Do you really care?
Most things can interest me for at least an hour... so my interests are fairly varied.
I like movies, books, comics, sex, music, drawing, painting, playing, sleeping, long walks on the beach, sunsets, pina coladas, getting caught in the rain...
Desktop Tower Defense
old; young (but not too young) happy; sad, mellow; high strung, has beens; never will bes; the masses. the sick and twisted throngs of people who devote their lives to grinding away the days on the calender only to be rewarded with their pittance at the end of each biweekley pay period...
oh, and people who want to read my comics!
***Attention Empty Theater Fans!***
I'm not done with it yet, but it may be a long time until I get back to it. In the mean time Subscribe to my blog to get Daily Backstage! comics and also to get any news on the Empty Theater front.
I like lots of different music... techno to rap. blues and soul to j-pop, punk to lounge... I think I can enjoy a little of every genre, and even stuff without genres. I believe that most music has a place in my life somewhere. So I suppose "It depends" would be the best way to describe it for this space...
I watch all sorts of movies. but I don't have any favorites really... other than the normal stuff... Blade Runner, The Road Warrior Movies, Star Wars and it's various se/prequels, X-Men, Spidey, movies where shit blows up, Campy 80's coming of age movies with John Cusack, Jon Cryer, Judd Nelson, and the rest of those guys, Revenge of the Nerds because it about these nerds, who get... revenge! (yeah so the american splendor reference would indicate a liking for that movie as well) Damn I like alot of movies.
Heroes is the bomb you should watch it. (even if only to see Hiro make the Thinking Really Hard face) And House, because Hugh Laurie is fucking awesome. other than that, a ton of old show's that aren't on anymore and some new shows that I don't watch enough of.
I love alot of books. like you really care! half the people on Myspace are practically illiterate. And I'm not going to drop loads of books here so that people will think I'm smart either. But I will say that the prose writing of Bukowski is something everyone should read... I could care less about the tropic of cancer, but notes from a dirty old man is great.
The number 0 and Hiro! Oh and loads of other people that do cool stuff and make neat things. And some who don't do any of that shit.