Im not at all sure that doom describes the music correctly, sure it is the basis of Pantheists musical structures but (not unlike Esoteric) there are so many other elements in the mix it lifts them to a new level. Some of the tracks have a faster tempo and there are definite elements of Goth & prog rock in some of the tracks...also the quality of the song writing and musicianship is top notch (Golden Lake productions)
I like to use the term Church Doom for this band as their heavy use of religious themes...and imagery, monkish chants...and resonant organs results in an austere, overbearing sense of depressive grandeur thats more than just monotone down-tuned riffs and growls. Pantheists music would be befitting the mood in a cavernous Cathedral mourning the recent death of the pope; suitably lamenting but at the same time, littered with the pomp and circumstance of The Vatican... warned that you may not remember which year it is for Pantheist's Amartia is the epitome of doom and an emotionally draining listening experience. For those who can find Pantheist's mark however, it's an endearing experience: real music to wake you up from the catacombs of modern life.(Digital Metal)
What you get here is lots of dynamic creativity within a true and genuine funeral doom frame. PANTHEÃST doesnt compromise their commitment and obvious love for the genre simultaneously as they expand the frames in a delicate murky and very atmospheric way (Beat The Blizzard)
AMARTIA (2005)
Highly acclaimed, full-length concept album marking the start of the new era of Pantheist. Limited availability, signed copies available. £12 to anywhere in the (under)world