Art, Music, Dance, Writing: both play and song, Circus, Stand-up Comedy, Movies, Sculpture, Painting and -------- THE ENVIORNMENT! ------- cause without it we're gonners...
People who sweat creativity.NEWS: Deborah Marrow, Director, Getty Foundation: Shaping the Future of Arts Grantmaking - article: Posted on March 12, 2008
Resonance in all forms is Alive.
Movies entertain, inspire, teach, document our lives, and I am pretty sure they will be around for a long time to come.You can Form a committee tho develop our URLsIndependent filmmakers.organdFilm treasures.comAmerican Artists are encouraged to use them as a venue to show and sell your work.
Interests are too numerous to mention. Creating independent TV shows through community T.V. stations all over the U.S. and making sure that the community TV stations get fully funded and stay that way!!!! Big business is trying to pull the funding and WE can't let that happen...
Too numerous to mention.
Gandhi - He was persistent and wise. He knew that the power was REALLY in the hands of the masses and not the rich. That people with a strong belief in themselves COULD CHANGE THE WORLD. ----- The President of Venezuela - Power to the people... This is happening -- Global Exchange invites you to participate in... The World Social Forum Americas Chapter/2nd Social Forum of the Americas A Global Exchange Reality Tour to Venezuela January 23- February 4th, 2006 Cost: 1350 dollars (from Caracas) and ---- I'm thinking about going to see what comes out of it... Art is very exciting ! Write a song or 2. paint pictures - take photos - - live....LIFE ! check-it out -- join us.