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I love Cesar Milan

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Bikram yoga, Zoe, Robert, music, my education, the Southwest, sunscreen, growing my hair out, cooking, being engaged, librarian stuff DISLIKES...Hunters, hunting, factory farming, animal testing, animal abuse

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For Election Day – Lest We ForgetIraq Iraq Iraq Abu Ghraib Guantanamo Evil Doers Evil Do Gooders Outsourcing Jobs Outsourcing Torture Withdrawal from the International Criminal Court Sound Bites Unsound Policies Unremorseful Unregretful Unrepentant Unprepared Unequipped Unmatched Ignorance Unbridled Arrogance Unwarranted Phone Taps Unprecedented Powers Compassionate Imperialism Benevolent Fascism Over 750 Signing Statements Ethic Cleansing Unmatched Incompetence Unchecked Fearmongering Unparalleled Corruption Governor Bob Taft Governor John Rowland Governor Bill Janklow Oversight Overlook Representative Tom Delay Representative Roy Blunt Representative Ken Calvert Representative John Doolittle Representative Tom Feeney Representative Patrick McHenry Representative Christopher Shays Representative Katherine Harris Representative Joe Barton Representative Jerry Lewis Representative Gary Miller Representative Marilyn Musgrave Representative Richard Pombo Representative Rick Renzi Representative John Sweeney Representative Charles Taylor Representative Curt Weldon Representative J.D. Hayworth Representative Don Sherwood Representative John Patterson Representative Bob Ney Representative Duke Cunningham Representative Chris Cannon Jeff Gannon Representative Mark Foley Representative Jim Kolbe Representative John Shimkus Representative Tom Reynolds Representative Dennis Hastert Over Paid Over Privileged Over Reaching Over Logging Under Armored Media Consolidation Senator George Allen Senator Bill Frist Senator Conrad Burns Senator Joe Lieberman Senator Rick Santorum Senator Trent Lott Senator James Inhofe Rubber Stamps Robber Barons Homophobia on the Range Margaret Spellings The Far Righteous Reverend Jerry Falwell Reverend Pat Robertson Reverend James Dobson Reverend Lou Sheldon Ralph Reed Gary Bauer David Safavian Richard Clarke Vice Presidential Energy Task Force Seventy Dollars a Barrel Three Bucks a Gallon Record Oil Company Profits Anwar Pipeline Anbar Province ABB Adelphia Merck Halliburton Arthur Anderson Kellogg, Brown & Root Qwest Eli Lilly Tyco WorldCom Global Crossing Global Warming Global Boiling Kyoto Protocol Lee Raymond Exxon Enron Abramoff Tribe Bribes Mike Scanlon Grover Norquist Unanswered Questions Questionable Answers Adam Kidan Timothy Flanigan Lawrence Lindsay Jessica Lynch Jim Ellis John Colyandro Donald Keyser Katherine Gun Garrett Lott Armstrong Williams Talking Points Pointless Talking Chuck McGee James Tobin Thomas Scully Kenneth Tomlinson Claude Allen Allen Raymond Abrupt Resignations Numerous Convictions Occasional Confessions Porter Goss Dusty Foggo Katrina Rita Harriet Miers Post-Katrina FEMA FISA NSA Cut And Run Bring It On Dead Or Alive Terri Schiavo Dr. Bill Frist John Bolton Diebold Florida, 2000 Ohio, 2004 North Korea 2006 Selective Diplomacy Preemptive War Iraq. Iran? Embryonic Stem Cell Research Darfur Dubai Ports World Scooter Libby Valerie Plame Swift Boat Hit Men Max Cleland Douglas Feith Faith-Based Favoritism Mumming the Press Dumbing the Proles Roger Ailes Sean Hannity Bill O’Reilly Fred Barnes Michael Reagan Morton Kondracke Brit Hume John Gibson Ann Coulter Laura Ingraham Glenn Beck Neil Cavuto Robert Novak Michael Savage Rush Limbaugh David Frum David Horowitz Golden Parachutes Shrunken Pensions Sunken Bipartisanship Bernie Kerik Eminent Domain J. Steven Griles Social Security Homeland Insecurity Habeas Corpus No Accountability Zero Credibility Ahmad Chalabi Baghdad Museum Tora Bora Taliban Resurgence Iraqi Insurgents General William G. Boykin General Ricardo Sanchez General Eric Shinseki General Anthony Zinni Mission Accomplished Illegal Immigrants Immoral Lawmakers Suppressed Medicare Costs Medicare Donut Impeachable Sources Intelligent Design Intelligence Failures Ari Fleischer Scott McClellan Tony Snow Tony Perkins Tony Rudy Tony Blankley Tony Blair The Downing Street Memo Ken Mehlman Dennis Prager Expiration of Assault Weapons Ban John Ashcroft Alberto Gonzales William Bennett Stephen Hadley Karen Hughes Michael Gerson Aluminum Tubes Rice Yellowcake Niger Joseph Wilson George Tenet Brent Bozell III Paul Bremer III Gulf II Neoconmen Paul Wolfowitz Richard Perle David Wormser Michael Maloof Richard Armitage Elliott Abrams James Woolsey Zalmay Khalizad William Kristol Kissinger Redux Duck Cheney Routine Distractor, Relentless Deceiver Donald Rumsfeld Turd Blossom The Badness of King George: Son of a higher father; Uniter, decider, flatulater; reader of Camus, at least three Shakespeares and “My Pet Goat;” the AWOL National Guardsman who describes the members of the political party that successfully prosecuted two world wars as quitters. The Coalition of the Dwindling Billions Missing in Iraq Trillions Missing in D.C. Missing Limbs Missed Lives Iraq Iraq IraqOn to ’08 ...


20's & 30's big band, Stevie Nicks, Fiona Apple, Nelly Furtado, Moby, Massive Attack, Mos Def, Annie Lennox, Sting, Rolling Stones, and more.


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