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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

.. I'm not a leader, so don't follow me... I'm not a follower, so don't try to lead me... And don't stand beside me, because I don't want to be a part of your fuck up or you be part of mine!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.. Something my late wife and I thought would be fun and very educational is to throw a dinner party and invite all of the famous entities and people of history, dead or alive, humans, gods, demons, demi-gods and angels alike. good or evil and anywhere in between. You would have God himself as well as Noah, Moses and Jesus, but you would also have Satan and his entourage. There would be George Washington, Sigmond Frued, Hitler and Stalan, just to name a few.The topic of discussion would be the survival of mankind, but it would be a very deep discussion because everyone would be smoking and not cigarettes. This kind of party would let the imagination run wild. What would be the outcome and who would carry out the sentence and how would it be carried out? I would like to meet all that would attend.

My Blog

the world

I once was talking to a man in his 70`s that made the comment that he didn`t much like the idea of handing the world over to the younger generation because of the shape they were in. I had to tel...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 14:21:00 GMT