OozingGreatness profile picture


... a secret exercise in arithmetic of the soul...

About Me

Don't bother yourself about what these words say. This is simply a decoration. It's more the Process than the Processing that we are interested in. Feedback is always welcome.
Music... The ultimate expression of free will through mathematics. Art. Sex. Music is the artist's seed that penetrates the listener's fleshy husk and blossoms in the soul. The ability to communicate emotion by creative manipulation of the stuff that binds it all; vibration. You are hardwired to respond to music. In the womb, the pounding rhythm of your mother's heartbeat soothes you; nurtures you. As an infant you are comforted by the ticking of the clock, the breathy lullaby and the chiming melody of the music-box. As a child you are intrigued by nursery rhymes, jump-rope cadences and birdsong. You imitate them. You are a musician. You can't not experience music and to experience is to participate...Quantum physics tells us that without an observer to witness an event, the event does not occur. This sublime truth is the foundation of the Universe. You see, nothing can vibrate alone. A molecule for example, isolated in a vacuum, can't vibrate. Ha! you say. Scientists have observed this...This is my point exactly. The observation is the key. The observation transforms the virtual. Extracts the material from the ethereal. The observer creates the reality. The music-lover makes the music. Makes it real. Gives it life. Imitates it. Absorbs it. Retains it. Praises it. Shares it. Responds... So in a nutshell...Are fans important? Fuck Yes you are! Fuckers.Love, OG
A MAP...

My Interests


Member Since: 1/30/2008
Band Members:MARV Stringy Things/Bleepy Things Crooning/BitchingViktoria 1st Chair Gitfiddle/Bajo 'Lectro Musique ConcreteMarco Oscillations/Manipulations Gleetch


Influences: (In no particular order at all)
Andre Breton, Syd Barrett, NIN, Radiohead, Irving Klaw, Hanoi Rocks, Iggy Pop, Candlemass, Dario Argento, Nurse With Wound, Model 500, Pere Ubu, Ween, Prison, Redd Kross, Brian Eno, Devo, Khalil Gibran, Soundgarden, H.P. Lovecraft, Johnny Thunders, Screaming Trees, Mescaline, KYUSS, Husker Du, Juan Atkins, Crass, Agnostic Front, J. Krishnamurti, Tangerine Dream, Ram Dass, Monster Magnet, Blue Cheer, Yeshua Bar Yosef, Warrior Soul, P. Cubensis, The Velvet Underground, Massive Attack, Rehab, Max Ernst, Plato, The Sweet, Bad Religion, William S. Burroughs, Bubble Puppy, Cro-Mags, MDMA, Sonic Youth, Hermes Trismegistus, The Stitches, Turbonegro, Harry K. Cody, Autechre, The Buffalo Springfield, Akira Takasaki, Black Sabbath, David T. Chastain, Karl Bartos, Salvador Dali, The Yardbirds, Jason Bieler, Siddhart Gautam, Slayer
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Geeked-Out On The Page A LITTLE

OK...so I'm kinda busy writing music the other day and I get a message from a friend that says..."...using templates on your page isn't Punk Rock. It isn't even cool at all" and "D.I.Y. Bitch!!!"Wow! ...
Posted by OozingGreatness on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 08:09:00 PST

The Introduction

What do you get when you cross an Engineer, a Cinematographer and a Yoga Instructor? Okay, Okay.I know this sounds like a cheesy barroom joke, but in this case the punchline is our little project; Ooz...
Posted by OozingGreatness on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 10:29:00 PST