Article printed in BBC Introducing on 9th June 2008.
"Every so often, Manchester produces a truly special band. Given their former bands, the potential for 1913 to be one was always there, but no-one could have expected the dark potency and driving power of Can’t Move On. If it’s anything to go by, a huge future is theirs for the taking."
Chris Long BBC
1913 at the Hide and Seek Festival 1st June 2008.
1913 at a packed out Aftershow gig 23rd May 2008.
Article printed in the Manchester Evening News on 16th May 2008.
Manchester is a city full of cool new bands and you’ve got to be special to stick out
- 1913 are special.
A mere three months into their existence and 1913 have arrived. Only their second gig showed a band fully formed with atmospheric guitars, sublime power and big anthems that electrified an eager crowd.
Bristling with songs and ideas the band are set to go into production with the Highway Stars team of Dave Tolan and Jim Spencer at The Charlatans’ Big Mushroom studios in Middlewich, Cheshire. Watch this space...
The south Manchester band have built up an enthusiastic fan base which came together when two arch rival bands merged. ‘It was easier than fighting each other’ they laugh.
Their gigs are wild affairs with a boisterous crew that follows them getting off on the band’s atmospheric guitar driven music that somehow manages to combine the dark dissonance of primetime Joy Division with a pure pop sensibility of Arcade Fire. Their demos are even better.
As we drive along the Mancunian Way the band crank up their latest tunes. I thought they were good, but not this good, within months 1913 could be sat there in the middle of a new Manchester wave that will thrill the city in 2008.
1913 are on a creative buzz with songs pouring out of them. Frontman Ian Lawton’s pop nous and stunning voice combines perfectly with the rest of the band’s more surly Mancunian guitar atmospherics. On paper it shouldn’t work but somehow it does.
Joe Wilson’s chiming guitar pyrotechnics hark back to Manchester’s rich vein of guitar history from The Chameleons to a touch of Johnny Marr but reinvented with a 21st century flavour that reflects a new modern Manchester. A city that sees itself firmly on the international stage and not the crumbling red brick Victoriana of the older bands.
This is a band that has no fear and sees no boundaries with a wild eyed confidence that fired all the city’s greatest bands to success. They enthuse about New Order’s ability to mash technology with rock and Elbow’s edgy and brilliant new album. Live they have the sweat and gristle of a prime time rock n roll band allied with that surly Manc swagger and cool. They have the smarts and they also look like a band with that carefree charisma, constantly finishing each other’s jokes underlining their strong chemistry.
1913 are thrilled by local outfit the Whip’s ability to get a dance floor moving and describe their own choruses as the sort that will have the same impact. When you look into their eyes you can see that they believe it. With songs like “Burning Aliveâ€, “Heaven Help Meâ€, “Roll Into Youâ€, “Can’t Move On†and “My Fear†already demoed, 1913 are underlining their ambition, utilising technology and recording classic new millennium rock. They are fast-forwarding to the future whilst keeping an eye on the tradition of great guitar music.
The potential here is awesome and its already being realised.
1913 are set to release their first single in September 2008.