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logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead

About Me

Music: "John Coltrane wouldn't have called it ping-pong" by Big Block 454.
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I am a cog in the never-ending entity that is Big Block 454. Click on the banner to visit our My Space page:
"To be called eccentric in this age of conformity is something to be proud of." - Vivienne Westwood
"if you study the logistics and heuristics of the mystics,
you will find that their minds rarely move in a line"
Brian Eno
"Never follow anything. What would some parent say if his kid came home with a glass eye, a Charles Mingus record and a pocketful of feathers? He'd say: 'Who are you following?' And the poor kid would have to stand there with water in his shoes, a bow tie in his ear and soot pouring out of his belly button and say: 'Jazz, father, I've been following jazz.'"
Bob Dylan, interview in Playboy, 1966.
"I have the body of an 18-year-old. I keep it in the fridge."
Spike Milligan
The word "neologism" is itself a neologism.
I am amused by American cars.
"In the mind of the sensible road user - whose car is attached to a rigid hierarchy of taste and status - there is often something profoundly disturbing about an American car in Britain. If one needed a big car, one would buy something sensible like a Volvo. The owner of an American car in Britain has declared war on the proper instincts of society, proclaiming themselves outside the reach of the advertising copywriters."
Paul Rambali in "Car Culture".
"Cars are metaphysics for the hard of thinking, symbolism for the imaginatively challenged. The least interesting thing about a car is its ability to behave like a car." - A.A. Gill in the Sunday Times.
"Two generations of Americans knew more about the Ford coil than the clitoris, more about the planetary system of gears than the solar system of stars..." - John Steinbeck in "Cannery Row".
"I realise that steam engines aren't everyone's cup of tea. But they're what made England great." - Fred Dibnah.
When Isambard Kingdom Brunel was engineering the Great Western Railway's London to Bristol line in the 1830s, he laid out Box Tunnel in such a way that the sun's rays penetrate the 1.75-mile-long tunnel on one day of the year, 9th April - his birthday. What a guy !

My Interests

Interesting Links
The Urinals of Quitumbe Trolleybus Terminal.
Staff and passengers are free to use this facility. Glad to hear it.
Jesus Dress Up.
The Museum of Retro Technology.
The Strange Mechanism Museum. Check out the airclaft and the Bird of Play.
Puppy Names. Look at the A-Z listing.
Unusual aircraft.
Ukrainian Bus Shelters.
Orgone Accumulator.
Brain Wave Generator.
English slang.
The Modern Antiquarian.
Britain's last trolleybus.
I used to work for Bradford City Transport.
The Skeptic's Dictionary.
Odd musical instruments.
Unusual guitar scales.
Harley Earl's Futurliner.
Anagrams never lie.
The Onion.
The Onion.
Smith Eliot's photos.
Simon de Trey-White's photos
Language is a Virus

Hill walking
Here's some interesting places I've walked recently - all worth a visit:
Malham Cove in the Yorkshire Dales.
Lud's Church in the Peak District - as featured in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and on the cover of the latest Big Block 454 album.
Catrigg Force in the Yorkshire Dales.
Pendle Hill in the Forest of Bowland - home of the Pendle witches.
Top Withins near Haworth in the South Pennines - inspiration for Wuthering Heights.
Kinder Scout , a mountain in the Peak District.
Ladybower and the Derwent Valley in the Peak District, where they filmed The Dambusters.
Troller's Gill in the Yorkshire Dales, home of the barguest (a spectral dog). Not a place to be visited alone... - well I did... whoops.
Bleaklow , a mountain in the Peak District, with the B-29 Superfortress crash site.
Gordale Scar , near Malham Cove in the Yorkshire Dales.
Pen-y-ghent in the Yorkshire Dales. The name means Hill of Winds - and it was too windy for me.

I'd like to meet:

Spike Milligan , Marcel Duchamp , Viv Stanshall , Frank Zappa , Jan Svankmajer , Brian Eno , H.P.Lovecraft , Captain Beefheart , David Lynch , Robert Fripp , Syd Barrett , Stanley Kubrick , Isambard Kingdom Brunel , Kurt Vonnegut , Edward de Bono , Jimi Hendrix , Joe Meek , Lewis Carroll , Raymond Loewy (Studebaker stylist), Harley Earl (Cadillac stylist), Buckminster Fuller , Frank Lloyd Wright , Bela Bartok , Igor Stravinsky , Karlheinz Stockhausen , Sun Ra , Mervyn Peake , Harry Partch , Edward Lear , Andy Warhol , Jackson Pollock , William Burroughs , Jack Kerouac , Robert Anton Wilson , Holger Czukay , Percy Jones , Bootsy Collins , George Clinton , James Brown , Alan Turing , Pee-Wee Herman , Ray Harryhausen , Carl Stalling , Prince Rupert of the Rhine , Oliver Cromwell , Brian Sewell , A.A.Milne and Kenneth Grahame .
Prince Rupert had a dog, called Boy, that he used to take into battle with him. The Roundheads decided it was a Devil Dog, and accused Boy of "enjoying a sung Mass", being able to turn invisible and delving into necromancy. Boy was shot by a Roundhead soldier at the Battle of Marston Moor. Boy was a poodle.
I've just realised, all these people that I'd like to meet are men. Well, Joe Meek, Alan Turing and Pee-Wee Herman may not have been pillars of masculinity and Sun Ra was an alien, but you know what I mean.
I doubt if I'll actually get to meet many of these people. I stood next to Robert Fripp in a urinal once (at The Factory in Hulme, all you 24-Hour-Party-People) and I had an email from Percy Jones. I've driven along the Alan Turing Way. I knew where Syd Barrett lived (he left £1.2m in his will, you know). Oh, and Oliver Cromwell sent me a text the other day. He told me "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken." But I wasn't.


Eno, King Crimson, Faust, Can, The Residents, Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, Soft Machine, early Pink Floyd / Syd Barrett, Led Zeppelin, Van der Graaf Generator, Tom Waits, dub reggae (Augustus Pablo, Lee Scratch Perry, King Tubby), Parliament / Funkadelic, Richard Thompson, Nick Drake, Gong / Steve Hillage, The Fall.


Eraserhead, The Wicker Man, Jacob's Ladder, Catch 22, Blowup, 2001, Two-Lane Blacktop, The Cabinet of Dr. Kaligari, Nosferatu, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, Barbarella, The Machinist, The City of Lost Children, Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Dr. Strangelove, Westworld, Faust (Jan Svankmajer), Pee-Wee Herman's Big Adventure.


The Prisoner , Dr. Who, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, The League of Gentlemen, anything with Fred Dibnah in it.


At the Mountains of Madness, H.P.Lovecraft; Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll; Untold Stories, Alan Bennett; Catch-22, Joseph Heller; Monkey, Wu Ch'Eng-En; Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut; The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame; The Illuminatus Trilogy, Robert Anton Wilson; Gormenghast, Mervyn Peake; On the Road, Jack Kerouac; Cider with Roadies, Stuart Maconie; 365 Tao Daily Meditations, Deng Ming-Dao; The Great Western Railway Gas Turbines - A Myth Exposed, Kevin Robertson.

My Blog


I climbed Kinder Scout (a mountain in the Peak District) yesterday - I've very pleased with myself, 'cos I tried to climb it once before (last November) and didn't manage it, due to snow and poor...
Posted by Colin on Mon, 01 May 2006 03:41:00 PST