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Tara MacLean
Signs Of Life
Tara MacLean
Tara’s Bio
Although I have loved being 26 for the last 8 years on my website, I
figured a fresh update may be in order.
It is really hard to decide which snippets of history and career are
important for a biography. I used to have someone else write these for
me…someone who could make my life sound like a great, poetic adventure.
But in truth I can do that myself, because indeed this journey has been
nothing less than magnificent.
I suppose we start when I was born in 1973 on Prince Edward Island,
Canada. From then on the most that I can say is that I have sung my way
around this world. I have seen my life filled with every dream I could
realize, and I have also been witness to the complete desolation and
despair that life can bring. So rather than go into all the things I have
done, and undone, let me just mention a few things I have learned ~
It does not matter what degree of fame or wealth we have, just so long as
our work touches people. Awards, accolades, reviews - they are all
meaningless. I have had to learn this the hard way, because there were
times when these things did mean something. There was a time in my life
when I really hoped that singing would take me to a place where I didn’t
have to worry anymore…worry about money for my family, or feeling
validated to anyone who thought I wasn’t good at what I do…I thought fame
would bring more respect, more peace.
I have to say, I was really wrong. What matters is self-respect and
knowing that what you do, no matter what scale it is on, is real. And
then, use that good work in service to the world. Music is one of the
mediums I use in which I chose to express my deep gratitude for the life I
have. I am also a mother of three children and that has been my greatest
accomplishment. I am deeply in love with my life.
I think the reason I can say that is because I am starting to get it.
Starting to learn that my desires to ‘not worry anymore about….’ were
coming from a place where I though that I was lacking something, when
really it was all here. Right now. And it always was….like Dorothy and
her slippers. She always had the power to get home safely, but she had to
make the perilous journey first.
My wish is that we all, in our own time, find that there is nothing to
panic about, nothing to strive for or cling to, that we are home safe. All
we have is this breath. So make it a good one.
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My Blog
Hello everyone! Just a note to let you know i have a new cd being released today. Well, actually it is a Canadian Digital release so no hard cd yet until I start to tour, which will be in the Fall....
Posted by Tara MacLean on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:52:00 PST
The Naked Ape Party!
Okay friends! Ted and I are organizing a really fun night to celebrate our love of the Earth and our deep respect for the great work Of the David Suzuki Foundation. If you go to www.nakedapeparty.c...
Posted by Tara MacLean on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 07:07:00 PST
Green Yoga Book
Namaste friends, Here is a link to a book that is very interesting and timely. You don't need to be a yogi or yogini to appreciate it, either. It was written by one of Ted's revered Teachers, Geor...
Posted by Tara MacLean on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 05:42:00 PST
What is a friend?
When I was 13 I had a huge birthday party. I knew people from all the different groups in grade 8. I liked that I skated between worlds and was accepted by most&after a horrible year of being desper...
Posted by Tara MacLean on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:04:00 PST
Episode 4
We have come to the end of one road, and begin to travel another. Life is full of these. I will be forever grateful to the Kim and Damhnait for everything I have learned from them. I know that what...
Posted by Tara MacLean on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 05:56:00 PST
Barfy Buddha
The next band I am in should be called The Breeders. I just can't stay unpregnant. We have been in negotiations regarding a third baby. There are so many reasons not to. We would need a bigger hou...
Posted by Tara MacLean on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:37:00 PST
While it's still fresh...
I want to write this while it is fresh in my mind. I had a show in Niagara last night, and I felt quite panicky about getting home to Stella. Though she was with a good caregiver, she had a cough for...
Posted by Tara MacLean on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:32:00 PST
My Space is amazing. I was feeling a little overwhelmed with all the messages. But then I started to read and I just feel so unfathomably grateful to you all for reaching this way. I hear that the ...
Posted by Tara MacLean on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:35:00 PST
Send a message to Mr. Harper
Here is an email I received today. If you are a Canadian, please click onthe link and send Mr. Harper a message.The greater the number of messages Mr. Harper receives, the less likely heis to ignore ...
Posted by Tara MacLean on Fri, 04 May 2007 10:57:00 PST
The music is out there!
Ahhhh! I feel so exposed! They didn't even tell me! I guess you could call this a pretty low hype release if even I wasn't let in on it. I guess that means that there is no press around this. Hmm...
Posted by Tara MacLean on Wed, 02 May 2007 06:01:00 PST