Corpse Warrior profile picture

Corpse Warrior

All is lost but hope

About Me

I cannot be reduced to mere words.
Due to recent circumstance(s) any friend requests I get, unless it is from a band, I would prefer to get to know you before I consider adding you. If you do not like this, as it appears some don't, then it is your loss. I am cautious of reprising old friendships. People either change or don't change, and both of those options have pitfalls to them.
Nothing matters anymore
Screaming lines diverge (ruminate)
Vultures opine and beset
“Embrace the peripheral
Embrace the lie you have become”
Destruction belittles
Slithering shapes evince eyes and mouths
(Hear the prayers of Antebellum Insentience)
Multifarious abandonment cascades
Faces congregate to imitate the Cataclysm
Death walks amongst the living (all there is)
Behold the shattering, the shards of my world
Ashen pyres delineate
In blindness, creation hovers
~Corpse Warrior
Romanian Ballad For Violin And Piano
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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Virgin Black, Stijn Van Cauter, Angela Merhige (a living muse), Jeremiah and Ezekiel (the artistic prophets), those who understand and relate to my poetry (this group seems to consist primarily of Romanians, Australians and Americans). Anyone who can eat planets. People who aren't shallow.


Virgin Black mainly.
Drone and Funeral doom
Classical music
I also have a passion for Australian bands.
I don't want an ipod or mp3 player.

CD List


Forest Gump, Malena, Battle Royale, Leon, Batman, Iron Giant, Alien Trilogy, Terminator 2, Pitch Black, Wolf, Of Mice and Men, Nadja, Almost Famous, Scrooge (1951), Back to the Future trilogy, Under the Skin, 28 Days Later, The Plague Dogs, Kids, Daredevil, Fantastic Four 2, Angel-A, City of God, Josh Kirby - Time Warrior (All 6 films)....


Farscape, Frasier, LEXX, Star Trek - Voyager. Basically things that no longer run anymore :( With the exception of Family Guy.


I like reading. Great Expectations, Of Mice and Men...

COMICS Nova, Secret Invasion, Final Crisis, Green Lantern, Batman, The Programme, Number of the Beast, Batman, Midnighter...
Going further back things such as Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, Silver Surfer&Superman comics from the 80's and 90's. Infact, any Marvel comics that center around the cosmic side of things.


I have no heroes, only those who inspire me.... Samantha Escarbe, Rowan London, Stijn Van Cauter, Angela Merhige, Heather Barrons, Crina Voloseniuc...

My Blog

Media Scum!!!! (Away this weekend)

So, two newspapers have been forced to apologise to the McCanns for something like 120 stories they ran that had no basis, no truth. I find this to be highly satisfying. The media is scum, peddling wh...
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 11:19:00 PST

Away this weekend

I am going to see My Silent Wake this weekend plus I am staying with some friends so I may not be online till late sunday. Take care all :)
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:24:00 PST

In Andrew Hinch we Trust hinch &gender=m" style="color:000;background-color:DFDFa5">Ten Top Trivia Tips about Andrew hinch ! Andrew hinch  once lost a Dolly Parton...
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:52:00 PST


Ashen conflagration stares dismally as valedictions ring out across the layers(Shapes weave Your name in the dust)Quintessence given human formI am enwreathed by Despair(Lachrymose. Monolithic. Vibrat...
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 12:26:00 PST

Sunn O))) One Day Later

I am back... to give you an idea of the epicness of it... the vibrations were causing pain in my back and kidneys. Plus my hair was moving lol. First Earth played, then Boris, the Sunn O))) then Sunn...
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 05:34:00 PST

Monday 10th December

I probably won't be online tomorrow (Monday). Got a busy day and a gig to go to :D I'm probably gonna try and find the metal shop that has a doom metal section that consists of drone doom... if I can ...
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 12:07:00 PST

The Coming Crisis - CD Tracker

As at the end of the year CD Tracker is closing, it seems all my efforts into listing my CDs will be wasted. So i need to sort something out before then. Maybe I should set up a little web page and do...
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 02:21:00 PST

A Cull of Friends List

I have reached the point where another cull is due. And this time, if I get someone writing me moaning about why have I removed them, it is very simple. Since you have made no effort to reply to my co...
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 10:09:00 PST

Index Chapter 1

1) Burn it up2) Crucified3) Betrayer4) Tormenting Nightmare5) Light of Protection6) Nothing to Fear7) Dark Clouds8) Beast9) Outnumbered10) Dead Nation, Dead World11) Total Bitterness12) Inner Most...1...
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:10:00 PST

Poem 100

The Statues Breathe Entreaties Tenebrous...Insentient...Empty...Fettered dancing adjoined to numbing silence(Pause)The statues breathe entreaties(Yearning for aftermathYearning for revelation)  ...
Posted by Corpse Warrior on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 07:18:00 PST