Bad News: We Are All Sinners
All Have Sinned and Fallen Short of the Glory of God
- Romans 3:23
There is none that does good, no not one.
- Romans 3:12
Good News: Christ Came to Save Sinners
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
- 1 Timothy 1:15
Bad News: We Deserve to Die
The soul that sins, shall die ~ Ezekiel 18:4
The wages of sin is death ~ Romans 6:23
Good News: Christ Died For Us
But God demonstrates his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us
- Romans 5:8
Bad News: We Cannot Earn Salvation
Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us.
- Titus 3:5
Good News: God Gives Salvation
By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God
- Ephesians 2:8
Bad News: We Are Condemned
This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil
- John 3:19
Good News: Christ Frees From Condemnation
There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus
- Romans 8:1
Bad News: We Deserve Eternal Punishment
All of us have become like one who is unclean
All our righteous acts are like filthy rags before God
(Nothing We Do is Good / Nothing we do can please God)
(Unless the Holy Spirit in those of us who are saved does the Good)
- Isaiah 64:6
Good News: God Offers Eternal Life;
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
- John 3:16
Bad News: We Cannot Find the Way Alone;
The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him.
- 1 Corinthians 2:14
Good News: Christ is the Way;
Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. and the only way to the Father is Through Me
- John 14:6
Depart from me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire
- Matthew 25:41
Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world
- Matthew 25:34
The word Gospel simply means Good News.
Jesus Said: “Repent, and Believe the Gospelâ€
- Mark 1:15
So He urges all of us to turn from our sins and act on this good news!
Don't delay, Do it today!
What Is Sin?
Sin is the Transgression (Breaking) of the Law
Sin is Lawlessness (Against the Will of God)
What is the Law?
:: Who Are You :: Not In Your Eyes But in God's Eyes
:: Where Are You Going :: When You Die?
Of All The Decisions You Make In Life
This will be the Most Important
Because it Determines Where You'll Spend Eternity
Your Life Here On Earth is Short...It's About This Long:
(-) = 5 years
Maybe You Don't Believe What the Bible Says
About God and About Man, Maybe You Do...
Maybe You Believe in Your Heart of Hearts that you are Saved
But a Person's Heart is Deceitful and Wicked
None Could Know it But God Alone ~ Jeremiah 17:9
So How Can You Know That You Know You're Saved?
One Things for Sure....
If What The Bible Says Is True After All
You'll Be Spending ETERNITY In Either A Place of Everlasting Joy or Never Ending Torment
That's This Long:
(-) = 50 Years
---------------------------------------------------- Forever And Ever....
In The End...Which Door Will You Enter Through?
You May Think You Know You are on "The Right Path" but God says that there is a way that SEEMS right unto a Man...
But it Leads to Death
- Proverbs 14:12
- Proverbs 16:25
You May Know You Know You're on the Right Path Because You Believe in God's Existence
Demons Do The Same, and Even Shudder Before His Holiness ~ James 2:19
But They're Not In Heaven...Why?
Because They Do Not LOVE God
The Only Way We Can Hope To Know If We're Saved, is to Test Ourselves In Light of Scripture, to See, If We're in the Faith
- 2 Corinthians 13:5
The Word of GOD is Living and Active,
Sharper than any Double-Edged Sword,
Penetrating even to the Dividing Soul and Spirit,
It JUDGES the Thoughts and Attitudes of the Heart.
- Hebrews 4:12
Before You Have to Stand Before God on JUDGE-ment Day...
You can Apply the BIBLE right before Your Life....
So that You can Begin Walking Towards Holiness
True Christianity, Has Been Totally Misrepresented, by many MANY People...Even Pastors !!!
This Pastor However, Will Show You The Truth...
The Truth of that Christian Person or Christian Church that Seems and May even be False....
He'll Show you that a True Christian will be Different, not Conformed to the Way of this World
Most Importantly, He'll show you the Truth of the BIBLE
For the Sake of Your Salvation, I Urge you My Brother/Sister, Watch this Sermon
God Bless You,
Forever In Christ :: Michael
Paul Washer
Louie Giglio
Ray Comfort
Kent Hovind
Eric Hovind
Anybody who's not a follower of whats popular just because its popular
ANYBODY who needs encouragement in their walk, or vision to be able to see the road that leads to eternal life
More than Anybody Else...Jesus Christ
How to Be a Real Jesus Freak
A "Jesus Freak" is a popular term for a believer in Christ who is committed, enthusiastic and continuing to grow. Read further to learn some great ideas on how to have a fulfilling relationship with God.
Read your Bible
Reading your Bible is sometimes a way God talks to you. It doesn't matter who you are, what you do or how old you are. Reading your bible is very helpful in your walk with God, and if you believe He will speak to you through it, He will--if you give Him enough time. Don't have time? Get up earlier. Not a morning person? Stay up later. Got to get up for work or school in the morning? Read it at lunch. It's that simple. No excuses.
Prayer is talking to God. The bible says to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This doesn't mean heads down, eyes closed all the time. You can pray while you drive, while you're at work, while you're at baseball game, whatever, just talk to Him; He will hear you. Leading a prayerful life means being a part of God, all the time. Constantly thanking Him, being with Him. God is everywhere- take notice!
Praise Him
Worship is an essential part of growing in Christ. Worship can be anything. Rocking out to your favorite song, holding hands with friends and praying, sitting around your dining room table and talking about the best part of being a part of the body of Christ. But bringing praise to Him doesn't have to just be praying and discussing Christianity--it is also living every single minute for Him. Obviously, we mess up, but He is willing to forgive if you are truly repentant. Try being more careful of your language, doing acts of kindness in His name, etc. All this brings praise to the Lord.
Tell the world, or at least your part of it.
Evangelism is a beautiful thing. You don't need to leaflet or memorize bible verses- just be prepared to share your beliefs and ideas with people who are interested. If you are truly living your life in a way that adores Christ, it will show through everything you do. The best sermons were lived, not spoken.
The Church is the body of Christ. The good news? You're already a part of it. If you are a Christian you're a part of the body of Christ. You can find fellowship anywhere. At a local church, at a local coffee shop, through concerts, family, friends - everything. The Church is absolutely everyone who believes in Christ. However, being involved and committed to a local church is critically important. Accountability can be found here, and so much of the New Testament is about staying with and loving fellow believers. If you don't have a church, talk to a few local pastors and see what they have to say about it.
Find another Christian who is further along in their relationship with Christ to mentor you and keep you accountable.
Be honest with yourself, others and with God--He knows everything about you anyways, so don't waste time trying to fool Him.
You may be criticized, for being a Jesus Freak, but never back down. Even though you are being criticized, people will have respect for you.
Remember, even though it's a wonderful thing to see people become Christians, you shouldn't try and shove it down their throats, as this is not only rude, but it is also likely to make them less likely to become Christian.
The term "Jesus Freak" can be dangerous. Make sure you stay humble, and realize that you have no merit of your own outside of Christ's sacrifice.
--- Things You'll Need ---
Your Time
A Bible
If you've just watched Paul Washer's Sermon, I Encourage and Pray that you would listen to the Songs on the Music Player, starting with "From the Inside Out" by Hillsong. If you haven't, I pray that you would and allow God to speak to you through him
The Lyrics are just below the Player, and while listening, I Hope and Pray that you would seek more of God, through the video's on this page, and if you'd like to look up a verse in the Bible, that is also there for you
Go Now...and Seek Christ, with All of Your Heart and Soul...
~ God Bless ~
Your Brother In Christ Michael
Music Videos (Some w/ Scripture Verse) by Various Christian Artists
Check Them Out, Be Inspired & God Bless
An Intimate Love Letter from Father God
Television Defined -
Television - the sending of pictures from a distance, and the reproduction of them on a screen
This is the vision God gave us from afar....from the Realm of Heaven, This is the Love of Christ, who's come to save us from all sins and wicked ways...
Repent Now !! and Jesus will wash your sins away.
Though our sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow
- Isaiah 1:18
He is the Light, God's Only Begotten Son from Heaven, the only way to the Father, take his hand now....and learn the 6th sense...
Behold, He Is Coming Back Soon!
- Revelation 22:12
Lookup a word or passage in the Bible
I have a Hero. His name is:
But You May Know Him As Jesus, Let him be your hero.
Thats My King
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What would bring a tear to Jesus each day
Could it be the words that we so carelessly say
Could it be when he sees how we treat one another
And not following His command to love our sister or brother.
Does He weep with us when our hearts are broken
I am sure He does and so He leaves His door open
He is a man acquainted with our grief and sorrows
He will lift us up and bring us through our tomorrows.
But what can make Him sad, what can make Him cry
I believe when we forget just why He was crucified
I am sure His heart gets broken and to each one He would say
Please my children listen I love you follow me for I am the way.
Sweet Jesus let us not be the one who would bring a tear to your eye
Help us Oh Lord to honor you with our hearts and open them up wide
For no matter what happens you are always very near
To comfort us and to wipe away every single tear.
Lord let us come and dry the tears that flow from you eyes
By walking in love till you come and break through the sky.
We love you Lord Jesus and this we will continue to pray
That we will not be the one to bring a tear to you this day !
Where He leads me I will follow
When He speaks I will obey
For I'm hidden in the hollow
Of The Hands that mold the clay
Kneeling at His Holy altar
I am strengthened by His touch
He reminds me when I falter
He's far more than just a crutch
He's my Mentor and my Teacher
Fills my cup right to the brim
Every living, moving creature
Breathes today because of Him
I'm amazed by what He shows me
Truths I find within His word
He still loves me though He knows me
Greatest News I've ever heard
When I go through times of testing
And the clouds are hanging low
In His arms I'm safely resting
Jesus loves me this I know
When His Spirit brings conviction
He restores me in my soul
Sickness, sadness or affliction
By His stripes I'm healed and whole
I let Jesus do the talking
I'm on board, just as I am
In His ways I'm gladly walking
In The Footsteps Of The Lamb
How Then Should We Follow The Leader and Be an Example?
By Walking In…
Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another
- 1 Peter 5:5
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble
- Proverbs 3:34
†Michael â€
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Relationship with Jesus
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Light Bringer for Jesus Christ!