Odysseas Konstantinopoulos profile picture

Odysseas Konstantinopoulos


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Member Since: 1/22/2008
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Odysseus Konstantinopoulos was born in Siemianowice , Poland. He studied in the University of Sillesia at Katowise doing his BS in Classical Guitar and his MS in Music Education. In 1982 he moved to Greece and became active in the field of classical and jazz music.He was worked with such artists as : Sarantis Kassaras, Thanos Mikroutsikos, Vaso Dimitriou, Stefanos Dimitriou, Giorgos Bechlivanoglou, Giotis Kiourtsoglou, Wutu Wupatsu, Elli Paspala David Lynch, Stavros Lantsias, Haig Yazdjian, Okay Temiz, Kostas Maginas, Vasilis Rakopoulos, Gregory Tsatsos, Trio Confusion and Duet-Duet, Walfredo Reyes, David Garibaldi. Part of his activities is dedicated to the use of music physhology in the education of children with disabilities :

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Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None