Auto Ducko Destructo Mondo profile picture

Auto Ducko Destructo Mondo

Why are drummers so underrated?................Bloody Guitarists!!!

About Me


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You shelter a Fire
Demon . A very powerful demon. He rules over the world of
anger, impulsivity, passion and destruction.
One awaken, even with a very strong will, he
is difficult to settle down, so be careful
when you awake him or he may entrance you and
make your life a living hell .
What demon sleeps inside you ?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hi! I am Viking fae Glesga. I am a fairly out going person with an open mind. I do the best impression of animal from the muppets this side o' the Clyde or Keith Moon from The Who if you like, O aye forgot tae mention I am a drummer, a blonde drummer!! Yup I know most of the jokes!! and I play the skins for Thrash Metal band "Circle of Tyrants" (Glasgow, Scotland). I like to support the underground Metal music scene and ignore all the self rightous hypocrites that come with it. I like alos going to the cinema, gigs and I play league Ten Pin bowling. You can also find me most every weekend nights in the Solid Rock Cafe, Glasgow hanging out with me mates.

What Famous Leader Are You?
personality tests by MY PRIDE AND JOY!

My Interests

Beating skin...............I mean playing the drums, Metal, Kung Fu, action, Sci-Fi and comedy movies, Ale drinking - not to the point of getting wasted!!, More Metal, Metal Gigs, Playing Metal Gigs, listening to classical music on occasion, Ten Pin Bowling league player

I'd like to meet:

George Lucas to slap him aroond the coupon for Episode 1, Jackie Chan (nuff said), To meet the bloke that invented the kettle because without him there would be no Pot Noodle


....I also like listening to classical music alot. h1


,Jay and Silent Bob movies,




Bit of a slow reader but I do manage to get through them!


People in multi coloured outfits who ware their Y-Fronts on the outside!!
What Cartoon/Comic Character best describes you?
Peter Griffin
You are a family man and you love those close to you, both friends and family. Almost as much as you love your beer and food. You are also a jealous individual and have notoriously bad taste in music, although you can be quite a fine musician under the right circumstances. Your laugh and memory may need a bit of work, as with your stomach region. Nevertheless, you are comfortable with who you are and that is all that really matters.

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What Classic Movie Are You?
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My Blog


As I wonder through MySpace and come across someones profile, they're profile player starts playing. I listen for a few seconds, I kinda know whats going to happen just by the look and content of the ...
Posted by Auto Ducko Destructo Mondo on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:33:00 PST

Barbour's Metal Radio Show!

Ok folks here we have it, a dedicated metal radio show.  This is fucking good stuff you will enjoy it. Give it your support. Either listen to it online from the links or download it and listen to...
Posted by Auto Ducko Destructo Mondo on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 10:40:00 PST

The Bill Gates situation!

This bloody buisness with the internet is a pain in the feck'n ARSE. If it wasn't bad enough with the grief of getting connected to the net in the first place a fire wall programme I installed we...
Posted by Auto Ducko Destructo Mondo on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 11:40:00 PST