About Me
"GasHole" is a new documentary film
about the history of Oil prices and
the future of alternative fuels.The film, narrated by Peter Gallagher,
is in the final stages of Post-Production.Directed by Jeremy Wagener & Scott D. Roberts,
the film takes a wide, yet detailed examination of
our dependence on foreign supplies of Oil.What are the causes that led from America
turning from a leading exporter of oil to the world's
largest importer? What are the economic and
sociological forces that have contributed to that
change and impede it's solution?The film examines many different potential
solutions to our oil dependence. Starting with
claims of buried technology that dramatically
improves gas mileage, to navigating bureaucratic
governmental roadblocks, to evaluating different
alternative fuels that are technologically available
now, to questioning the American Consumer's
reluctance to embrace alternatives.If you buy gas, you should see this movie!