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Damiano Gulluni


About Me

.....:DG artGallery:. Artistic collaborations: Nicodemo Rinaldis, photographer, Canadensis, PA (USA) NicodemoPhoto.com; Andrea Vassallo, astronomer, Carloforte (CA) Upaise.com; Gianni Latronico, poet and art critic, Matera.Damiano Gulluni è nato a Mammola il 19/09/1960, ha studiato al Liceo Artistico di Siderno e quindi al Politecnico di Torino, dove ha conseguito la laurea in Architettura; successivamente a Reggio Calabria ha conseguito l'abilitazione all'insegnamento di educazione artistica, disegno e storia dell'arte. Svolge l'attività di architetto con la Regione Calabria presso il Comune di Mammola (RC), nonchè di artista pittore.Soggetti: Composizioni astratte, informali, concettuali, op art.Tecniche: Tecnica mista, tempera e acrilico su cartoncino.Esposizioni: 8.12.2002, Palazzo dei Congressi – Salsomaggiore Terme (PR), Concorso Nazionale di Pittura e Grafica "Cristoforo Marzaroli" – Medaglia Terme di Salsomaggiore, Sezione Grafica;Dall’11 al 22 Gennaio 2003, Galleria d’arte Modigliani, Milano – Nuova Figurazione Concettuale – Mostra antologica del Turismo.21.2.2003 - Award 2003 Artmajeur.com Dal 6 agosto al 5 settembre 2004 - Segni, colori, immagini: esposizione, incontro, confronto – Palazzo Comunale - Mammola (RC).Critici: Salvatore Perdicaro, Gianni Latronico, Myriam Latronico, Margherita de Napoli, Carla Marino, Elena Scarfò, Paolo Gastaldo, Vilma Torselli, Carla Ferraris, Nicodemo Rinaldis.Bibliografia: L’elite, selezione Arte italiana 2003 - La Voce del Kellerana - L’ Eco del Chiaro - Boè - Avanguardie Artistiche 2005 - Art Diary 2008Ho scritto recensioni per gli artisti: Nicodemo Rinaldis, fotografo, USA; Christophe Gulluni, pittore, Francia; Ariel Gulluni, pittore, Argentina; Gianni Latronico, poeta e critico d'arte, Matera; Domenico Fazzari, pittore e scultore, Milano; Nico Panetta, pittore, Mammola (RC); Gustavo Raschellà, fotografo, Mammola (RC); Lucia Simonetta, pittrice, Mammola (RC); Basiliana Scali, pittrice, Mammola (RC); Marja, pittrice, Mammola (RC); Silvia Conia, vignettista, Mammola (RC); Benedetto Biundo, pittore, Cinisi, Palermo; Carla Marino, pittrice, Savona; Elena Ritorto, pittrice, Gioiosa Jonica (RC); Rocco Verderosa, pittore, Carloforte (CA); Gaetano Vicari, pittore, Barrafranca, Enna.Damiano Gulluni was born on September 19, 1960, in Mammola, Reggio Calabria, Italy, has studied to the Artistic Grammar school of Siderno and therefore to the Polytechnic of Turin, where he has achieved the bachelor in Architecture; successively to Reggio Calabria he realizes the qualification to the instruction of artistic education, design and history of the art. It carries out the activity of architect with the Calabria Region with the Municipality of Mammola (RC), let alone of artist painter.Subjects: Abstract compositions, informal, conceptual, op art.Techniques: Mixed media, tempera and acrylic on paper.Exposures: 8.12.2002, Palace of the Conferences - Salsomaggiore Terme (PR), National Painting Competition "Cristoforo Marzaroli" - Medal Terme di Salsomaggiore, Graphical Section;From the 11 to 22 January 2003, Gallery of Modigliani art, Milan - New Conceptual Figuration - anthological Extension of the Tourism;21.2.2003 - Award 2003 Artmajeur.comFrom the 6 August to the 5 september 2004 - "Signs, colors, images: exposures, encounter, comparison" - Communal Palace - Mammola (RC).Critics: Salvatore Perdicaro (Varese, Italy), Gianni Latronico (Matera, Italy), Myriam Latronico (Savona, Italy), Margherita de Napoli (Bari, Italy), Carla Marino (Savona, Italy), Elena Scarfò, (Roma, Italy), Paolo Gastaldo (Genova, Italy), Vilma Torselli (Milano, Italy), Carla Ferraris (Milano, Italy), Nicodemo Rinaldis, Canadensis, PA (USA).Bibliography: The Elite, selection Italian Art the 2003 (Varese, Italy) - Eco del Chiaro (Mammola, Reggio Calabria) - Boè (Palermo, Italy) - Art Diary 2008 (Milano, Italy)I have written book reviews for the artists: Christophe Gulluni, Nicodemo Rinaldis, Gianni Latronico, Domenico Fazzari, Nico Panetta, Gustavo Raschellà, Lucia Simonetta, Benedetto Biundo, Carla Marino, Elena Ritorto, Rocco Verderosa, Gaetano Vicari Artmajeur.com/DamianoGulluni

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My Interests

arte moderna e contemporaneaTHE SOFT GEOMETRY IN DAMIANO GULLUNI’S ART - Gianni Latronico -In abstract expressionism current, Damiano Gulluni has been classified, from time to time, in conceptual, spiritual, optical art, without any reference, neither to the subject developed at sight, nor to his technique adopted instantly.As a minimalist and an extremist, an informal and a concrete, an analytical and a descriptive, a polyhedral artist in a natural way, he overlooks every label and every - ism, to go counter current and translate his visual perception in a pure, simple art, without frills neither complications. Being at the perennial search of Phoenix Arab, the shaft moon, the inexistent island, his ambition is to express Absolute, sublimity and eternity in a soft geometry, that bevels the edges of reality and softens the various anglings of truth. His rebellious soul expands itself in molecules of color, blades of light, pigments of dream, displaced in various, dimensional plans and inserted in different, concentric forms.His meeting with Chevreul’s coloristic theories, exemplified in Seurat, accented in Matisse and sublimed in Mondrian, has brought him to a continuous, stylistic evolution and to a perennial, content stylisation. Damiano Gulluni has gone more and more away, in order to rip, reduce and simplify form, inflaming shades and accenting movement, till the bewildering of observers, to reject and attract them, to terrify and allure them, to move and subjugate them at last. Mindful of his degree in Architecture, he currently emits into optical tesseras of Byzantine mosaics, Arabian, formal elements and structural functions, in a sinuous line, scheming, without solution of continuity.Signs intersect, weave, penetrate themselves in a mystical place, an ideal environment and a Bergsonian time, that leave subject and object out of consideration. Rhythmic space, mobile scanning, overlapped plans soften in the harmonic flow of internal categories, that remember the object of visual feeling and overcome it in the depth of spiritual accession. After the collapse of American twin towers, magnificent skyscrapers rise up in New York, in a surreal climate; but, on the top of their pinnacles, they have no panels, radars, aerials; on the contrary they have the half Islamic moon and the full sun of the future, in an ideal embrace between east and west.The choice of colour, sketch and habitat never corresponds to effective reality, but always to mutable states of mind, in a melancholy, sad, dismal background, however revived by a constant optimism, inherent in the changing nuances.Jazz, rhythm an' blues and soul music alternate themselves to free songs, soft melodies, sweet symphonies, to express themselves entirely in the dance of hours and in the boundless time of interior character. Having the gift of infinity, Damiano Gulluni is an accursed painter, at Modigliani’s way, with the race artist’s torment and the ingeniousness great teachers’ talent.The breath of the wind, the ray of the sun, the blue of the water insinuate themselves into the connective fabrics of his optical effects, to fill themselves with lifeblood, sussultatory movement and visual poetry.

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My Blog

Hair - Aquarius

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhbxI5eVnM4 ...
Posted by Damiano Gulluni on Thu, 29 May 2008 12:55:00 PST

Hair - Let the Sunshine In

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhNrqc6yvTU ...
Posted by Damiano Gulluni on Sat, 24 May 2008 12:45:00 PST

Damiano Gulluni artStudio

Damiano Gulluni artStudio Mammola (RC)
Posted by Damiano Gulluni on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 02:44:00 PST

Guarda questo evento: 24 HOURS @ 24 FRAMES PER SECOND OVER JOSHUA TREE

Hosted By: UCR/California Museum of Photography UCR/CaliforniWhen: 01 apr 2008, 07.00Where: UCR/California Museum of Photography3824 Main St.Riverside, California|5 92501Stati UnitiDescription:UCR/Cal...
Posted by Damiano Gulluni on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 04:58:00 PST