In Her Stagnant Water are a experimental funeral.drone metal project from Rotherham, England
01 - Nought, Infinity, Darkness, Nowhere.
SALIX ALBA. (full length, 2007)
01 - As The Hawk Squawks
02 - You, Who Forever Weeps Above Me
03 - ...And I Pity The Swans
04 - Drowning Under Egrets Wings
05 - Ardea Rising
"He who is a Priest of the Living, whom a Neter favors like the Bennu on the Obelisk, performs right actions without seeking a reward for them. Such a teacher lives a life of true piety. He seeks no gain from any good deed he does, but sets his heart only on the Neter's service. He has compassion upon all living creatures. He holds fast to the Neter's name and inspires others to meditate on it. He accepts joy and sorrow with an equal mind. He is always happy and never set apart from his Neter. To him gold and dross are as one; nectar and poison are as one. The King and the beggar are as one."
This music was created through boredom, tedium and emotional distress by an amateur with no musical background who does not take his work seriously. The music has been put on the internet simply because it exists, the meaning and aesthetics presented here are personal and introspective and are not an outward expression. It is seen as pointless though not to share what otherwise would lay forever dormant.