Writing, "3 Wise Men" reading, classic rock and roll, traveling, history, cars, college basketball and restoring my 1974 VW
Bob Dylan and Hunter S. Thompson, but he's dead, so long old buddy!Would also like to meet the Dali Lama
I love classic rock and roll. It reminds me of my youth and that was too good to forget ;-) I want to teach a college class in classic rock! Also like classical, but give me Bruce or Hendrix or the Beatles and I'm happy. Love old Buffalo Springfield and Blues like John Mayall or Paul Butterfield.Steely Dan,Fleetwood Mac,Eagles,Doobies,ERIC Clapton Slow Hand,Have to admit a fondness for Sheryl Crow as well, hey I'm only human and when I saw her last year she could rock with the best of them ;-)
Doctor Strangelove, The Producers (the original with LSD ;-), Field of Dreams, Pulp Fiction, The Great Race, It's a mad mad mad mad world, Godfather(s), Casino, Goodfellas, Just about all mob movies, Ghost, Fargo, Being John Malovich, Crash, Usual Suspects, The Royal Tenenbaums, Almost Famous, Being There, Apocalypse Now
I like to watch college basketball, and for 5 months a year that's about all I watch. I also seem to be tuned into the History Channel a lot!! I watch the Daily Show pretty relgularly and then inane sit coms like the Simpsons and Family Guy, Go figure?
Love to read and write. Besides myself my favorite writer is Tom Robbins!!! I also have been reading Vonnegut for 35 years. I will always admire Tom Wolfe for the "Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" and Joseph Heller for Catch 22. Some of my favorites have left us like, Douglas Adams, Ken Kesey (and the Pranksters) and Hunter S, I miss their voices!! Anyone who has a real interest in American History and can deal with the fact that all that crap they taught you in high school is a bunch of Hero worshiping, never started a war, holier than thou garbage should read Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States". I couldn't have written it better myself! I read a lot of history written by academics. Some of them do know how to write (Howard Zinn is a great example), if you can get through their desire to impress their peers with their grasp of the English language ;-)
I'm too old to have heros, but if I did they would all be dead like Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin and Hunter S. Thompson