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Be somebody who cares.......

About Me

Okay so here it goes, I'm 29, most people guess no older then 24 and still get carded for everything most of the time!!!! I am a fun and outgoing individual. I like to have fun but know when to responsible. I have too many sides to me at times. I shop anywhere from Pac Sun/Hot Topic to Charlotte Russe, Contempo Casual to Armani but I buy what I like not buy b/c it has a certain name on it. I am very goal oriented and independent but yet very loyal, caring, person and dedicated to the people in my life. I'm very content with my life, happy to be where I am and happy to be heading in the direction I am going. I'm grateful for the wonderful people I have in my life even when times get rough and people sometimes frustrate me when they have the power to change their situations but fail to do so. I am happy to have the moments good or bad with them because you never know when those people will no longer be there and the frustrating things about them wind up being the things you miss the most when they are gone. Love them no matter what, that's what true relationships whether family or personal are made of!!!! I don't disregard or replace people when times get rough.Let's see what else, I'm always told that I'm one cool chick to be around b/c I 'm more like a guy in the respect that I will tell you how it is and will raise the bullshit flag at any given moment yet I do not pass judgement on others, we've all got baggage that makes us or breaks us! I don't kiss ass and you know where you stand with me at all times. Not very materialistic but like nice things. I don't get impressed but what people own or jealous of what they have, if I didn't earn it then I don't want it!!!! I'm a laid back diversified chick who yes unleashes the bitch from time to time when people or things I care about are threatened or ignored, or my ideas are used when it took me years of fighting to get them implemented and then when you leave someone takes them and takes credit for them as their own, but hey that just means I'm smarter I guess! However, most of the time I'm told I should have been crowned America's Sweetheart by those that really get to know me, (yeah what were they smokin), lol! Hey I can be a bitch at times but I get shit done!! My biggest pet peeve, lazy people!!! My famous quote, "the difference b/w those who make it and those who don't is drive and determination, not necessarily talent", and that goes for everything in life!!! I don't care much about what people think or say except for those individuals that make it into my realm of the world! Don't concern my self much with other people's business unless one they ask me to, or two it is going to have negative impact on myself or my kids! Yes, people I said kids, I have them!!! Two awesome kids that have my personality, so they totally rock!!! They know more about what's up in the world more then most adults I know do!I have a very deep love of music, (always the one thing that has never failed to be by my side during the rough times, when there is nothing left there is always the music, (more effective then hundreds of dollars and countless hours of therapy)! Therefore, you'll probably find me in places or around people who also support the local music scene in Phoenix, AZ or Huntington Beach,CA my home for now.We all need each other so go out and do your part to support all of the local starving artists in your area and the people that love and support them!!!!My other loves, badass boys with big hearts, (no metro sexuals or snobs unless you can deal with being down to earth at least 50 percent of the time ), getting a little dirty kicking up some sand and dirt in the desert riding around on quads or bikes (I love all of you riders out there too!!!), and just being a bad ass chick jumping around at some of my favorite concerts:) Oh yeah, last but not least I like cocktail parties and intellectual conversations as well, but yikes don't let that get out!!!!a href=''

My Interests

Spending time with my wonderful kids and my friends, meeting new people, networking, promoting and attending music events, hockey, motocross,dance, ice skating, photography,shopping when there is a specific need, camping, rollerblading, concerts, cultural events, art, getting fucked up and being a bitch only when the occasion calls for it.

I'd like to meet:

Since this isn't as easy as it sounds, people with at least half a clue or a quarter of a brain! People who are real, not fake, and content with who they are and do not feel the need to rip others apart, use people, or steal from them in order to make themselves feel good! Those that want or try to make a difference! People dedicating their lives to music and are dedicated to their hard work and reaching their goals, not feeding their alter egos! People who just "GET IT"!:)


I have an appreciatation for all kinds, too many to list really, but I'd have to say Alternative is my favorite genre both current and old school hence my reasoning for mangaging a band and working others heavily involved in the behind the scenes in building the local music scene here in AZ. Some of my favorites, Earshot, Staind, Sevendust, Linkin Park, Deftones, Breaking Benjamin, Nonpoint, Rage Against the Machine, Corrosiona of Conformity, Ill Nino, Mudvayne, Primus, Tool and of course APC, Earshot, Trust Company, Lifehouse, Garbage, Hole, The Cure, Disturbed, Godsmack, Incubus, Adema, Stabbing Westward, Drowning Pool, Revis, Ra, Slipnot, the Misfits, Ministry, Jane's Addiction, Sugarcult, Social Burn. Kottonmouth Kings, Kingspade, The Used, Social D, Soundgarden, Filter, Fuel, Incubus, Oasis, Goo Goo Dolls, Unwritten Law, Maroon 5, Vertical Horizon, John Mayer, Billie Holiday, Johnny Cash, Stevie Nicks, Swing and Big Band target. Okay enough said, as you can see I'm all over the board here, I won't bore you with the more obscure stuff!!!!


All kinds from Comedy to Drama, Orange County, Jackass, Super Troopers, Out Cold, Office Space, Road Trip, Friday, Next Friday,To Kill a Mocking Bird, Shawshank Redemption, American History X, The Butterfly Effect, 21 Grams, Mystic River,The Matrix, Antitrust, Devil's Advocate and then my no brainer Teen Angst flicks such as Ten Things I Hate About You and all those goofy movies, and oh yeah got to love anything with Keanu Reeves in it even if the storyline is bad!!!


Who cares, hardly ever watch it!


Anything from John Grisham!


Everybody who has done something to bring positive energy to someone else's life !!! Everybody has done something heroic in their lives. Heroism comes in many forms it's not jsut about saving old ladies from burning buildings!!!

My Blog

Fed cuts rates, what a joke!

I haven't been really compelled to bitch about anything lately but somedays those damn Yahoo headlines just get me  pissed! When I was younger I never paid much attention to what was really ...
Posted by AnglorDvl on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 08:16:00 PST

A Year Later... See last blog

Sadly, still nothing has changed!
Posted by AnglorDvl on Fri, 04 May 2007 11:09:00 PST

How pathetic are we??

Okay, I've been busy for quite some time and haven't gotten on here to bitch about much lately b/c everything in my personal life is as about as perfect as it can get (I'm a lucky girl what can I say ...
Posted by AnglorDvl on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 04:18:00 PST


Okay, this blog will probabaly stir up some major shit but oh well, if you know me then you know I enjoy doing that from time to time. It simply amazes me how the msuic capital of the world could poss...
Posted by AnglorDvl on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 11:38:00 PST

I'm sorry, I've been sooo busy!

To all my friends out there, I haven't forgotten you, if it takes me a bit to reply to email please don't be insulted. I've been soo busy with my new job that the last thing I really want to look at i...
Posted by AnglorDvl on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 09:41:00 PST

Sevendust at the House of Blues

Okay, if I can say one thing about the show I saw last night it would be OMG! Definitely one of the best performances I've seen in a looong time! Sevendust, Nonpoint and Socialburn  rocked the Ho...
Posted by AnglorDvl on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:11:00 PST

Another one bites the dust, too bad sooo sad!

It's amazing how some people never learn from their mistakes and will never change.  It never seizes to amaze me that certain people in this world continue to get by and are able to sleep wi...
Posted by AnglorDvl on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 01:49:00 PST

What I'm Thankful For!

I'm thankful for everyone that is presently a part of my life whether near or far. I'm thankful for my kids, thankful for how perfect my life is now now and and how happy I am. Thankful...
Posted by AnglorDvl on Thu, 24 Nov 2005 08:02:00 PST

5 Things All Women Should Be Grateful For!!!

Okay so I came across this and wanted to share b/c it has has positive value, ladies please read! 5 Things All Women Should Be Grateful ForMarried, single or in a relationship, the stuff w...
Posted by AnglorDvl on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 12:21:00 PST

Why AZ Bands Fail!!! Congrats to those of you that care!

To the unappreciative shits that want to play shows yet don't have a good attitude, you flat out suck, go back to fucking garage and play there!!!! My empathy to all of the promoters out the...
Posted by AnglorDvl on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 10:29:00 PST