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LuFisto the Ref!

About Me

Nicknames: Missionary of Violence, First Lady of Hardcore, Super Hardcore Anime

Fighting Out of: Montreal, Japan
Birthday: February 15th
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 140 pounds
Pro Debut: June 23rd 1997

Trained By
- May to October 1997 - By Pierre Marchessault and Patrick Lewis in Sorel, Qc.
- October 1997 to February 1998 - By Len Kojak Shelley in Montreal, Qc.
- 1999-2000 - By Serge and Ludger Proulx in Montreal, Qc.
- Summer 2003 - By Akino and Mariko Yoshida in Tokyo, Japan.
Strengths: Excellent striker with great kicks; Well-rounded grappler as well; Is not affraid to use any hardcore means necesary to beat up her opponents!

Finishers: Spicy Drop, Emerald Fusion, Rear choke-hold

Favorite Moves/Holds: Otani kicks; top Rope Rana; top Rope flying headbutt; stomps; stiff kicks ans knees; legs scissors; cradle DDT, German and Northern Light suplexes; suicide dives; spicy drop and more.

Wrestling Style: A mix of stiff, technical and high-impact wrestling spiced-up with some high-flying and hardcore wrestling. LuFisto likes to use any kind of move that hits hard!

The look: The character of LuFisto is based on Japanese mangas and animes. That's why she is a Super Hardcore Anime! She isn't scared of facing her worst fears to achieve her goals. She can be super cute when you first see her but when the bell rings and the fight is on, the anger in this super hero comes out full throttle!

Favorite Type of Match: No-Holds-Barred... Because anything can happen and you can use anything you want!

My Interests

Wrestling is my main interest but I also love everything that has to do with art. Not only am I a wrestler but I am also a singer, guitar and bass player. I'm a big fan of MMA in general, cardio-weight training, driving my car, multimedia-graphic design, internet, books and music. I also like to go to movies and watch funny or suspense TV shows and anything that is about entertainment... Spending time with the people I love and... Oh yeah... Diet Pepsi!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Who I would like to meet? Wrestling and LuFisto fans, of course... And some cool tall dude one day! Ha! Ha!!

Please feel free to e-mail me via myspace as I answer everything. For more general info about my wrestling career, videos, pictures and more, visit:

Here is a fun and easy way to shop and buy some cool LuFisto merchandise. Just browse through this simple web page and you'll find all the answers you are looking for!

Bunch of stuff is available such as t-shirts for men, baby-ts for girls, dvds and pictures… As well as some of my own wrestling gear.

So have fun shopping at the LuFi-Shop!


I really love everything. From Metal to classical music... From grunge to jazz. However, I can't stand reggae. It just kills me. I like hard riffs and sweet melodies that will make you think.My favourites are bands and signers are Alice in Chains, Metallica, Megadeth, Velvet Revolver, Stone Temple Pilots, Three Days Grace, Guns N' Roses, Marilyn Manson, AFI, Audioslave, Live, Gwen Stefani, Madonna, Franz Ferdinand, Angtoria, Afterforever, Nightwish, Edenbridge, Lady Sovereing, Justin Timberlake, Katie Melua, Diana Krall... Plus, oldies such as Elvis, The Police, the Cult and so mych more!


Star Wars Series, Coming to America, Lord of the Ring Series, King Arthur, Roger Rabbit, Dodge Ball, Problem Child 2 (LaWanda!!!!), Ghostbusters and anything that involves Will Ferrell and Steve Correll!


Seinfield, 24, Surreal Life, CSI Miami Horacio, you rock!). My favorite channels are Much More Music, TV Tropolis and the Fight Network! I LOVE FAMILY GUY!!! Giggity, giggity, giggity goo!


R.A. Salvatores Books about Drizzt Do'Urden and Armetis Entreri, Biographies and stuff that makes you freak like stories about Vampires and conspiracy theories.


Heroes are people who usually save you from a bad situation, people you admire. My mom is one of them. To me, she is the greatest thing there is in this world. My aunt Joanne is another hero of mine. She passed away on Xmas day after a long battle with cancer. I learned so much from her struggle. She is an inspiration and my strenght. Also, I do have another hero, a fictional character by the name of Drizzt Do'Urden. Reading about him helps me to get away from my day to day troubles and from myself. Drizzt is a drow, or dark elf, portrayed against the stereotypes of his race, who fights for what he believes is right. Anakin Skywalker is another... He is the proof that after dark times, you can change your mind and go back... On the right side of the Force! ;)

My Blog

Blake, Kong and BOTB 2008 - News from my site!

May 12th 2008 The People's Champ and Some Words for Jennifer Blake and Awesome Kong in Montreal! One of the hardest hitters in all of CZW, Lufisto has ma...
Posted by LuFisto on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:18:00 PST

UFC 83 in Montreal... My Two Cents!

It's no secret that I love UFC. Actually, I love MMA even more than I love wrestling, no kidding! Therefore, you can imagine how excited I was when I got my tickets for UFC 83 in my hometown of Montre...
Posted by LuFisto on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:18:00 PST

When a bad situation becomes great! The story of a Toronto Three-Way Dance!

Hello LuFi-Lovers! :P As some of you may know, my match with Sara del Rey never took place because she wasn't able to attend. Of course, I was disapointed because I think Sara is just amazing, defini...
Posted by LuFisto on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 04:31:00 PST

An update on TOD...

Hello people! :) As CZW Winner Takes All is finally behind us, I guess I need to address the «TOD situation». A lot of you guys sent me e-mails and comments asking about the hardcore tournament so he...
Posted by LuFisto on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 06:12:00 PST

When angels guide you... A year later already...

It’s midnight... This means that we finally arrived on April 4th... And God I can’t tell you how much this still hurts. Today is the day when, a year ago, my friend Randy decided to leav...
Posted by LuFisto on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:29:00 PST

Random thoughts and updates

Hi there everybody! It’s been a while since I took some time to write about random stuff. It’s now time for me to get back on track and get back to good old me... And why not in a better...
Posted by LuFisto on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 07:45:00 PST

Thanx Danyah... Another test! LOL

What was the highlight of your week? Lost 2 pounds, 2% of fat and 2 inches around my tights! Who’s car were you in lastMy fine black Mazda 3! When is the next time you will kiss someone? Hu...
Posted by LuFisto on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:46:00 PST

Bored again... Another Test Stolen from Danyah! :P

Another test stolen from Danyah... Ahhhh lovely lady with abs of steel, you make my days less boring with those tests! LOL :P [1.] Where was the first time you ever saw the person you like at the mome...
Posted by LuFisto on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 05:33:00 PST

Bored... Stolen from Miss Danyah! :P

Getting to know the women behind the wrestler...Basics:Name: GenevieveNickname: LuFisto, LuFi, Gen, GennyDate of Birth: February 15Birthplace: SorelCurrent Location: MontrealEye Color: Green-brownHair...
Posted by LuFisto on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 05:28:00 PST

A Break Needed: Canceling Dates in March

Dear fans, Sometimes you just have to stop and breath, take the time to evaluate a situation and make very hard decisions. In the past week, that's what I had to do to change my personal life...
Posted by LuFisto on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 05:23:00 PST