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Michele Angelique


About Me

I am Michele Angelique, Creator and Facilitator of GenderEvolve ( www.genderevolve.com ). We are a group of women from all walks of life, working to bring positive change to the way transfeminism is viewed by society. I was born female, blessed to be correctly gendered, and I love femininity. I want to support and uplift all people who celebrate womanhood, no matter what their physical gender.
The Gift of Yin, feminine spirit, is a nurturing, gentle, empathetic state of grace which exists within all human beings, no matter what their biologic gender. Transgender women are emerging from hiding, now building the bridge between women and men, and their acceptance in society is key to breaking out of the archaic gender prison that has held us all hostage since the stone ages.
In this New Age of ascension and progressive thinking, it must be recognized that all people are unique individuals. Everyone should be allowed to express themself in whatever way feels right to them, without being judged if their biologic gender does not match their chosen gender. The time has come to break out of the old gender box once and for all, to allow others the right to just BE who they are.
One of the things mainstream society needs to understand is that transwomen operate on the basis of a deep seated love of femininity. Transgender women dress as a way to outwardly manifest their inner woman. They relate so closely to women because they are women on the inside. Transwomen study genetic women because they want to be like us. They admire and respect us, holding us in higher esteem than ordinary men ever would, and perhaps higher than we have of ourselves.
The world still deems femininity to be weaker and lesser, and even women don't want to be women anymore. "Feminist" women who abdicate their own femininity and strive to emulate men support the notion that masculinity is superior to femininity. Femininity is cast aside by men and women alike, and yet transwomen are celebrating it. The risks they face in aspiring to be like women include ridicule, isolation, discrimination, persecution, violence or even death.
Transgender women defy society's premise that men are superior to women, because if it were true, people like them would not exist. They are living proof that femininity has at least as much value as masculinity. They are evidence that strong can still be beautiful. They are people with the birthright of masculinity, yet they choose to manifest femininity.
To me this shows the ULTIMATE regard for women. Transgender women love genetic women more that we love ourselves, and far more than ordinary men do. I find this very touching, and I know all women will when they come to understand that the motivations are such a miraculous and beautiful thing.
These are only a few of the reasons I admire and respect transwomen. I view them as a special type of human whose time has finally come. I will do anything in my power to support them.
Gender identity resides in the heart, mind and spirit, not the body.
Liberation of Yin-Spirited Men
I am only coming to realize the pain and guilt that so many endure for a simple pleasure like crossdressing. I am confounded by it, actually... how could something so harmless and healthy as a man wanting to express femininity be deemed so wrong by society?
Women earned the right to crossdress with "women's liberation", and no one thinks anything of it anymore. A powersuit on a woman is considered sexy by many... when I'm feeling my Yang, I can dress and act as masculine as I want, and it's ok... why is a skirt on a man who's feeling his Yin considered so abnormal? I really don't get it.
"Men's liberation" still has not happened. Society still binds men tightly to rigid one-sided standards. All men feel Yin to some degree, yet are brainwashed into believing it must be surpressed and denied. This very fact is a discredit to the feminine gender. Women should recognize that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. For a man to want to be feminine means he places value on the Yin energy, which is as it should be. To surpress and deny Yin is to say it is of lower value than Yang. The emergence of the openly yin spirited man is what is needed to balance this society and humanity in general.
The irony is, it is men who are enslaving themselves to the rigid social archetype. Ordinary men are threatened by the presence of Yin-Spirited men because they are reminded of their own inner torment and battle to enslave the Yin, such that many will respond vehemently if not violently. It is men who are keeping themselves confined to the little black box, and persecuting those who dare peek out and openly celebrate Yin.
Perhaps it is the women who must reach out, help the men out of the little black box, and join them in the celebration of all that is beautiful, kind, nurturing, loving, feminine... by genetic women condemning trans women, they are assisting in the enslavement of Yin, and admitting that Yin is inferior. Instead we should be praising her emergence in the male population... it's about time! The world could use a little more nurturing and love, and a little less war and greed.
Yin-Spirited men represent the evolution of men... their existence indicates the decline of an old-energy social paradigm which has been so destructive to both men and women alike for most of human history.

Three Important Points About Transgenderism
1) Transwomen love femininity
Transgender women respect the feminine gender, and strive to do credit to our image and support our causes. It is from this love that they strive to emulate women. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and we are greatly admired by these special people.
2) Transgenderism is not a sexual orientation
While the effort of the gay/lesbian/bisexual community to include transgendered ("GLBT community") can be applauded in principle, in some ways this association has wrongly linked transgenderism to sexual orientation. The reality is, no conclusions can be drawn about sexual orientation based on gender identity. Transpeople can be straight, gay, lesbian or bisexual, depending on each individual person.
3) Transgenderism is neither a mental disorder nor a fetish
Psychologists are working from the premise that only the above two choices are possible. The transperson who is happy and comfortable with their duality is not recognized. No one has defined this duality as a gift, which to those who can freely express themselves, it is. The pain/grief of the duality is often only a result of social repression and negative external consequences, not the duality itself.
The United Nations Recognizes "All Men and Women" as Deserving of Equal Human Rights. What About The Rest of Us?
Transgendered people are frequently subjected to hate-crimes and discrimination, yet even the U.N. uses terminology which excludes us from protection by law. Click here
if you believe the U.N. should regard all people as equal human beings deserving of fair treatment.
Help Stop the Hate!
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My Personal Mission Statement

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The Real Secret of Transformation
Prolific insight on creating and manifesting your innermost dreams and desires. This powerful information changed my life forever!

My Dearest Friends


Alexis Rene

Adara Beth Veau

Amara Galli

Jenna Elizabeth Taylor

Etereys (Phoenix Serpent)

Felicia Conti

Annette Brunette

Shari Williams

~ Sweet ~


Dee Femina

Jessi, Two Spirit

Carly Sears


KC Tyler

Jane Joyce

Isis Win

Samantha Leigh

Cristy Garcia

Samantha Monroe

Amber Smith

Kathy Chi

Rachel Pastel


Rosa Raquel




Chloe Prince




Louie & Aloura



Many more angels are gathered here...


When we accept that we always exist in a state of grace, we are able to live our lives more graciously. Knowing we are graced gives us hope, makes us more generous, and allows us to trust that we are taken care of even when we are going through difficult times. Grace is our benevolence of heart, and our generosity of spirit. Grace is unconditional love and the beauty that is our humanity. When we know that we are blessed with grace, we can't help but want to live our lives in harmony.


"I now understand and realize that I am not alone. I have divinity in my pocket for the asking. I have the power of the Universe at my disposal. I have interdimensional tools that will clear the space in love, and everywhere my bubble is spread in light. Those around me will see better and in free choice will steer a safe path into the harbor. They will survive with me and will be part of a family that I help create with my balanced light. I am the master Lighthouse. Everywhere I go, I'll be blessed. I don't need survival instinct, because I represent ultimate survival. I am the definition of survival... a master of humanity. I am light."

~ This is a new age affirmation for any human who wishes to claim their personal mastery, given with love by Kryon , March 11, 2006


"There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love."
~ from Don Juan DeMarco

"Beautiful people do not just happen... The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern... Beautiful people do not just happen..." ~ Elizabeth Kubler Ross


GenderEvolve.com Articles

    A Rock and A Rock Signs Coming Out With Us Survival is Not a Game Can We Box Gender? Sharing the Dream Ditch the Disclaimer The Crossdressers' Manifesto Why Transpeople Must Stand Are We Circus Elephants? Fantasies, Fetishes, Nonsense and the Twilight Zone Who Are We Trying to Be? Out of the Closet... into ... life Lifespan Development and Aging in Transgendered Persons M 2 F 2 M The Inside Image? Can the Gloves Come Off ? We are our own worst enemies Evening in the Life Roll Call Evolution, lesson 1 Reasons for Crossdressing CD/TV/TS labelling

    The difference between being an American and LGBT Our Seven Unsung Heros in Vermont The Incredible Shrinking Male Roots of the Transgender Movement: The 1966 Riot at Compton’s Cafeteria One Small Step Forward? Recognizing Heterosexism Transgender Petition to the United Nations for Equal Human Rights as All People "The Secret" ~ Campari Ad Mexican Transsexual Movement Passing, Blending, Acceptance Transgender Employment Solutions Candidly Transgender Are we working toward acceptance? The Change We Wish To See Misogyny Makes The Man Transgenderism in Indian culture Beware of Bubba have u seen my box??? What do Genetic Women really think about us?

What Men Don't Get The Beauty of a Woman Beauty and the Brain Life Lesson in Trans Femininity Real Life Beauty Advice Fashion with a Capital "F" Why Dress Up and Go Out? For the Love of Dressing Feminine Influences Envying what's taken for granted? Katharine Hepburn What kind of girls are we?
What Keeps You From Being Happy? Compassion for the Ignorant Intuition Working Through Transitions: Permission to Simply Be Visions and Ideals Healing Emotional Self-Abuse A Matter of Choice ...just as I believe (l'un séparer) Learning to Love Yourself Honor Your Body Boxes Honesty...... Who's really passing? An interesting revelation Ever so foolish... Forgiveness Resisting Influence Characters
Distinctions Change and the Prodigal Spirit Wherein lies true beauty... The Gender of Words On Golden Pondering The Biology of Belief Shades of Pink Of Ponderance & Predjudice Keys of life in our extraordinary existence Mythologically speaking of course pondering men's liberation
Happy Rebirth Day to Me!!! With Each Tear Damnation Aly, Pt. 1 Damnation Aly, Pt. 2 Revelation, Maturation, Evolution Beast and the beauty Ever Elusive Balance Sharing My Changes Gender Burnout Past meets Present Am I transgendered? Transcending Fear The Calling
Men Who Wear Stilettos - and the Women Who Love Them This One Goes Out To the One I Love One State of Compromise Through a Spouse's Eyes Views of a Wife Who Opposes To the Wife of a Transwoman Coming Out Talking About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity With Our Kids My Son Wears My Clothes The Unnamed Feeling How to guarantee a broken heart... Am I destined to be alone forever? Our Family Bond Gender Euphoria
The Melding of Gender Polarity Darkness and the Duality of Humanity The Other Side of the Law The Law of Attraction A Quantum Focus We are the Creators Ego's 7 Dominating Messages The Great Hall They Burned Witches Too! Sacred Feminine The TranscendGender Way The Transcendentalists Balancing Male and Female Energies 11:11 on 11/11 of 11 The Venus Transit Gift Yin-Yang GenderEvolution
I Believe in You Forget Yourself Attractive Quotes Become the Beautiful Flower Transgenderism is a Gift! Love & Light from My T-Sisters Mystery of Transformation Focusing on the Best You An Opportunity
Lesbians' Brains React Differently New Science on Gender, Hormones and the Brain
Mirrors Conflicted Truth and Beauty Beautiful Fields Unconditional Love Defined Madness A Sisters' Poem Broken Vessel
Pretty TGirls magazine is designed and edited by Rachel Pastel of Pretty TGirls yahoo group.

    August 2006 July 2006 June 2006 May 2006 April 2006 March 2006 February 2006 January 2006 December 2005 November 2005 October 2005

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My Blog

I am finally home...

I am a dominant male spirit residing very comfortably in a petite genetic female body. I have always been bisexual, yet now my passion for transwomen far exceeds what I feel for ordinary men or w...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Tue, 13 Sep 2005 02:44:00 PST

Why Do I Love Transwomen?

Because I am a natural born woman, I have been asked on more occasions than I can count, "why" do I care about transgender issues and "why" do I have so many friends in the online trans community, sin...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 10:43:00 PST

Embracing Your Gender Opposite

Woman or man, each human being is whole. We are all a compendium of many different forms of energy that interact to create a balanced person. To be human, therefore, is to be both gender specific (man...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 10:08:00 PST

The Rainbow Between

A dear transgender friend confided in me about steps she is taking to become more feminine in appearance, including a planned first visit to the doctor to inquire about hormone therapy. She asked my ...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 12:41:00 PST

Heterosexual Guys Attracted to TGirls? Definitely.

In the past year I've been on myspace, there one thing I've heard hundreds of times from hetrosexual guys: "I'm attracted to tgirls but I'm not gay! I don't really know what to think of this." G...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 06:38:00 PST

Unity in Diversity ~ Stopping Heterosexism and Homophobia

Unity in Diversity - Stopping Heterosexism and HomophobiaI would like to share the following anti-discrimination policy developed and practiced at McGill University in Montreal Canada. Here is an exam...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Wed, 03 May 2006 06:35:00 PST

Qualities of an Awakened Soul

The following is a profound message I'd like to share, but which I did not write. A dear friend Etereys posted it, originally contributed by Lightworker, written by Christopher Moors.&n...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 12:27:00 PST

Is She Friend or Foe?

The following was inspired by conversations with a dear friend who has been crossdressing since his early teens, and presently continues to struggle with guilt, shame, repression, ...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 09:12:00 PST

Feeling Good is Your Birthright

Feeling good is your birthright, and no one can take that from you, in the name of love or otherwise.  If you are not happy, you are not empowered to be the best you can be, not living a fulfill...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 09:04:00 PST

Last Night I Had A Dream...

The other day I received a guestbook comment from AC, a beautiful lady on myspace.  This comment was amazing because it was both poetic and spiritual, and included a lovely&nb...
Posted by Michele Angelique on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 11:54:00 PST