Kyle profile picture


this idiot moved to brooklyn New York?

About Me

I'm a printmaker getting my Masters degree at Pratt Institute. thats my label for now. other labels that would fit me and this box are, snowboarder, guitarplayer, printer, freerider, fisher, boozer, farter, slider, stoner, illustrator, trials rider, off roader, teacher, camper, belcher, tripper, laugher, meat eater, beer drinker, shit caller, fornicator, bike fixxer and i used to be a janitor.

My Interests

music, beer and a little bit of sex

I'd like to meet:

people whom share any of or combinatin of the above labels.


busy listening to the 1400 songs creepy T sent me. then put about 1200 more punk and country songs onto the hard drive from Travis Johnson's collection. my ears are full now.


anything with lots of gore, nudity is a plus. Also free-riding bike videos or the newest batch of snowboard or BMX vids


i see them at bars sometimes. i noticed the longer i've gone without watching the more hypnotic the flashy moving images become.


im reading Cadillac desert, mostly on the toilet, its all about the history of water in the southwest. probably pretty boring to non desert rats


My bike. it was stolen. but then it found me a week later. it was happy to see me. the pakastani guy riding it was not.