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Let me put my music INSIDE of you.

About Me

My name is Dallas. Yeah, thats my real name. Mom was a cowboys fan from way back. I grew up in Peoria IL, and came to Lake of the Ozarks MO in 91'. Around the turn of the century I got out on my own and began living in Columbia MO. I started writing and recording hip hop in early 2001. The first songs were mainly just a bunch of party anthems that got played by our close friends, and that was it. I've been taking it a lot more serious in the last three years. I have started a family with the woman of my dreams and her two awesome boys. This has slowed down the process (of making music) for me a little, but made the quality of what I do put out, so much better. She is my motivation, 100 percent. Dead Beat Productions is what I've been claiming for almost seven years now. A google search on that name let me know that would NOT be the name we would use for the music biz. It started as my boy Drew, and myself. Rapping at house parties and making low budget discs in one of our many bedroom studios we've used. Then comes Eric Bizzle and DJ SAVAHO. E-Nuts was a fantastic find lyrically speaking, and Drew was stepping back to focus on school at the time so it worked well. We did a few things, but nothing to really get out there. Fast forward almost four years. I had been saving money, building a working studio, and writing material for what seemed like forever. I guess I was also dreaming for the day when I would meet someone who made beats that I liked. Berry's shit was dope, but it was geared for his style. That was the only concern for me. Then, through the amazing powers of the Coffman family, I met DJ Dead Llama. He is a good producer already and he is just getting started in this profession. I have for some reason, been meeting so many amazing people, and talented musicians for years now. I have great feelings for the future of my music thanks to all of the kick-ass people that I have in my corner. Thanks for giving a damn about local music, Dallas.
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My Interests


Member Since: 1/26/2008
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: *DALLAS*-vocals, producing, hand drums, harmonica, steel neck tie*DJ*DEAD*LLAMA*-instrumentals, producing
Influences: Oh shit here we go, anything with a Rhymesayers logo on it, anything Def Jux, anything StangeFamous, Sublime, older Tool, older A Perfect Circle, older Incubus, Neil Young, Alice in chains, Black label society, Citizen Cope, Dave Matthews, Johny Cash, Zepplin, Floyd, Moody Blues-(Nights in white satin long version)Nirvana, Sneaker Pimps, Tenacious D, Beck, older Busta Rhymes, NAS, KRS one, Bob Marley, fuck it, all the Marleys, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix, The East Ash Street Band, Brother Bagman, Alpaca Radio, Adeem, Anticon, Blackalicious, Deltron, DJ Krush/Shadow, Jurassic 5, Latyrx, Listener, Living Legends, Odd Thomas, RL Burnside, So Called, Mitch Hedburg, older Dane Cook recordings, George Carlin, Dave Attel, Meatwad, Beavis, Cartman, and Raphael from ninja turtles. Yeah, Raph was my boy.
Sounds Like: Listen close, you'll hear some of everyone mentioned above.^ Or I guess you could just ask your mom.
Record Label: M.O.C. Middle Of the Compass
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The Song "Real Talk"

So I’m sure no one noticed, but the song "Real Talk" was taken off and replaced with a different version.  This one is still bass heavy, but not nearly as bad as the other.  I got 670 ...
Posted by DallasMusic on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 01:40:00 PST

Learn the REAL history of DallasMusic and its origins.

I wrote this 5 years ago, when we first got a webpage for our bio.  Of course things have changed quite a bit since this was written.  Hell, I don’t even know if Berry is making music ...
Posted by DallasMusic on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 05:27:00 PST

1st time to this page? Please read this!!!

First off, thank you for checking the sound.  As of Feb. the 8th, I have been on myspace for less than two weeks, and I've gotten almost 2,000 plays on the songs!  Well over 1,050 profile vi...
Posted by DallasMusic on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 11:32:00 PST