punk/ motorbikes chops been my fav ,but dont ride now as me eye got fucked up in an accident stitched me eye ball up looks like a rugby ball now, joking it put me below the legal limit to drive , love gigs /festivals beer/ writing silly little poem type things rymes /chatting on this myspace their is some intrusting people on here some tit wits too but thats life in the real word aswell. im a black belt in judo oh no thats wrong ive got a black belt an play ludo i find tattoos intrusting, we must be mad pay for pain but its a part ov who you are /things change as im now involved in helping bands get gigs sorting out advertising on here /working with baz from the shay who,s getting top bands on for punx and skins /me im getting support bands on in a great boozer /haveing a beer with a great big boozer baz lol/yorkshire as a great venue in halifax ,now punk lives oioioi what more do ya need
everyone an no one as we,re all intrusting in our own ways stars can be full ov bollox ..like chatting music with bands, but once i chat to anyone who,s stuck up their own arses i mean punk bands/ rock bands /you know the ones they lost what it was all about got greedy belived their own status became better than us who put em there .well they can fuck right off /back in the old days when 30 or so punks turned up they took time out .wanted to still be one ov the lads have a beer /be what you are, be yourself. or became a puppet an die , dont be afraid to tell people what you think or feel one lifes all you got enjoy it/ pogo up front not at the back / afew bands ive seen latley seem to have the attitude getting out talking to us the guys who have turned up so far the scabs the jesters keyside strike lowlife uk noeagermen negatives captain hotknifes uksubs pairie dugs obnoxious uk wild trash threshold shift most likely to fail captian hotknifes many more sticking together so i take my hat off to these lot ,keep punk for punks unite an party together
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you dont need heros just friends you can rely on an a large bottle ov vodka