The Sedations profile picture

The Sedations


About Me

Formed in Leicester 2006 . Have about 25 or 30 songs, shared between 3 chordsRecorded a few songs, gonna do a lot more recording and shows soon, so look out for us, because if we see you first you're dead.That's the Sedation spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!On a lighter note if you are NOT some emo listening, crying to mum for new trainers type and you like a good pop song, chances are we are gonna get on fine. (And by pop song we don't mean some r'n'b bullshit or some macho rapper, i'm talking the old school. Buddy Holly, The Beach Boys, Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis (especially the fat years) and so on.) Don't get me wrong I'm not comparing us to the likes of Buddy Holly that would be like comparing diamonds to shit.TAKE HER EASY, THE SEDATIONS!!!!!We don't wanna meet any small minded homobhobic or racist fucks so if you are one, do one! On the other hand we don't wanna meet any overly pc idiots either......... We do however wanna meet dumbass punk rockers who still know how to have fun and rock out to the 3-chord! Fans of 50's horror, comic book geeks and anyone who has comitted train robbery and got away with it.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Phil Sideburns -growls and rythm guitar.Mikey sharkface -lead guitar and backing vocals.Cooler than the Fonz -bass.Tommy Earplugs -drums and 2000 yard stare.
Influences: Ramones, Beach boys, Screeching Weasel, The Queers, The Parasites, The Nobodys, The Vindictives, The Mr T Exp, Squirtgun, Teen Idols, The Secretions, Moral Crux, The Smugglers, Riverdales, The Manges, Zatopeks, Boris the Sprinkler, The Lillingtons, The Huntingtons, The Manges, the jizz kids, the apers, dirtbike annie, furious george, pink lincolns, drunken cholos, griswalds, misfits(with danzig), the accelerators, fairlanes, mopes, beatnick termites, sheckies, chixdiggit, the turturros, crimpshrine, pinhead gunpowder, fifteen, Angry Samoans etc.....bikinis, leather jackets, chuck taylors, stickers, badges, whoas, ooohs, aaahhs, cute punk rock girls, hammond organs, 50's pop, doo wop, comic books, zombie flicks, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, cartoons, chevy chase, bruce campbell, chuck norris, rock 'n' roll but mostly you!
Sounds Like:
Record Label: knowhere records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

rude review...."what scene" comp

"Put out by Punk or Nothing Webzine Okay, first of all there are like 37 songs on this thing and it only cost me like $2.25 American.  IF you're looking for a guide to a lot, but not all, of the ...
Posted by The Sedations on Sat, 03 May 2008 07:10:00 PST

goodbye joe joe

today the legend that is j.r spoonngs has said his farewells to the sedations. he will be sadly missed and we express our deepest thanx for the goodtimes and the craziness!!   so anyway we have a...
Posted by The Sedations on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 12:28:00 PST

all roads lead to knowhere---review

..TR> All Roads Lead To Knowhere - Review -by DICK NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is going to sound biased, due to seventy-five percent of the bands on it being my friends, but this will probably remai...
Posted by The Sedations on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 05:04:00 PST

2008 its getting even better....

ok so we kicked off 2008 with a few shows with those dutch legends the apers which was fucking great, even though we did get stranded in birmingham. fuckin' taxi company!!!!!!!   so we have our f...
Posted by The Sedations on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 03:50:00 PST

2007 the story so far.......

hey hey boys and gals, we had a great year in 2007. we'd like to thank all the nice people who have come to the shows and said nice things about us. ( thanx to both of you ). we'd like to th...
Posted by The Sedations on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 03:43:00 PST