, and charges outrageous prices for her tough-love services. (Fun trivia fact: she's also Drew's mom. No wonder he's so messed up.)