SHOPPING, Fashion, sewing, music, performance art, running, psychology, science, kids, TETRIS
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Men with a job, a sense of humor and a sense of responsibility. Artists. Queer, unique, talented, creative, open minded, non-judgemental, intelligent folks. Whole people. People who are in control of their lives. Other FABULOUS people, like, YOU, but, please, NO MORE ALCOHOLICS.I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Yes Please! Everything but country. I know the words, but I can't listen to it without a rush of bad memories.
Life is too short to watch or read the same story more than once (unless its animated), however some movies I would watch again if I had to would include the Indiana Jones series, Back to the Future series, Star Wars (4,5,6), Jacob's Ladder, and more recently, Garden State.
I occasionally tune in the Simpsons during dinner, but since the HBO original series, Six Feet Under, finished and I no longer have cable the television box now operates primarily as a conduit for my children's movies.
Paper things, got words in them, right? Sure, I remember them. Back in the day before my children and the internet I used to read them. Stephen King, Robert Heinlin and Anne Rice were some of my favorite authors. I've recently become reacquainted with them. Check out if you want to know what I'm reading these days. ...
Whose your Vampire personality? (images)
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You scored as Lestat
You are so unashamed of who you are you frighten people. Your hot and you know it. Sometimes you can be a brat but hey gotta love ya! Your Flashy sexy style makes people sit up and notice you.
Deacon Frost
Justice Sandra Day O'Conner, Ann Richards, Oprah, My Dad and Madonna, not necessarily in that order.