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About Me

r.chee is serious, angry, gentle and likes to have a laugh. he has dubious personal hygeine. he is from england but has been hiding in taiwan since the murdoch assasination, biding his time til he goes back for gordon brown and bono..i proudly accept the insult "commie faggot", and whilst, strictly speaking, i am neither communist nor homosexual, i wear it like a badge of honour.... i am political in the loosest sense of the word; i believe in the need for the "revolution of everyday life", and whilst in previous incarnations i was a full-time militant for the leninist vanguard party the "swp", now i think seeing politics as a specialised activity actually causes more problems than it solves... i like to think i'm open-minded, and whilst i have some quite firm opinions about society, i will add and accept most requests from people who don't share my views, as long as you have the manners to actually send a message with your request... i like strange, funny, genuine, kind and honest people; and i spend as much time on people here as they do on me........um, was i meant to be talking about my illustrious career as a musician here? fuck that; i'm a primary school teacher for a living!to download my first album go to the link on the band website, for other songs/albums just tell me and i'll send you them somehow ....also please check my pics, use them in any way you want, and let me know what you think of them too; they are as important to me as the music, though to anyone who thinks we live in an upstanding society some of them might be considered "patently offensive" and i've already been censored and threatened with having my account deleted so i'm being careful what i put up...if you think i'd like your stuff give me a shout cos i'm bored of famous people's music right now..oh, and i don't just add bands, alot of my favorite people on here aren't musicians...archie xx

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Member Since: 3/11/2008
Band Website: mirusmusic.com/members/543/
Band Members: r and chee
Influences: Before giving you the usual long list of musicians i just want to repeat the obvious fact that music comes from our experience of life itself just as much as from other music. No one only sits and listens to songs all day, (as much as that might appeal sometimes!). For me, my songs come mainly from what i find exciting (like my involvement in the anti-capitalist movement), what i find funny, (listen to the songs) what makes me mad,(likewise) and people who help me clarify these things, like karl marx, (though i want to stress that like he himself said, "i am not a marxist"), the situationists (the best intro to their ideas, according to me, is the "situationist international anthology", but you can also find all their stuff at this link: www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/) and ken knabb (who is influenced by the situationists but is less obnoxious and macho, and far more accessible http://www.bopsecrets.org/ )........................................................... As well as them I take lessons from anyone who isn't an ego-maniac and is genuinely trying to communicate something important that others can relate to (i think humour is very important, especially if it's about serious things). I'm also influenced, like everyone else, by the usual ups and downs of relationships and friendships etc; romance songs and love songs should not be confused ..................i can appreciate beauty for the sake of beauty, but personally i put ethics before aesthetics, i say this only partly to defend the fact that i can't really sing or play the guitar .............. im using this space primarily to plug my "solo" music so i guess i better restrict myself to "singer-songwriters" such as: bob dylan (humour, honesty, outspoken-ness and general talent with words), syd barret and daniel johnston ( naievity and genuine emotion), john lennon and george harrison (for their melodies and sometimes their lyrics), any artists who are unashamedly committed to peace and freedom and sing about it with love and conviction like bob marley, ani di franco, the rub, dirty revolution, choombawamba and countless lesser known artists on the peace not war compliations who can be found on my top friendz and on this widget ; )..... devendra bandhart and melanie (lovely hippies), lou reed and jarvis cocker (sarcastic goths), jeff mangum (neutral milk hotel - un-afraid to be un-ironic), morrisey (with the smiths), tom waits (beautiful tramp) and misery merchants like leanord cohen, malcolm middleton, thom yorke, mark everett from the eels, pj harvey and elliot smith (in ever dwindling amounts i'm happy to say; i think writing depressing songs is ok if it's cathartic but not if you start to see it as a virtue, which they all seem to, though their music is sometimes beautiful with redemptive value too ) ......................... Actually my music is probably influenced just as much in spirit by actual bands like the super furry animals, the pogues, the pixies, asian dub foundation, velvet underground, pavement, the violent femmes, system of a down (when im feeling teenage), the bonzo dog doodah band and the sultans of ping fc who a friend just turned me onto (WHERE'S ME JOOMPA?!). I love so much music but i've only mentioned stuff that's obviously an ingredient in my own stew! Negatively, i'm influenced by rock pigs like bono, paul mcartney, geldoorff, metallica etc in as far as if i ever become as self-righteous and complicit in white-washing the face of exploitation as them i hope someone shoots me...................If you like this then check out "the urban crofters", "l'instant fatale" and"elsub" in my top friends; these are the bands of friends ive lived and played with who've certainly influenced my life and music more than anyone famous......their songs generally aren't political; just very good and very fun
Sounds Like: it's been recorded in a shed with half-broken equipment and zero technical know how .... it's angry, absurd, sweet, and funny, though not always all these all the time! that may sound schizophrenic but i like to fuck with roles to subvert people's expectations of what "angry" or "happy" or "silly" music should sound like. alot of the time i try to vent my spleen and make people laugh at the same time, like bill hicks, i have a slightly sick sense of humour and i'd advise anyone who wants to hear more of my stuff to take alot of it with a large spoon of salt... i guess my stuff's so all over the place in terms of mood and sound that no one's gonna like all of it, but i hope everyone can find at least one song they like... i've tried to put up as varied a selection as possible here. if you like one kind of song but not the others please tell me and i'll either recommend one of my three "albums", or even make a special compilation just for you; ain't i nice?! always interested to hear what YOU think it sounds like and i appreciate honest opinions over flattery..
Type of Label: None

My Blog

trees and deitiees

jesus and da buddahsitting in a treejesus say to buddah"hey man you just like me!"buddah say to jesus"but you believe in god"jesus say to buddah"he's my dad you twat"
Posted by r.chee on Sat, 10 May 2008 10:30:00 PST

new new song posted; revolution; goes better with coke!

'tis with a sigh that i take down "virgin condoms" from my play list; people seem to like it, but i suspect that might be cos, compared to my other stuff, it's relatively easy listening; an easy poke ...
Posted by r.chee on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 01:10:00 PST

new song posted- "terrorist regime"

i've decided that the two romance songs i had on here was one too many.they're a big part of what i do but i think one's enough, any more is gettin a little self-indulgent..so i've replaced "i won't f...
Posted by r.chee on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 02:31:00 PST

tree hugging

here’s a poem i like to perform onstage,at the end i ask the compere to invite the audience to hug the tree and/or the performerthen i obstinately refuse to leave til someone takes up the offeri...
Posted by r.chee on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:01:00 PST

the pros and cons of cyberspacing (quality vs. quantity)

Ah, so here is is, my first attempt at a blog. Does anyone actually read these things anyway? Up til very recently, all i did on the internet was check my emails once a month, now here i am, trying to...
Posted by r.chee on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:14:00 PST