What is Post-Punk? Well The Post-Punk tree is huge and entails many branches
Comprising genres as sundry as Gothic Rock, Bat Cave, Death Rock, Trad Goth, Positive Punk, Old school Industrial, Tribal punk, New Wave / New Romantic, Minimal Synth, and the list go on and on not to mention in a wider scope a variety of more Pop and Indie sounding artists and types, Post Punk is in fact one of the most diverse and inspiring music universes that sprung from the nostalgic decades.
To cut a long story short and embrace the spirit of what it represents for us, we can say then that mainly everything that all the branches emerged from the punk roots can be considered post-punk.
In the late 70's, early 80's, it was not a surprise to see together Goth, Wave, Industrial and Anarcho-Punk (and much to some peoples misery sorry, yes, hippies) etc in the same troupe of subversive youths who created a counter culture, a resistance base and a surprisingly refreshing tray serving aspiring food for thought and change.
In the late 80's the fierce force of creativity that designed the years of the post punk zenith weakened as other fads and conditions shaped the path the music and youth culture was heading to. Popular and danceable sing-a-long mainstreamed sounds were created to entertain and project the newer wave of kids into a new decade where fast consuming images and ideas were created and an inner sense of struggle and individuality fell subdued and outdated
The 90s saw a moving staircase leading to other directions in the musical approach the new acts diverged enormously from the previously stated post-Punk character… new acts embraced defining traits focused on a lifestyle that impended a slowly forgetfulness of the roots of active resistance and struggle that favored an attitude turning inwards instead of outwards
Unfortunately, this tendency is mostly felt nowadays… Blame the zeitgeist… but the sense of community and DIY spirit almost disappeared, and where bashed away by a new glorification of ego boosting, egoism and idolatry and profit. The whole Post-Punk legacy was brought to the forefront again and revived, but gradually it was twisted and turned as people pleased until it reached an appalling state of decadence (not a good one in fact)… the main focus of this once subversive style was transformed into a status machine where it became a system inside of the system, obeying to rules and regulations and structures that contradict the whole community/solidarity/freedom/individuality character of the earlier years – no more effort to work for a cause and pass messages and have fun, but to sell a shallow lifestyle where image and status and perhaps sadly money are the main focus and wet dreams.
Therefore, and to cut the long story short as promised, our desire is to build a place where we can cherish and revive an equal, friendly and passionate spirit of Post-Punk and all it represents in its true essence while indeed having the best time of our lives!
Let the tribe increase!
Fanzine/Webzine = What we are 'fans' of, it's going from Anarcho-Punk to Post-Punk, Positive Punk,80's stuff etc... We want to keep this profile DIY and a community in every meaning of the word, so we don't add comercial stuff, shops' profiles, etc...No ass licking, No status, No ego boosting,No bullshit ...We accept no advertising or solicit Music - it's of course great if someone sends a copy of something, but we are just as happy (or even more) to buy from a struggling band. Yep, I think you already understand where we stand ;),we share and show without profits and are ok to echange or give some helps all that just by passion.
We do organise some gigs and live events from time to time, but we are NOT promotors or a company,We dont want to be popular or "Big" in japan or anywhere else, or make profits on the back of People/Artists/Sub-cultures... well, we try that all is done in a very friendly and cosy way!
If you see your band in the pics, videos or player and you don't want it there just ask and we will take it away.
We dont really care about Famous night club, Fancy glossy magazine, mega-event, Glamour "deathrock" "punk" models or any kind of scene/supermarket,We dont prethend to be better then anyone else its just not us thing,If you only want to promot your event, night clubs sorry guy's its not the right place to do it, myspace is already full pack of this kind of stuff im sure you will find some easely.
No racist, sexist, fascist, homophobic, bands or people will be tolerated!
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