notwolf profile picture


An American Sphinx

About Me

i've finally made it home to Texas.
...otherwise? i travel a lot, and i work in my buddy Jim's Comic Shop ( Madness Comics!). Sometimes i work some conventions, sometimes i play a little music. i miss Secret Headquarters. Most of the rest of the time i'm bathed in the radiation of the Internet.
i like some RPG's ( i playtested Shadowrun, Vampire, Changling, Werewolf) i like to cook, and i frequently abuse my guitar.
And i read. Alot. i have more books than anything else, it seems... day soon i'll put it to good use.
Right now i'm blessed t'be in a little band called starhead.
i've been in a fistfulla bands, toured a summer with The Dead, driven a taxi, worked in a Reggae bar ( Nyabinghi!), and ran a couple of clubs. i've been a rock DJ on the radio and a part-time photographer of things rated NC-17 and above.
i've been writing forever, and have been published online and off in music mags, kid's mags, sciFi mags and even held my own column for a couple of years and ended up publishing my own rag ( with some mates, mind you...).
Back in the 90's things were swell, so i stay there whenever i can. Sometimes i miss being a rock star... which reminds me: Henry Rollins owes me a plate of Nachos and a bottle of Absolut. Hank III owes me FOUR beers.
Sounds glorious, right? ya...
So, if i've done alla this great shit and know alla these folk, what the fuck am i doing in Suburban Texas? Fuck if i know. No, really: i have no idea anymore. Got lotsa good stories, tho.
i live free,and i love too hard. Just lettin' yeh know...
BTW, my 'real' journal/blog/thingy is ( and has been for over 7 years) over on Livejournal ( HERE ), but i'm over here cos a pile of my old friends are...
i guess i oughta mention: you might've known me as J.C. Belial, Jon the Bastard, Wile E. Peyote, Darth Brooks, Simon Fischer-King, Xaybechae, or Bon Scott, depending on what part of the country yer in. Yeah, i know...
You? You can call me 'Mister', till i shake yer hand, we share a drink, or pass some fire or good words 'tween us.
Only one will call me 'Sir'.
I edited my profile with my fetid ego !

My Interests

Fire, food, noise, possibilities.

I'd like to meet:

Audery Hepburn as Tank Girl, Aslan, Natalie Portman, Ben Franklin, Bono, a girl without snakes in her head who has semi-regular access to an ice cream truck. This girl Maggie at Dan's? i think she's kinda amazin, but she's not even on my planet.There's a girl i'd like t'know better while i can, tho. yeah.Oh, and me. i'd like to know what i'd think of me.


Yes, please. ( Real drums, k?)


Boondock Saints. Rosancrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead. Serenity, Across the Universe, Edward Scissorhands, ...oh for fuck's sake this is stupid. NEXT!


...not really, but Craig Ferguson is a fucking genius. Oh, and i do 'Lost', and The Daily Show, and Iron Chef ( cos i love new (freaky?)foods!)...


Yup. Tho i've noticed that about 1/4 of my (500+, not including comics) books could be deemed 'reference books'...


...if yeh were lookin' fer Hunter S. Thompson, look somewhere else, you fucking lemming.

My Blog


Posted by notwolf on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 02:01:00 PST


Posted by notwolf on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 12:26:00 PST


Posted by notwolf on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 04:23:00 PST

the line between the devil's teeth and that which cannae be ( repeat)

K. So here's th'deal.  i have THIS space cos i've alot of mates here.  However MY space is over here: (n0tw01f      livejournalDOTcom) ...and has been for almost 6 years...
Posted by notwolf on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 10:38:00 PST