God. Love. Truth. Imagination. Creation. Breathing. Laughing. Honesty. Communication. Emotion. Poetry. Films. Music. Art. Dreams. Rain. Kissing. Magic. Beauty. Fairy Tales. Children's Books. The Human Condition. Taxidermy. Medical Phenomenon. Science. The Circus. The language of plants. Talking to trees. Listening to flowers. Laying in the sun with Rabbits. Playing hide and go seek with Tortoises. Listening to the wisdom of Owls. Catching Fireflies, putting them in jars, then releasing them to fly all over my room at night. Telling ghost stories. Finding Monsters in the closet, under the bed, and... in the fridge? What the... Traveling to Outer Space. Going back in time to visit the dead. Old rusty Trains. Old antique clocks. Pretending to be Mermaids in the public swimming pool.
"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence, nor a vast amount of imagination, nor both combined go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius." - Wolgang Amadeus Mozart
"The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." - ALLAN K. CHALMERS
"Clowns are geniuses masquerading as fools."- Unknown
"Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh." - George Bernard Shaw
"A reasonable man adapts himself to the world; an unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw
"When I examined myself and my methods of thought, I came to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge." - Albert Einstein
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Gandi
"My burning need for love, unslaked in life, I pour into my art." - Wagner
And maybe this guy...
Yes please. All of it. I'll take it. That Frank Sinatra over there, yeah that one, I'll take that too.
Silent Films. Anything with Puppets. Horror films. I'm just obsessed with films. Trust me, this list would be way too long.
Toby Dammit:
Elvira- Movie Macabre. Tales from the Crypt. PeeWee's Playhouse. Pushing Daisies. Dexter. Farscape. Flight of the Conchords. Ali G. Dr. Who.
And my favorite childhood show:
Children's Books. Fairy Tales. Edward Gorey. Edgar Allen Poe. Film history. Religion. Politics. Philosophy. Psychology. Watership Down. The House of Leaves. Charles Bukowski. George Bernard Shaw.
There are so many people out there that I admire, artists, philosophers, scientists, revolutionaries, healers, thinkers, movers, and shakers. People who think outside of the box. People who aren't afraid. People who are just simply happy. This is just to name a few. Some are fictional characters from my childhood and others are real living breathing people.
These are seriously some of my childhood heroes:
Charlie Chaplin
Buster Keaton
Vincent Price
Pee Wee Herman
Punky Brewster
Tank Girl
Jessica Rabbit
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Morgus the Magnificent
Lon Chaney
Edgar Allen Poe
Albert Einstein
And then later in life I came to appreciate these people:
My Parents
My Grand Parents
Jack Parsons
William Shakespeare
Tom Waits
Richard E Grant
Daniel Day-Lewis
Kate Blanchett
Gary Oldman
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Sasha Baron Cohen
Gottfried Helnwein
Federico Fellini
Paul Thomas Anderson
Jim Jarmusch
David Lynch
Darren Aronofsky
John Landis
Sam Raimi
George Romero
Woody Allen
Salvador Dali
Bill Murray
Mother Theresa
Steven Hawking