36 new songs on juke box 3
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this event will also double as the old punks xmas partylayoutiI would like to meet the real me and the person i will spend the rest of my life good people.Elaine Cassidy, Jenny Foulds[Heather from 2000 acres of sky].Samantha Morton,louise Delamere.Julie Walters,lucy montgomery, Sean Bonniwell.Welly and the boys from Norwich.All the old faces in London Town.All the other people are dead ,but iam sure il bump into them some where. Janis Joplin Marx brothers Don Revie Mathew Ashman Billy Bremner Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther king Nick Drake Oscar Wilde Goucho marx Hitler Stalin Jack the ripper Tsar Nicholas 11 and after watching a recent doc on Ronnie laine ,he seems a decent guy My old NIEGHBOUR Ann AND people who are going to be part of my future life. iam still waiting for a school reunion invatation from cannon fodder comphrehensive.The only person who did anything worth mentioning was Andrea Dunbar.she wrote rita ,sue and bob to. quite remarkable considering she only turned up once a year. i would have loved to have read the original script.mind you she captured our school and the area remarkably. she was also in the terminal stupid form ,of which i was a great contributor to the chaos and dysfunctional atmosphere.
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Thunder rock,murder in the first,dead peots society ,name of the rose,clockwork orange,triumph of the will,marx brothers,misissippi burning,filth and the fury,Micheal Collins.Bad boy Bubby,punk in London,Holocaust,the Punk Rock movie,Riot on Sunset Strip.Psych Out,jaws,Odessa file,christianne f.Shawshank Redemption,Dance with a stranger old b/w films.better scripts and actors.prefer films which take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions rather then movies with plenty of action and effects and little substance
Rising damp,black books,dear john,2000 acres of sky,spooks,who do you think you are.leauge of gentlemen,still game,underground music docs /gigs,documentaries,gritty social dramas,especially with a psychological edge to them, or were people overcome adversity.who dunnits,our friends in the north whoe's line is it anyway,wire in the blood,have i got news for you
factual books.football,histoty,biographyies,true crime. Don't bother with news papers.They are all politically motivated,or the news ,to depressing
no more heroes any more!real heroes are people who are willing to sacrafice themselves for the wellbeing others before themselves.like roal wallenberg,martin luther king,gandi,oscar shindler,nelson mandela.and skippy People who have had an impact on my life. Don Revie and Leeds UnitedStuart goddard. Viv and Malcs clothes .sex and seditionaries Friends and Enemies Family and Girlfriends John Lydon. Just glad i learned all about false prophets and the falability of mankind before Alan Smith upset all those people who believed in him and joined the enemy.it still hurt though!JUDAS! Just watched a programme called This World about modern day heroes.Dr Ali and his staff in bagdad hospital.What tremendous courage and humanity in dealing with the everyday chaos and carnage of Irag.Maybe if everybody got out of there who isn't iragi they might find peace ? they certianly deserve it Also i would include Abdul Haq an afhganistani who told the americans he could sort his own country out,without the need to invade them but the americans keep believing other unreliable sources instead.He was killed by ?