Marko Vesovic profile picture

Marko Vesovic

Mark's Modern Guitar School

About Me

Veliki pozdrav svim gitarskim manijacima!
Svi zainteresovani za casove gitare prilagodjene svim uzrastima i nivoima vestine, mogu da me kontaktiraju na mail [email protected], ili pozovu na broj telefona 062-180-54-07. Prvi cas je besplatan, koji i ukljucuje procenu vaseg trenutnog nivoa vestine. Svaki peti cas dobijate poklon CD nekog koncerta ili video skole.
Takodje, svake poslednje nedelje (dana) u mesecu odrzava se besplatna radionica za ucenike, kao i za one koji zele to da postanu ili se informisu o radu skole. Rezervacija za radionicu je obavezna.
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Many greets to all the guitar maniacs!
Guitar workshop

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guitar workshop

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Guitar Festival

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guitar fest

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My Interests


Member Since: 1/18/2008
Band Members: Trenutno radim sa bendom Lonesome Night! Preslusajte nas materijal na stranici benda!

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Currently working with Lonesome Night! Check out our material there!
Influences: Sva gospoda sa moje Top Friends liste!

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All of the guys on my Top Friends list!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None