'SuperStar' Shayne Hawke profile picture

'SuperStar' Shayne Hawke

Superheroes who prey together STAY together!

About Me

I'm a 19 year old red head hailing from the West Island of Montreal who has graduated Dawson College in video/media and is onto Concordia University for English Lit/Creative Writing. I want to be a writer. My goal in life is to marry rich.
I'm aware I don't have eyebrows. I'm over it. You should get over it too.
I wrestle for a variety of wrestling federations, namely CHIKARA ( www.chikarapro.com )and the International Wrestling Syndicate.(www.syndicatewrestling.com) I wrestled my first professional match at age 14.
All my matches are rated *****z
My tatoo isn't colored in because I got it for meaning, not decoration.
I share a birthday with movie superstar and former WCW World Heavyweight Champion David Arquette.

My Interests

Pro Wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts, Music, Comics (Fables, Walking Dead, Y the Last Man, so much more) LOST, Comedy, Film Making, Literature, Mythology, Poetry, Meditation, Writing

I'd like to meet:

Promoters who want to give me work.
People who buy Shayne Hawke merchandise. Really, once you've bought one of my shirts, I love you forever!
I'll accept anyone on this thing, as long as if we've never met, you drop me a message. If you don't send me a message before adding me, you will be denied. I am the dictator of this Myspace Island.


Misfits, NOFX, Anti-Flag, Bad Religion, Cute is What we Aim for, Hit the Lights, Backstreet Boys, The Matches, Everlast, Flotbots, Pink Floyd, The Raconteurs, The White Stripes


Pulp Fiction, City of G-d, Sin City, Requiem for a Dream, Clerks, Eternal Sunshine...I hate these stupid lists. I'm obssessed with movies, so obviously more.


img src="http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/1180/lostbl9.jpg" border="0"


HARRY POTTER, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Chuck Palahniuk, Hannibal, Classics, Poe


Marvelous Mitch Ryder, Robbie Ellis, The Fabulous Freebirds, Jerry Lawler, Bill Dundee, Sawyer and Hiro Nakamura

My Blog

Downloading Wrestling? I hate you.

Hey gang, I'm one angry Hawke right now. I'm sure most of the people who read this have heard of ISW, Inter-Species Wrestling (www.interspecieswrestling). I don't wrestle for the federation, although...
Posted by 'SuperStar' Shayne Hawke on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 06:24:00 PST

Calling All Ginger Junkies!

Greetings, Wrestling fans, friends, porn stars and the like, I need your help. I'm going into t-shirt run number 2 soon because my new design fell through. With that said, to distinguish the sophmore ...
Posted by 'SuperStar' Shayne Hawke on Fri, 09 May 2008 06:26:00 PST

How ’Bout a Bio?

Lots of people have been asking me to post a bio of some kind so, due to time to kill between finals, I finally got around to it. For your viewing pleasure;Name: Shayne HawkeNickname: 'SuperStar' 'The...
Posted by 'SuperStar' Shayne Hawke on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:45:00 PST

Shayne Hawke Shirts NOW AVAILABLE!

Hello wrestling fans, wrestlers, creepy stalkers and porn stars alike who visit my page (or, as I refer to you, Ginger Junkies).I'm sure there has been many a time when you have though to yourself "Ho...
Posted by 'SuperStar' Shayne Hawke on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 09:30:00 PST

Explaining the Hazard Lights to New Yorkers

I'm not much of a blogger, but I had a weekend that must be immortalized in internet ink. Easily the weekend of my life involving the biggest contrast between ups and downs as it pertained to moods an...
Posted by 'SuperStar' Shayne Hawke on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 08:13:00 PST