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Welcome to The Talent House, where every artist has the chance to be noticed. This site has been set up by musicians to serve musicians so if your after some extra exposure please visit the official website
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What I really enjoy about listening to Naomi Lea is not only the originality of her songs but also the feeling behind them. When you understand the meaning to her songs then you appreciate them a lot more. Naomi has had her share of illness over the years and at times it would have appeared a fair call to retreat behind it but instead, Naomi has dedicated her life to her family and to her love of music. This passion comes out in the moving Goodbyes are always hard 2 say. I hear so many influences in her music from Joni Mitchell through to even Midnight Oil with her song A Politicians Life. Naomi is an inspiration to anybody who has their back to the wall and evidence that you can come out the other side all better for the experience. I truly recommend heading over to Naomi’s myspace page and also have a look at Let It Be and Lighthouse. I also encourage you to read the info on her page to fully appreciate these great songs.
What can I say about Autumn Sun . They are simply a fun sounding dou out of sunny Queensland here in Australia. I hear so many of my favourite artists like Frente and Joni Mitchell in their music but most of all, they sound like Autumn Sun . I really enjoy the great guitar work by Terry which does compliment almost perfectly Jana’s amazing voice. At times deep and haunting like on Shipping Container and yet so playful and cheeky on The Dead Song, these guys have a great future ahead of them. I thoroughly recommend heading on over to their myspace page and have a really good listen to the whole suite on offer including Lazy baby and Nail File Holiday. Expect a single out soon and be sure that we will be promoting it here first on The Talent House.
Looking deeper into Tim Eldridge’s lyrics it is clear to see where the inspiration comes from for his words. He is simply inspired by life itself. Reading through his lyrics on his blogs, reading his profile and listening to the songs with music added I saw the complete picture. I was really blown away with Words Can Wait, a song that Tim collaborated with Marie Seriot, who wrote the music. It has a haunting melody and although still at demo stage, you can feel the passion in both the lyrics and the music which was inspired by Tims daughter. I definitley suggest heading over to Tim’s page and have a listen to Storm Rising and If as well as Words Can Wait. If there are any songwriters out there looking for lyrics, look no further than here as you will find a quality in Tim’s words that will bed into all styles of music. For sonwriters and fans alike, have a look at Tim’s blog section of his myspace page where you will find lyrics to many songs that he has written.
Well, The Judith Jones Band certainly got my attention with their blues/ rock style. I was won over straight away with Drug Store Truck Driving Man. Jude’s got one wicked voice on her and this is evident in the almost haunting "Mountain". Rod’s guitar work also got me a touch green while rattling off his note perfect solo’s and ever so fitting licks. I really enjoy the sheer honesty in The bands songs and while wearing their blues roots clearly on their sleeve, their is also many traces of pure rock. Visit the band’s page and discover more about this fantastic band out of the U.K. Also check out the gig guide and if your a local and close, go have a peek at a gig.
I’m the one who’s fallen in love twice with Robert Urban’s song of the same title. There’s just something about the catchy melody and Roberts powerful vocal in this song that I loved, the first time I heard it. I liked it so much that I personally requested that be the song posted on this page. I really enjoy the production and also Robert’s vocal/ musicianship on these songs which appear to be perfect for him considering his substantial vocal range. I think truly, to get the complete feel for Robert"s music you really should head to his myspace page and check out some of the other songs off his new album "When Your Coming Home". Beside this little gem I also recomend Too Beautiful Now and the honest and simply moving Would it Be Any Better. Stay tuned for news on the release of Roberts album and I certainly look forward to promoting it here on this page.
52nd Riot are bursting onto the music scene in Australia with the EP "Self Destruction". The title track, featured here on The Talent House gives a brazen insight to the bands power which definitely has it’s finger well and truly into both the "Rock" and "Pop" pie. I also feel a hint of punk in this track. I love the production and the power that can been heard with bass and guitar in unisen through much of the track. Liana’s vocal just exubes a raw energy that really blends well with the bands sound. It’s not just in the studio that the bands energy peaks either. On the live scene that electric mix of rock, pop and punk combined with the bands naturally outgoing nature ensures great performances and entertainment. I will be posting upcoming gigs on the page to but I really do suggest heading over to 52nd Riot and check out Little Lady and Oh So Big, another couple of my favourites. Also be sure to grab a copy of 52nd Riot’s new album, only $10 and available on their myspace page. What are you waiting for!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 3/8/2008
Band Website:
Band Members:


Ronnie Lee Henry

Sounds Like: You need some exposure...
Record Label: Unsigned
Type of Label: None