IMAGES OF EDEN profile picture


The Region's Finest in Progressive Hard Rock

About Me

For press kit promo pic, click HERE

"Images of Eden is one of the smartest progressive rock/metal bands out there today, combining brilliant, emotional lyrics with intricate musical compositions that have a message and a story, something we haven't seen since the likes of Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime.... Be prepared to be impressed with one of the best up and coming prog metal bands in the industry."
-Derric Miller (Hard Rock Haven)
"With Sunlight Of The Spirit, they (Images of Eden) have not only made one of the best progressive metal/rock albums of the year, they have re-written the rulebook on progressive metal. If there is any justice in this world of ours, Sunlight Of The Spirit will go down as one of the greatest progressive metal offerings of all time. Never before have I heard an album with such emotional depth and power!
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars"
-Matthew Bankes (Rising Forces USA)
"Truth be told, every song here is something to be proud of, especially the magnificent eleven minute epic "Midnight's Tide". Bottom line is this; if you're a prog metal fan, you have to hear this for yourself and experience a truly amazing band."
-TJ (Black Angel Promotions)
"They (Images of Eden) show maturity and a solid grasp on the progressive hard rock genre and don't barrage the listener with excess technical wankery or excessive odd time signature use..."
"Images of Eden is a band not to underestimate."
-Mirko (Defenders of Steel)
"5 out of 5 Stars"
-Pablo Boschiazzo (
"It was a pleasure to listen to the high quality musicianship of this band, which I highly recommend to any Progressive Metal fan..."
-Gabor Fabian (Strutterzine)
-"The band has a lot to offer fans of progressive metal who are looking for something unique."
- "Strong songwriting, tight musicianship and excellent production."
- "SUNLIGHT OF THE SPIRIT is a very impressive album that should stimulate a lot of interest from fans of high quality metal..."
-Neal Woodall (Detritus Zine)
"This is an emotion driven progressive metal/rock sound that isn't afraid to takes steps outside of the normal progressive music formula."
-CW Ross (Christian Rockers Online)

Images of Eden is a melodic, passion-based progressive hard rock/metal project originating from the Baltimore, MD/ York, PA-USA region. With the release of 2 full length CDs- "Chapter I" (Independent- 2001) & "Sunlight of the Spirit" (Nightmare Records- 2006), and playing live over the past 6 years, they are quickly gaining notoriety locally, as well as through North America and Europe. Images of Eden is compared to (and influenced by) bands such as Queensryche, Fates Warning, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Disturbed as well as may other progressive-rock/ progressive-metal bands.
The "Images of Eden" concept was founded in 1999 by vocalist, guitarist, songwriter- Gordon Tittsworth, in hopes of putting together a powerful and unique, melodic/prog-metal project.
Images of Eden is a very unique band in that each CD (album, release) is a story, portraying an ongoing journey through life, told in a very positive/ uplifting way, with each release picking up where the previous one has left off.
"Eden" describes the inner peace, serenity, strength, and love that lies within us all. The weight of the world every day can be a heavy burden on us, but one must separate themselves and their own lives from the outside world and find their own "Eden". Quality of life should not be judged by one's surroundings, but how one adapts to and deals with their surroundings, because a perfect world can truly exist. It can be found inside one's own mind, body and soul. You can choose to exist in a apathetic, dismal world of negativity- or you can choose to find the "Eden" that lies within you.
"Sunlight of the Spirit" (the long awaited follow up to the independent 2001 release of "Chapter I") is now available worldwide on Nightmare Records.


Nightmare Records

CD Universe

Best Buy


Circuit City

My Interests


Member Since: 10/24/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:

Gordon Tittsworth - Lead Vocals,
Rhythm Guitar & Keyboards

Dennis Mullin- Lead Guitar & Keyboards

Bryan Wierman - Bass Guitar

Chris Lucci- Drums & Percussion

The CD studio lineups are as follows:


Gordon Tittsworth- Lead & Backing Vocals, Bass Guitar & Keyboards
Dennis Mullin- Lead Guitar & Keyboards
Bryan Wierman- Bass Guitar
Matt Kaiser- Drums & Percussion

CHAPTER I (2001)

Gordon Tittsworth- Lead/ Backing Vocals, Lead/ Rhythm, Acoustic & Bass Guitars, Piano & Keyboards
Steve Kilgallon- Drums
Greg White- Additional Lead Guitar

Influences: We have an extremely wide range of influences... from Fates Warning, Queensryche, Badlands, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Blind Guardian, Rush, Kansas, Genesis, Marillion, Porcupine Tree, Spock's Beard, Joe Satriani, Yes... and the list goes on.
Sounds Like: Images of Eden has a unique passion-based progressive hard rock/ metal sound that mixes in technical elements of the late 80s/ early 90s (intricate guitar/ vocal arrangements) with an energy comparable to todays music...

Our music (and definitely our message) is very original, but fans of the above bands should definitely check us out.

Record Label: Nightmare Records & Astral Sun Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Well, after 5 months of living and breathing new material 24/7, the 3rd chapter in the Images of Eden saga is completely written.  Dennis Mullin, Bryan Wierman and I will be ironing out last minu...
Posted by IMAGES OF EDEN on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:53:00 PST

Welcome CHRIS LUCCI from All Too Human

After an awesome 4 year roller coaster ride, Matt Kaiser has decided to part ways with Images of Eden to pursue other musical ventures.  We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors!!!&...
Posted by IMAGES OF EDEN on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 04:30:00 PST


ASTRAL SUN RECORDS & DISTRIBUTION is a brand new label founded by Maurice Taylor (All Too Human) and Gordon Tittsworth (Images of Eden).  The focus is on releasing top notch metal, rock acts ...
Posted by IMAGES OF EDEN on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 10:45:00 PST

ATTENTION BANDS!!! NEED VOCALS??? Gordon is available for side projects...

ATTENTION BANDS...- Can't find a vocalist? - Need vocal tracks for your upcoming CD? - Just want to colaborate or add a different voice to your CD? SESSION VOCALS AVAILABLE... E-mail Gordon at gordon@...
Posted by IMAGES OF EDEN on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 02:26:00 PST

Sunlight of the Spirit Review (Rising Forces USA)

6/06: Sunlight of the Spirit Review by Matthew Bankes @ Rising Forces USA (site soon to be linked)- Rising Forces USA: "Gordon Tittsworth had a huge reason to be proud in 2001. He had just released...
Posted by IMAGES OF EDEN on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 05:52:00 PST

Rising Forces USA Interview

Interview with Gordon Tittsworth Review by Matthew Bankes @ Rising Forces USA (site soon to be linked)- Rising Forces USA: "On a Friday in late April, Matt made the trip to Gordons home in Red Lion, ...
Posted by IMAGES OF EDEN on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 05:49:00 PST