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About Me

i tend to buy shoes that are too big for me.
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My Interests

at the moment everything but i'll narrow it down to travelling internally and externally, reading anything and everything, expanding my experience of life by constantly reminding myself that my life is mine to create and that it is whatever i choose it to be and can encompass everything i need and want it to, taking baths (lots of them), writing letters, dancing with the divine feminine, the moon in all her phases, magic and manifestation, midwifery and yumminess- living a yummy life has become very important to me lately and i urge everybody to live yummily. oh!! and raw food, i'm interested in raw food.

I'd like to meet:

midwives or people interested in midwifery.


i love music.


i don't have a t.v. which leaves lots of time for music and books.


potentially all. lately, all of tom robbins- still life with woodpecker, jitterbug perfume, fierce invalids home from hot climates, another roadside attraction (my favorite), even cowgirls get the blues, etc. i highly recommend all of his books for the incredible content if not the vividness alone. also, starhawk- walking to mercury and the fifth sacred thing. her blood is gold- a good read for all women and all men for that matter.


people who live vividly.