Virgin Black, Stijn Van Cauter, Angela Merhige (a living muse), Jeremiah and Ezekiel (the artistic prophets), those who understand and relate to my poetry (this group seems to consist primarily of Romanians, Australians and Americans). Anyone who can eat planets. People who aren't shallow.
Virgin Black mainly.
Drone and Funeral doom
Classical music
I also have a passion for Australian bands.
I don't want an ipod or mp3 player.
CD List
Forest Gump, Malena, Battle Royale, Leon, Batman, Iron Giant, Alien Trilogy, Terminator 2, Pitch Black, Wolf, Of Mice and Men, Nadja, Almost Famous, Scrooge (1951), Back to the Future trilogy, Under the Skin, 28 Days Later, The Plague Dogs, Kids, Daredevil, Fantastic Four 2, Angel-A, City of God, Josh Kirby - Time Warrior (All 6 films)....
Farscape, Frasier, LEXX, Star Trek - Voyager. Basically things that no longer run anymore :( With the exception of Family Guy.
I like reading. Great Expectations, Of Mice and Men...
Nova, Secret Invasion, Final Crisis, Green Lantern, Batman, The Programme, Number of the Beast, Batman, Midnighter...
Going further back things such as Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, Silver Surfer&Superman comics from the 80's and 90's. Infact, any Marvel comics that center around the cosmic side of things.
I have no heroes, only those who inspire me.... Samantha Escarbe, Rowan London, Stijn Van Cauter, Angela Merhige, Heather Barrons, Crina Voloseniuc...