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This is Good! My Nephew Chistopher Sparks Making his You Tube first video explaing the theory of the hotwheels trick trac.
Gospel,folk,bluegrass,the isaacs,third day
I love sports,football,basketball,nascar,boxing, C.S.I.,Law &Order,X-files
iam reading "walk across America": by Peter Jenkin.Takes place in the early 70s true story about a guy who decides to walk across this country.1."Life and ministry of Billy & Shirly cole" 2."Oneness of God". By,David Bernard 3."The New Birth" By David Bernard. 4."Some Shall Depart" By Bishop H.Walker5."Azusa Street" By.Frank Bartleman http 6."Handling Serpents"Pastor Jimmy Morrow’s Narratitive History of His Appalachian Jesus’ Name Tradition (Jimmy Morrow with Ralph W. Hood, Jr., editor)7.Game of Fools:" The Story of Snake Handling Preacher Reverend Charley Coaltrain (Paperback) by Charles L. Wooten (Author), Sharon Mitchell (Author) True story written by Pastor Glen Summerford from prison under a fictional name 8.Heavenly Man- Brother Yun1..anything by Congressman Ron Paul. 2.saving grace -lee smith (Fiction) 3.Quiet stregth -Tony Dungy 4. "You Can Run But You Can't Hide"Duane "The Dog"Chapman" 5. Rich Dad,Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki
my family Father and Mother,they have always been there for me.Brother Charles from Wanchese,who was like a spiritual father to me in my early years working in the ministry also Pastor David Daniles,The late Bishop S.C. Johnson where i first heard the apostolic doctrine -acts2.38 preached with understanding and boldness(didn;t know you were dead when i fist heard David Bernard thanks for youre books.Elder Benjamin m.freeman"Lively Church of the apostolic Faith"NY.NY.Thanks for encouraging me through your past emails and youre coresspondence Bible Institude Studies that really helped me,You made an impact on me and and i thank God after many years i was able to get back in touch with you.Pastor Jimmy Morrow from the first time we talked i felt i had known you for years,youre sparks related, and i enjoy our weekly phone convos.Pastor Roberto Ruck my friend and my Pastor who Baptised me in the wonderful name of Jesus christ!My Brothers who are true survivors like grandmother Annie -NANA who i always admired as a strong womani will always truely miss her. my biggest hero my LOrd and savior Jesus Christ!Who i hope to meet in heaven