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Demand your right to free health care. Support candidates who aren’t corporate stooges!!!

About Me

I'm a writer and have 2 novels published. I’m on Myspace because I want to have contact with my readers. There’s nothing better for a writer than to get critiques from a wide variety of different people. I have posted the first 3 chapters of both my novels on my blog. If you get a chance take a look and let me know what you think. If you are interested in a signed copy that can easily be arranged.

My new book “THE HMO, MURDER BY REFERRAL”is about greed and murder in the health insurance industry.
I was an executive at a large HMO in California for 5 years. After that I was a consultant for a University Health System and a multi-national pharmaceutical conglomerate. I left southern California and the corporate world because I couldn’t stand the “institutional greed” and moved back to Tucson Arizona. I have worked for the University of Arizona, my alma mater for the last 11 years.
The health care system in this country is a national embarrassment! Greedy, immoral, corporate executives should not be allowed to make a fortune off of the medical needs and suffering of the American people. How can the richest and supposedly most powerful country in the world allow their own people to be at the mercy of “profit first” insurance and pharmaceutical companies? Why does our government fail so miserably at taking care of the less fortunate, those who need decent health care the most? It’s a crime!!!! I wrote “THE HMO, MURDER BY REFERRAL” to express my disgust with the system and the people who profit by it. Many of the stories in the book are things that actually happened to me while in the employ of an HMO.
Dennis Kucinich is the only one with the balls to say…”You have to take the profit out of healthcare to fix the system…” The rest of these candidates are just corporate stooges and will always bow to their corporate masters. I know, I’ve been part of the healthcare system. It needs to be torn to shreds before it can be fixed.
Here’s a synopsis of "THE HMO, MURDER BY REFERRAL" I posted the first 3 chapters on my Blog.
Joe Brock is skeptical when he reads a tabloid report about a “Grim Reaper” methodically stalking and killing homeless people in San Francisco. When he witnesses a murder, he knows the reports are true. Who could possibly gain from such bizarre crimes? Joe convinces himself that it’s a coincidence that the HMO he works for is being bankrupted by the poor souls. Sure The HMO’s execs are an assortment of greedy, unethical corporate ne’er-do-wells, but MURDER??? After Joe becomes the prime suspect, is arrested for the crime, and someone tries to kill him; he has no choice but to help bring the killer to justice.
"3 WISE MEN" is a Political Thriller. The first 3 chapters of "3 Wise Men" and a synopsis are posted on my Blog. Give it a try, you will like it!!
I have a degree in political science with a speciality in International Relations and am working on a masters in US history. I have a comprehensive knowledge of global politics and a solid grasp of history. Unfortunately our current administration appears to be lacking in such knowledge or perhaps they have it, yet they choose to manipulate it to meet their nefarious policies.
I've never been ashamed to refer to myself as a liberal, even when it was politically incorrect to do so! Unfortunately I'm not proud to call myself a Democrat anymore. The reality is, both parties are controlled by corporate America (by design BTW) and the only real difference is the rhetoric.
We need to end this war in Iraq NOW!! There is no victory to be had, there is nothing to be gained by staying another year or another day, just more kids and innocent civilians killed, for nothing. It is a simple fact that George W. will be out of the White House in 09. The first act of the Bozo who replaces him will be to declare VICTORY in Iraq and take the troops out. That will leave thousands of grieving family members to wonder (once again) what their sons, daughters, brother and sisters died for. Bring them home now before we lose more good kids!
I wrote 3 Wise Men during the frustration of the 2004 US presidential campaign. I knew the NITWIT was going to win again and since it has become a crime to dissent in American, I wanted to publish my concern with those running this country. You wont believe who the terrorists are!! And I think the president in my book may seem familiar!
Since there are no politicians out there with the balls to even discuss the legalization issue, I made my hero an old stoner. Senator Jack Marshall reinvents himself after leaving Arizona, gets elected Senator in New Mexico and by the end of the book he reveals to his constituents that he was a dope dealer in the 70s. And guess what, most of them ask him not to resign. 3 Wise Men is available on Amazon and B&N and many other fine book sellers.
What Myspace friends are saying about "3 Wise Men"
Frighteningly Real! This has to be the best thriller I've read in a year, at least. It is spot-on in detail, and gave me chills more than once when I realised how close to reality this scenario places all of us. It's clear Buckler knows whereof he speaks. Are there more coming? I sincerely hope so, and soon.
Stephen, I was awestruck by the book. Here's the review I wrote on amazon and sent out to some book groups....
IF YOU ONLY BUY ONE BOOK THIS YEAR, BUY THIS ONE! As the title above says, this book should be read by everyone. It's gripping from page 1 to the final page, and at times I actually found myself holding my breath. I'm so impressed by it that I created a page on my personal website for it. Stephen M Buckler (SMB) is a master of the art of suspense, and I sincerely hope that this book will be made into a film. An e-group has been set up for discussions about "3 Wise Men" at MySpace, and I'm sure that SMB will soon be given a place 'up there' with the likes of authors such as Dan Brown.
Conspiracy theorists unite! You have found your Rosetta stone.Stephen M. Buckler, in his exceedingly contemporary novel "3 Wise Men", has woven together the most notable conspiracies from the motivations behind the Soviet Union in Afghanistan to the attack on the Twin Towers. His story creates a modern era "Bayeux Tapestry" with the parts of William the Conqueror and Harold II portrayed by the lead character, Senator elect Jack Marshal and his collage partner, Terry Branch. With each plunge and rise of his literary needle he tells the story of how these two men and their rise and fall of fortune is commingled with events greater then even they understand at the time. Soon the reader is drawn to turn the page, unroll more of the images woven intricately together until they see before them the entirety of the world's plight; at least the Author's version of it.Stephen M. Buckler (SMB) has produced a work that was slow to capture my attentions but once the picture of his linking the characters to greater events was established it was hard to put down. The well versed manner in which he defines the causal inception, course and resultant outcome of each sub political plot makes even hardened non-believers take a moment and go..."Hmmmm." For my liking I would have wished for as much time and effort in a greater development of the characters. I was left with the feeling that the story was more important than the characters created to carry it to the reader. In the end I believe I have a greater understanding of the underlying villain, Hamdan, than of the Hero, Senator Jack Marshal."3 Wise Men" is a story that is taken from a merely entertaining read to a conversation topic at your next social gathering where you can drop the line "...You know, I just read something that offered me a whole new perspective on the world and the events in the Middle East..." Surly a sentence that will bend ears your way with the current heightened levels of unrest seen in today's headlines. If you look to add ammunition to your war chest of random conspiracy theories, this is your book. If you believe Jerry Falwell is the single hope of the world, spend the money on a new vinyl cover for your King James Bible and save yourself the assault on your perspective of the world. If you, like me, enjoy reading for the escape and entertainment of the mind, this will keep your interest. In the end, just remember, you found it in the Fiction Section.
I was a single parent for 14 years but now have a couple of grown children, thank god ;-)
The goal of man and society should be human independence: a concern not with image (or) popularity but with finding a meaning in life that is personally authentic……

My Interests

Writing, "3 Wise Men" reading, classic rock and roll, traveling, history, cars, college basketball and restoring my 1974 VW

I'd like to meet:

Bob Dylan and Hunter S. Thompson, but he's dead, so long old buddy!Would also like to meet the Dali Lama


I love classic rock and roll. It reminds me of my youth and that was too good to forget ;-) I want to teach a college class in classic rock! Also like classical, but give me Bruce or Hendrix or the Beatles and I'm happy. Love old Buffalo Springfield and Blues like John Mayall or Paul Butterfield.Steely Dan,Fleetwood Mac,Eagles,Doobies,ERIC Clapton Slow Hand,Have to admit a fondness for Sheryl Crow as well, hey I'm only human and when I saw her last year she could rock with the best of them ;-)


Doctor Strangelove, The Producers (the original with LSD ;-), Field of Dreams, Pulp Fiction, The Great Race, It's a mad mad mad mad world, Godfather(s), Casino, Goodfellas, Just about all mob movies, Ghost, Fargo, Being John Malovich, Crash, Usual Suspects, The Royal Tenenbaums, Almost Famous, Being There, Apocalypse Now


I like to watch college basketball, and for 5 months a year that's about all I watch. I also seem to be tuned into the History Channel a lot!! I watch the Daily Show pretty relgularly and then inane sit coms like the Simpsons and Family Guy, Go figure?


Love to read and write. Besides myself my favorite writer is Tom Robbins!!! I also have been reading Vonnegut for 35 years. I will always admire Tom Wolfe for the "Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" and Joseph Heller for Catch 22. Some of my favorites have left us like, Douglas Adams, Ken Kesey (and the Pranksters) and Hunter S, I miss their voices!! Anyone who has a real interest in American History and can deal with the fact that all that crap they taught you in high school is a bunch of Hero worshiping, never started a war, holier than thou garbage should read Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States". I couldn't have written it better myself! I read a lot of history written by academics. Some of them do know how to write (Howard Zinn is a great example), if you can get through their desire to impress their peers with their grasp of the English language ;-)


I'm too old to have heros, but if I did they would all be dead like Hendrix, Morrison, Joplin and Hunter S. Thompson

My Blog

Chapters from my new book "The HMO, Murder by Referral"

"THE HMO, MURDER BY REFERRAL" CHAPTER 1 WILLY JONES                      Willy Jones was exhausted and gasping for ...
Posted by SMB on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 01:56:00 PST

Fanatics come in all religions!

I have to tell you all about an email I got the other day from someone on MySpace.  I've become accustomed to right-wing, Evangelical Christians making derogatory comments about my page and my wr...
Posted by SMB on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 07:55:00 PST

Fanatics come in all religions!

I have to tell you all about an email I got the other day from someone on MySpace.  I've become accustomed to right-wing, Evangelical Christians making derogatory comments about my page and my wr...
Posted by SMB on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 07:54:00 PST

3 Wise Men

Hey all you potential writers out there, I'd like to hear about what you like to read.  I just published a novel and am writing another.
Posted by SMB on Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:16:00 PST