A Sponsor or just an ol lady with lotsa moneybags! LOL Osama or Obama, one in the same! Terrorists!! George W. Bush Ray Deaton Chuck Norris Josie Jones Kelly McCoy
BLUEGRASS!, Classic Rock, Jazz, Hip Hop, Celtic, Techno, Lite Classics, New Age hell, about all of it! (See...)
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CONGRATULATIONS TO ADAM NICKELL AND JOSIE JONES AS MY DEAR FRIENDS JOIN TOGETHER FOREVER on 5 May 2007!!! They are wonderful people and I am proud to call them my friends!
Val, B, Ducky, Nessa and Chanel Bill Monroe, Jimmy Page, Sam Bush,IIIrd Tyme Out, LRB, The Hillbilly Gypsies, McCoy Grass? Shades of Blue, Victor Wooten, Bruce Hornsby, The Eagles, Jackson Browne, and all the others that made Bluegrass and Acoustic music INTO something that can be carried forth with a new flavor! "One that won't lose it's flavor on the bedpost overnight!"Josie, Rita, Jen-Jen, Sarah, Shirlee, BrandY and all the MJCC ANGELS of mine!AND of course, KELLY McCOY!