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Constitution Party

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

The Democrats and Republicans have squandered the Founders' legacy of liberty and justice under the Constitution. Countless government officials in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government ignore their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.
Join the Constitution Party in its work to restore our government to its Constitutional limits and our law to its Biblical foundations
Seven Principles of the Constitution Party are:
1. Life: For all human beings, from conception to natural death;
2. Liberty: Freedom of conscience and actions for the self-governed individual;
3. Family: One husband and one wife with their children as divinely instituted;
4. Property: Each individual's right to own and steward personal property without government burden;
5. Constitution: and Bill of Rights interpreted according to the actual intent of the Founding Fathers;
6. States' Rights: Everything not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the federal government is reserved for the state and local jurisdictions;
7. American Sovereignty: American government committed to the protection of the borders, trade, and common defense of Americans, and not entangled in foreign alliances.

My Interests

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My Blog

John McCain: Big-Government Liberal Gun-Grabber

John McCain Is A Liberal Gun-Grabber by Pastor Chuck BaldwinAs published at The last thing we need is another liberal neocon in the White House. If the Presidency of George W. ...
Posted by Constitution Party on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 08:39:00 PST

Chuck Baldwin Captures Constitution Party Presidential Nomination!

Chuck Baldwin Captures Constitution Party Presidential Nomination!Largest 3rd Party Presidential Candidate To Challenge "Big Box" Parties Kansas City, Mo. (April 26,2008) The Constitution Party chose...
Posted by Constitution Party on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 04:11:00 PST

A Constitutional President in 2008

A Constitutional President in 2008Super Tuesday is behind us, and for many there were no surprises. The GOP presidential candidates who stood for the Constitution, individual liberty, and a sound eco...
Posted by Constitution Party on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 06:44:00 PST

John McCain funded by Soros since 2001

Note that the official positions of the Constitution Party are stated in our platform. This article or transcript contains the opinions of the author and are not necessarily to be construed as represe...
Posted by Constitution Party on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 06:43:00 PST

We'll Get the President We Deserve

Note that the official positions of the Constitution Party are stated in our platform. This article or transcript contains the opinions of the author and are not necessarily to be construed as represe...
Posted by Constitution Party on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 06:41:00 PST